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- AbstractAnalyzerDecision<T> - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision
- AbstractMessageFilterMenuItem<T extends MessageInfo> - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.menu
This class is used to display custom menu entries in the backlog menu of the novomind iAGENT Supervisor or Desk frontend.
- AbstractMessageFilterMenuItem(String) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.menu.AbstractMessageFilterMenuItem
Constructs a
with the given name. - AbstractTab - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab
Instances of this class are used to build a custom tab with a name, displayName and an url.
- AbstractTab(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.AbstractTab
Initializes a newly created tab.
- account(Account) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder.StartQuickCase
Sets the account of the quick case.
- Account - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents an Account object
- Account.AccountType - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
This enumeration describes the type of an account.
- AccountConnectorTab - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab
Represents a customized AccountConnectorTab
- AccountConnectorTab(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab.AccountConnectorTab
The path of the customized .xhtml must be inside 'META-INF/views'.
- AccountConnectorTabProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab
is used to provide a customAccountConnectorTab
. - AccountConnectorTabViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.context
provide anAccountModifier
which is used to change the subjacentAccount
}. - AccountModifier - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence
Defines an API to modify an instance of type
- AccountProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider
Represents an object, that has an account
- activateNotification() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleModifier
Set the last save date with notify agents activated to the time of persisting the associated
. - ActiveCall - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
The interface represents an active call existing within the PBX.
- ActiveCallEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
is the basic interface for active call related events. - ActiveCallProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider
Represents an object, that provides an
. - add(RoutingTag...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags.RoutingTagOperationBuilder.WithIssue
With this method the specified routing tags will be added to the issue.
- add(RoutingTag...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags.RoutingTagOperationBuilder.WithIssue.WithRoutingTags
With this method the specified routing tags will be added to the issue.
- addAssignedAddresses(InternetAddress...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence.ContactModifier
Add email addresses to the associated
. - addAssignedCategories(Category...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.AgentGroupModifier
- addAssignedCategories(Category...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ChatBotModifier
Assign the passed categories to the chatbot.
- addAssignedCategories(Category...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.GroupModifier
Assign the group to the passed categories.
- addAssignedCategories(Category...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.SystemGroupModifier
- addAssignedCategories(Category...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleFirstLevelGroupModifier
Assign the textmodule first level group to the passed categories.
- addAssignedCategories(Category...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TransactionCodeModifier
Assign the transaction code to the passed categories.
- addAssignedMessageTemplate(MessageTemplate, MessageTemplateCategoryAssignmentType) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
- addAssignedPhoneNumbers(String...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence.ContactModifier
Add phone numbers to the associated
. - addAssignedPrivileges(GroupPrivilege...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.SystemGroupModifier
Assign the passed privileges to the group.
- addAssignedSystemGroups(SystemGroup...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Assign the category to the passed system groups.
- addAssignedTenants(Tenant...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ExternalRoutingModifier
Assign the
to the passed tenants. - addAssignedTenants(Tenant...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PhoneSystemModifier
Assign the
to the passed tenants. - addAssignedTextModuleFirstLevelGroups(TextModuleFirstLevelGroup...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Assign the category to the passed text module first level groups.
- addAssignedTransactionCodes(TransactionCode...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Assign the category to the passed transaction codes.
- addAssignedUsers(User...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.SystemGroupModifier
Assign the group to the passed users.
- addAttachment(Attachment) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.AgentEditorController
The function can be used to add an existing attachment to the currently selected ticket within the agent folder.
- addAttachment(AttachmentDataSource) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.AgentEditorController
The function can be used to upload an attachment to the iAGENT server and add the attachment to the currently selected ticket within the agent folder.
- addAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ContactIdentifier
Adds a new attribute to the contact identifier.
- addAttributes(String, String...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence.ContactModifier
Add attributes which can be used for identification to the associated
for further information). - addCategoryDecision(CategoryAnalyzerDecision) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult
Adds a CategoryAnalyzerDecision to this IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult even if the Set already contains an equal CategoryAnalyzerDecision.
- addConfirmationTemplateDecision(TemplateAnalyzerDecision) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult
Adds a TemplateAnalyzerDecision for confirmation templates to this IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult even if the Set already contains an equal TemplateAnalyzerDecision.
- addContactAnalyzerDecision(ContactAnalyzerDecision) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult
Adds a ContactAnalyzerDecision to this IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult even if the Set already contains an equal ContactAnalyzerDecision.
- addEmailAddress(InternetAddress) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ContactIdentifier
Adds a new email address to the contact identifier.
- addFrontendMessage(FrontendMessage) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation.FrontendController
This method can be used to add a message to the frontend of the novomind iAGENT app.
- additionalToAddresses(List<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
Sets additional to-addresses of the new ticket.
- additionalToAddresses(List<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder.StartQuickCase
Sets additional to-addresses of the quick case.
- addLanguageDecision(LanguageAnalyzerDecision) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult
Adds a LanguageAnalyzerDecision to this IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult even if the Set already contains an equal LanguageAnalyzerDecision.
- addLanguageSkills(Locale...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Add the passed language skills to the user.
- addLocationDecision(LocationAnalyzerDecision) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult
Adds a LocationAnalyzerDecision to this IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult even if the Set already contains an equal LocationAnalyzerDecision.
- addNote(String, User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ModifiableIssueNotes
The method creates and adds a note to an
If the text is invalid or too long to be stored persistently, aValidationException
will be thrown by the method. - addPhoneNumber(String) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ContactIdentifier
Adds a new phone number to the contact identifier.
- addRoutingTags(RoutingTag...) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Add the passed routing tags to the user.
- addSubMenuItem(MessageFilterMenuItem<T>) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.menu.AbstractMessageFilterMenuItem
Adds a new
to this item. - addSubMenuItem(SubMenuItem) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.SubMenuItem
Adds a new sub menu item to the menu item.
- addSuggestionTemplateDecision(TemplateAnalyzerDecision) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult
Adds a TemplateAnalyzerDecision for suggestion templates to this IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult even if the Set already contains an equal TemplateAnalyzerDecision.
- addToggleEvent(AgentSidebarContent.ToggleEvent) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent
- agent - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceOperationException
- agent - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.AutoTicketInternalForwardOperationFailedException
- agent - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.SupervisorTicketInternalForwardOperationFailedException
- agent - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.AutoTicketRequeueOperationFailedException
- agent - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.SupervisorTicketRequeueOperationFailedException
- agent - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.resubmit.TicketResubmitOperationFailedException
- agent(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.CloseOperationBuilder.WithChat
- agent(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.CloseOperationBuilder.WithTicket
- agent(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.CloseOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithTransactionCode
- agent(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.InternalForwardOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithDueDate
- agent(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.resubmit.ResubmitOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithDueDate
- AGENT - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatStep.ChatStepOrigin
means that the chat step was triggered by the agent
- AgentActionHandler - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action
This handler provides information about the agent's state and functions to perform specific actions for the agent.
- AgentAvailability - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common
Represents the agent availability states for specific module.
- agentAvailabilityChanged(AgentAvailabilityChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.AgentAvailabilityEventListener
Indicates that the availability state of an agent has changed
- AgentAvailabilityChangedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
is an event triggered due to an agent availability change. - AgentAvailabilityEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
is an interface that implements the callback event functions triggered due to agent availability changes. - AgentBacklogMailInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for mails within the agent application displaying inquiries and forwarded or resubmitted tickets for this agent.
- AgentBacklogMessageFilterMenuItem - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.menu
This class is used to display a custom backlog message menu in the novomind iAGENT Desk frontend.
- AgentBacklogMessageFilterMenuItem(String) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.menu.AgentBacklogMessageFilterMenuItem
Constructs an
with the given name. - AgentCallAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.call
This interface represents all agent actions concerning a call.
- AgentCallActionValidationException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
- AgentCallActionValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentCallActionValidationException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - AgentCallActionValidationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentCallActionValidationException
Constructs an
with the specified detail message and an url to be opened within a dialog window instead of a simple error message. - AgentCallActionValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentCallActionValidationException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message and cause. - AgentCallActionValidationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentCallActionValidationException
Constructs a
with the specified cause and a detail message of(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())
(which typically contains the class and detail message ofcause
). - AgentCallActionValidator - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.call
This is an extension point for validation of actions on calls performed by agents.
- AgentCallCloseAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.call
This action represents all call close actions by an agent.
- AgentCallCloseActionViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.dialog
This interface is used to provide view context specific information within the novomind iAGENT Desk application for dialogs opened on call close action validation faults.
- AgentCallInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
provides information about a delivered or establishedActiveCall
that is currently attached to the agent's phone device. - AgentCallQuickCase - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
This interface provides information of a call quick case of an agent.
- AgentCallQuickCaseStartOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase
Represents an operation to start a call quick case for an agent.
- AgentCallQuickCaseStartOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase
This interface represents the result of a successful
- AgentCallRecategorizedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
This event is triggered when a
has been recategorized by an agent. - AgentCategoryVisibility - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.visibilities
This class contains all possible visibilities for the categories in the role agent
- AgentCategoryVisibilityContext - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category
This class represents an agent visibility context for a category
- AgentChatAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.chat
This interface represents all agent actions concerning a chat The interface provides the chat and the user performing the action.
- AgentChatActionValidationException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
Signals that a Validation Exception for an AgentChatAction has occurred.
- AgentChatActionValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentChatActionValidationException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - AgentChatActionValidationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentChatActionValidationException
Constructs an
with the specified detail message and an url to be opened within a dialog window instead of a simple error message. - AgentChatActionValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentChatActionValidationException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message and cause. - AgentChatActionValidationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentChatActionValidationException
Constructs a
with the specified cause and a detail message of(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())
(which typically contains the class and detail message ofcause
). - AgentChatActionValidator - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.chat
This is an extension point for validation of actions on chats performed by agents.
- AgentChatCloseAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.chat
This action is performed when an agent is closing a chat within the novomind iAGENT chat process.
- AgentChatCloseActionViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.chat
This interface is used to provide view context specific information within the novomind iAGENT Chat Agent application for dialogs opened on chat close action validation faults.
- AgentChatClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been closed by an agent.
- AgentChatCloseOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.operation.close
Represents an operation to close a chat as an agent.
- AgentChatCloseOperationFailedException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.operation.close
is thrown by anAgentChatCloseOperation
if the operation execution has failed. - AgentChatCloseOperationFailedException(String, Chat, User) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.operation.close.AgentChatCloseOperationFailedException
- AgentChatCloseOperationFailedException(String, Throwable, Chat, User) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.operation.close.AgentChatCloseOperationFailedException
- AgentChatCloseOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.operation.close
This interface represents the result of a successful
- AgentChatEditorAppearance - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor
This class is used to customize the appearance of the agent's chat editor within the novomind iAGENT Chat Agent application.
- AgentChatEditorAppearanceProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor
is used to customize the appearance of the agent's chat editor. - AgentChatEditorViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for chats opened in the chat agent editor.
- AgentChatInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
This interface provides information about the agent chat pool.
- AgentChatInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for chats within the personal agent's folder.
- AgentChatJoinedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered asynchronously after a chat has been joined by an agent.
- AgentChatQuitEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been quit by an agent.
- AgentChatRecategorizedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been recategorized by an agent.
- AgentChatRequeuedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been queued again after being assigned to an agent.
- AgentChatResubmittedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been resubmitted by an agent.
- AgentChatRoutedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been routed to an agent.
- AgentChatSession - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
AgentChatSession represents the chat session of an agent.
- AgentChatUploadAttachmentAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.chat
This action is performed when an agent is uploading an attachment to a chat within the novomind iAGENT chat process.
- AgentDevice - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
is a hard phone or soft phone or any other device providing capabilities to accept calls. - AgentDeviceControlConnector - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call
is an interface to provide additional functionality to control a remote agent device within the novomind iAGENT routing process. - AgentDeviceEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
is an event related to aConnectedAgentDevice
- AgentDeviceEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
is an interface that implements the callback event functions triggered due to agent device events. - AgentDeviceLoginException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
Signals that an exception has occurred during agent device login procedure.
- AgentDeviceLoginException(String, int, ConnectedAgentDevice) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceLoginException
- AgentDeviceLoginException(String, int, User, String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceLoginException
- AgentDeviceLoginException(String, int, User, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceLoginException
- AgentDeviceLoginException(String, AgentDeviceLoginException.Reason, ConnectedAgentDevice) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceLoginException
- AgentDeviceLoginException(String, AgentDeviceLoginException.Reason, User, String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceLoginException
- AgentDeviceLoginException(String, AgentDeviceLoginException.Reason, User, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceLoginException
- AgentDeviceLoginException.Reason - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
The reasons for agent device login faults
- AgentDeviceLoginRequest - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request
provides all credentials for an agent to log in on a device. - AgentDeviceLoginResult - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.result
provides all information about the successful agent login on an agent device. - AgentDeviceLoginResult(AgentDevice) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.result.AgentDeviceLoginResult
- AgentDeviceOperationException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
Signals that an exception has occurred during agent device operation.
- AgentDeviceOperationException(String, int, ConnectedAgentDevice) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceOperationException
- AgentDeviceOperationException(String, int, User, String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceOperationException
- AgentDeviceOperationException(String, int, User, String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceOperationException
- AgentDeviceState - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common
This interface provides information about the agent device state.
- agentDeviceStateChanged(AgentDeviceStateChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.AgentDeviceStateEventListener
Indicates that the state of an
has changed - AgentDeviceStateChangedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
is an event triggered due to a state change of anAgentDevice
The event is triggered by the novomind iAGENT routing process. - AgentDeviceStateEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
is an interface that implements the callback event functions triggered due to agent device state changes. - AgentDraftMailInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for draft mails within the Agent application only
- AgentDraftMessage - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
Represents a
in the personal drafts folder of an agent. - AgentDraftMessageInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
object provides information about anAgentDraftMessage
. - AgentEditorController - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend
This interface is used to provide specific functions to be called on the currently active agent's editor for the selected message.
- AgentEditorControllerProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.provider
Represents an object that "knows" or can provide a
- AgentEditorMailInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.mailinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information within the iAGENT agent application only, for mails within the personal agent's folder.
- AgentExternalForwardMessageSentAndTicketClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent to an external recipient by an agent within the novomind iAGENT core process and the ticket has been closed.
- AgentExternalForwardMessageSentAndTicketForwardedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent to an external recipient by an agent within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AgentExternalForwardMessageSentAndTicketKeptEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent to an external recipient by an agent within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AgentExternalInquiryMessageSentTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent to an external recipient due to an inquiry operation triggered by an agent within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AgentFolderInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
This interface provides information about the agent folder.
- AgentGroup - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents an AgentGroup object
- AgentGroupModifier - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence
- AgentHomeTab - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.home
Instances of this class are used as return values of
to display custom tabs in the home section of the novomind iAGENT Desk UI. - AgentHomeTab(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.home.AgentHomeTab
Initializes a newly created
- AgentHomeTabBehavior - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.home
The interface defines several behaviors of an
- AgentHomeTabBehavior(AgentHomeTabBehavior.SelectionType) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.home.AgentHomeTabBehavior
- AgentHomeTabBehavior.SelectionType - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.home
- AgentHomeTabProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.home
is used to provide a customAgentHomeTab
in the home section of the novomind iAGENT Desk UI. - AgentHomeViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.home
This interface provides information and functionality for view context sensitive data and operations to render an
. - AgentIncomingCallInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
provides information about a delivered or establishedIncomingCall
that is currently attached to the agent's phone device. - AgentInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
An AgentInfo is the interface to get non persistent informations of agent user entities.
- AgentInfoHandler - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
Handler to access non persistent agent information.
- AgentIntermediateMessageSentTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when an intermediate message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent by an agent within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AgentInternalForwardedTicketRoutedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been routed to an agent due to an internal forward operation by another agent.
- AgentLoginState - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common
This interface provides information about the agent login state at the novomind iAGENT Desk.
- agentLoginStateChanged(AgentLoginStateChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.AgentLoginStateEventListener
Indicates that the login state of an agent has changed.
- AgentLoginStateChangedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
is an event triggered due to an agent login state change. - AgentLoginStateEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
is an interface that implements the callback event functions triggered due to agent login state changes. - AgentMailEditorAppearance - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor
This class is used to customize the appearance of the agent's mail editor within the novomind iAGENT Desk application.
- AgentMailEditorAppearanceProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor
is used to customize the appearance of the agent's editor. - AgentMailEditorTextModuleListManipulator - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor
is used to manipulate the list of text module first level group items offered to an agent within the novomind iAGENT Desk editor. - AgentMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor
provides all information to manipulate the List of text module first level group items offered to an agent in the novomind iAGENT Desk mail editor. - AgentMailEditorViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor
This interface is used to provide view context specific information within the novomind iAGENT Desk application, for mails selected within the personal agent's folder and displayed within the agent's editor.
- AgentMailInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for mails within the personal agent's folder.
- AgentMessage - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
Represents a
in the personal folder of an agent. - AgentMessageDeselectedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.event
This event is triggered when a message in the agent's personal inbox folder of the novomind iAGENT Desk has been deselected by an agent.
- AgentMessageFilterMenuItemProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.menu
is used to build a custom menu to display a view of filtered messages in the novomind iAGENT Desk frontend. - AgentMessageFilterMenuViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.menu
This interface provides information and view context sensitive data to display a
in the novomind iAGENT Desk. - AgentMessageInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
object provides information about anAgentMessage
. - agentMessageInfos() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentFolderInfo
Returns a sequential
over the agent folder containingAgentMessageInfo
elements as its source. - AgentMessageSelectedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.event
This event is triggered when a message has been selected by an agent in the agent's personal inbox folder of the novomind iAGENT Desk.
- agentMessageSelectionChanged(AgentMessageDeselectedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.event.AgentMessageSelectionEventListener
This more specific method is called when a message has been deselected by an agent in the agent's personal inbox folder of the novomind iAGENT Desk or a previously selected message is no longer selected by an agent.
- agentMessageSelectionChanged(AgentMessageSelectedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.event.AgentMessageSelectionEventListener
This more specific method is called when a message has been selected by an agent in the agent's personal inbox folder of the novomind iAGENT Desk.
- agentMessageSelectionChanged(AgentMessageSelectionChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.event.AgentMessageSelectionEventListener
This method is called when the selection of a message in the agent's personal inbox folder of the novomind iAGENT Desk has changed.
- AgentMessageSelectionChangedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.event
This event is triggered when a message has been selected or deselected by an agent in the agent's personal inbox folder of the novomind iAGENT Desk.
- AgentMessageSelectionEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.event
is an interface that implements the event functions to be called on message selection changes triggered by the agent in the novomind iAGENT Desk process and processed in the novomind iAGENT routing process. - AgentMessageSentAndTicketClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent by an agent within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AgentOutgoingCallInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
provides information about a delivered or establishedOutgoingCall
that is currently attached to the agent's phone device. - AgentOutgoingChatStepSentEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.listener
This event is triggered asynchronously when an outgoing message chatstep has been sent by an agent.
- AgentOutgoingMailInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for sent mails within the Agent application only
- AgentOutgoingMessageFilterMenuItem - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.menu
This class is used to display a custom outgoing message menu in the novomind iAGENT Desk frontend.
- AgentOutgoingMessageFilterMenuItem(String) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.menu.AgentOutgoingMessageFilterMenuItem
Constructs an
with the given name. - AgentPauseState - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common
This interface provides information about the agent pause state and also provides the optional
when an agent is paused. - agentPauseStateChanged(AgentPauseStateChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.AgentPauseStateEventListener
Indicates that the pause state of an agent has changed
- AgentPauseStateChangedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
is an event triggered due to a agent pause state change. - AgentPauseStateEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
is an interface that implements the callback event functions triggered due to agent pause state changes. - AgentPhoneSystemInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
provides thePhoneSystem
that has been used to connect the phone device of an agent during the agent's login procedure. - AgentPhoneTicketCreatedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process when a phone ticket has been created.
- AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorAppearance - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor
This class is used to customize the appearance of the agent's mail editor for a PhoneTicket within the novomind iAGENT Desk application.
- AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor
provides all information to manipulate the list of text module first level group items offered to an agent in the novomind iAGENT Desk mail editor for a phone ticket. - AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor
This interface is used to provide view context specific information within the novomind iAGENT Desk application, for the agent's editor displayed for a PhoneTicket.
- AgentPhoneTicketMailInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for mails within the agent application displaying a phone ticket for this agent.
- AgentPostProcessingState - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common
This interface provides information about the agent post processing state and also provides the optional
object regarding to this post processing time. - agentPostProcessingStateChanged(AgentPostProcessingStateChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.AgentPostProcessingStateEventListener
Indicates that the post processing state of an agent has changed
- AgentPostProcessingStateChangedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
is an event triggered due to a agent post processing state change. - AgentPostProcessingStateEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
is an interface that implements the callback event functions triggered due to agent post processing state changes. - AgentPreSendExternalForwardMessageAndCloseTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when the associated ticket has been closed by an agent and an external message is about to be sent to an external recipient within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AgentPreSendExternalForwardMessageAndForwardTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when an external message is about to be sent to an external recipient within the novomind iAGENT core process due to an external forward operation of the associated ticket by an agent.
- AgentPreSendExternalForwardMessageAndKeepTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when an external message is about to be sent to an external recipient within the novomind iAGENT core process due to an external forward operation of the associated ticket by an agent.
- AgentPreSendExternalInquiryMessageTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when an external message is about to be sent to an external recipient within the novomind iAGENT core process due to an inquiry operation of the associated ticket by an agent.
- AgentPreSendIntermediateMessageTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when an intermediate message associated with a ticket is about to be sent by an agent within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AgentPreSendMessageAndCloseTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a message associated with a ticket is about to be sent by an agent within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AgentQueuedCallInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
provides information about a delivered or establishedQueuedCall
that is currently attached to the agent's phone device. - AgentQuickCase - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
This interface provides information of a quick case of an agent.
- AgentQuickCaseCancelOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase
Represents an operation to cancel a quick case for an agent.
- AgentQuickCaseCancelOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase
This interface represents the result of a successful
- AgentQuickCaseMailEditorAppearance - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor
This class is used to customize the appearance of the agent's mail editor for a QuickCase within the novomind iAGENT Desk application.
- AgentQuickCaseMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor
provides all information to manipulate the list of text module first level group items offered to an agent in the novomind iAGENT Desk mail editor for a quick case. - AgentQuickCaseMailEditorViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor
This interface is used to provide view context specific information within the novomind iAGENT Desk application, for the agent's editor displayed for a QuickCase.
- AgentQuickCaseMailInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for mails within the agent application displaying a quick case tickets for this agent.
- AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase
This interface provides specific builders to build operations to start and cancel a quick case for an agent.
- AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder.StartQuickCase - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase
- AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder.StartQuickCase.AsCallQuickCase - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase
- AgentQuickCaseStartOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase
Represents an operation to start a quick case for an agent.
- AgentQuickCaseStartOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase
This interface represents the result of a successful
- AgentQuickCaseTicketAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This interface represents all agent actions concerning a quick case The interface provides the Ticket and the User performing the action.
- AgentQuickCaseTicketCreateAndCloseAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action is performed when an agent is creating a quick case and closing it without answer within the novomind iAGENT Desk process.
- AgentQuickCaseTicketCreateAndKeepAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action is performed when an agent is creating a quick case and keeping it in his personal inbox within the novomind iAGENT Desk process.
- AgentQuickCaseTicketCreateAndRouteAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action is performed when an agent is creating a quick case and forwarding it to be routed within the novomind iAGENT Desk process.
- AgentQuickCaseTicketCreatedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process when a quick case ticket has been created.
- AgentQuickCaseTicketCreateSendAndCloseAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action is performed when an agent is creating a quick case with an answer to be sent and closing it within the novomind iAGENT Desk process.
- AgentResubmittedTicketRoutedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been routed to an agent due to a previous resubmit operation that has been triggered by the agent itself and has exceeded its due date.
- AgentSidebarContent - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar
Represents a custom sidebar to be displayed within an iframe in the novomind iAGENT Desk and also within the novomind iAGENT Chat frontend.
- AgentSidebarContent(String) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent
- AgentSidebarContent.ToggleEvent - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar
Defines toggle events to open or close the sidebar automatically, when the specified event occurs.
- AgentSidebarContentProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar
is used to provide a customAgentSidebarContent
in the novomind iAGENT Desk and novomind iAGENT Chat frontend. - AgentSidebarViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar
This interface provides information and functionality for view context sensitive data and operations to render an
. - AgentTenantVisibility - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.visibilities
This class contains all possible visibilities for the tenants in the role agent
- AgentTenantVisibilityContext - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context
This class represents an agent visibility context for a tenant
- AgentTicketAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This interface represents all agent actions concerning a ticket The interface provides the Ticket and the User performing the action.
- AgentTicketActionValidationException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception
- AgentTicketActionValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.AgentTicketActionValidationException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message. - AgentTicketActionValidationException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.AgentTicketActionValidationException
Constructs an
with the specified detail message and an url to be opened within a dialog window instead of a simple error message. - AgentTicketActionValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.AgentTicketActionValidationException
Constructs a
with the specified detail message and cause. - AgentTicketActionValidationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.AgentTicketActionValidationException
Constructs a
with the specified cause and a detail message of(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())
(which typically contains the class and detail message ofcause
). - AgentTicketActionValidator - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.validator
This is an extension point for validation of actions on tickets performed by agents.
- AgentTicketAnsweredClearanceRequiredEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered by an agent and now is waiting for clearance before being sent.
- AgentTicketAnsweredEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered by an agent and now is waiting to be sent to the customer in the next step.
- AgentTicketClearanceRequiredEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a previously assigned ticket changes the state to
. - AgentTicketCloseAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action represents all ticket close actions by an agent.
- AgentTicketCloseActionViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.dialog
This interface is used to provide view context specific information within the novomind iAGENT Desk application for dialogs opened on ticket close action validation faults.
- AgentTicketClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been closed by an agent within the novomind iAGENT Desk process without being answered.
- AgentTicketCloseNoAnswerAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action is performed when an agent is closing the ticket without answer within the novomind iAGENT Desk process.
- AgentTicketCloseOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
Represents an operation to close a ticket as an agent.
- AgentTicketCloseOperationFailedException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
is thrown by anAgentTicketCloseOperation
if the operation execution has failed. - AgentTicketCloseOperationFailedException(String, Ticket, User) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.AgentTicketCloseOperationFailedException
- AgentTicketCloseOperationFailedException(String, Throwable, Ticket, User) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.AgentTicketCloseOperationFailedException
- AgentTicketCloseOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
This interface represents the result of a successful
- AgentTicketForwardAndCloseAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action is performed when an agent is forwarding and closing a ticket without answer within the novomind iAGENT Desk process.
- AgentTicketForwardAndMultiCloseAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action is performed when an agent is forwarding a ticket and closing the ticket and related tickets without answer within the novomind iAGENT Desk process.
- AgentTicketForwardedAndClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been forwarded and closed by an agent within the novomind iAGENT Desk process without being answered.
- AgentTicketInternalForwardedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been internally forwarded by an agent to another agent manually within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
- AgentTicketManuallyRoutedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been pulled by an agent manually within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
- AgentTicketMultiCloseAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action represents all ticket close actions by an agent which also closed tickets related to the closed ticket.
- AgentTicketMultiCloseNoAnswerAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action is performed when an agent is closing a ticket and related tickets without answer within the novomind iAGENT Desk process.
- AgentTicketRecategorizeAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action represents a ticket recategorize action by an agent.
- AgentTicketRecategorizedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been recategorized by an agent.
- AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionsValidationException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception
- AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionsValidationException(String, Throwable, Map<AgentTicketCloseNoAnswerAction, AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionValidationException>) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionsValidationException
Constructs an
with the specified detail message and cause. - AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionsValidationException(String, Map<AgentTicketCloseNoAnswerAction, AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionValidationException>) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionsValidationException
Constructs an
with the specified detail message. - AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionsValidationException(Throwable, Map<AgentTicketCloseNoAnswerAction, AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionValidationException>) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionsValidationException
Constructs an
with the specified cause and a detail message of(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())
(which typically contains the class and detail message ofcause
). - AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionValidationException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception
- AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionValidationException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionValidationException
Constructs an
with the specified detail message. - AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionValidationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionValidationException
Constructs an
with the specified detail message and cause. - AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionValidationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionValidationException
Constructs an
with the specified cause and a detail message of(cause==null ? null : cause.toString())
(which typically contains the class and detail message ofcause
). - AgentTicketRequeuedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process when a previously assigned ticket has been queued again by the same agent, that had been assigned to the ticket.
- AgentTicketResubmittedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been resubmitted by an agent manually within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
- AgentTicketSendAndCloseAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action is performed when an agent is sending the answer to a ticket within the novomind iAGENT Desk process.
- AgentTicketSendAndCloseActionViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.dialog
This interface is used to provide view context specific information within the novomind iAGENT Desk application for dialogs opened on ticket send and close action validation faults.
- AgentTicketSendAndMultiCloseAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action is performed when an agent is sending the answer to a ticket and closing the ticket and related tickets within the novomind iAGENT Desk process.
- AgentTicketSendIntermediateAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action is performed when an agent is sending an intermediate reply to a ticket within the novomind iAGENT Desk process.
- AgentTicketUploadAttachmentAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
This action is performed when an agent is uploading an attachment within the novomind iAGENT Desk process.
- AgentVisibilityHandler - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility
This handler provides the visibility information for online agents.
- alert() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification.UserNotificationOperationBuilder
This method returns a UserNotificationOperationBuilder.Alert instance which is able to set the different parameters for building a user notification by an alert inline popup window.
- AlertUserNotificationOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification
Represents an operation to display an alert window notification to a user.
- ALL_CATEGORIES - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User.CategoryMode
All categories will be available for the user
- allowAssignTags() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of assigning tags.
- allowAssignTags() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of assigning tags.
- allowBlock() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of blocking.
- allowCloseWithoutAnswer() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of closing a message without sending a message as answer by manual choice of the agent.
- allowCreateAndClose() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the create and close feature for the PhoneTicket.
- allowCreateAndClose() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentQuickCaseMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the create and close feature for the QuickCase.
- allowCreateAndEnqueue() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the create and enqueue feature for the PhoneTicket.
- allowCreateAndEnqueue() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentQuickCaseMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the create and enqueue feature for the QuickCase.
- allowCreateAndKeep() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the create and keep feature for the PhoneTicket.
- allowCreateAndKeep() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentQuickCaseMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the create and keep feature for the QuickCase.
- allowCreateAndSend() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the create and send feature for the PhoneTicket.
- allowCreateAndSend() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentQuickCaseMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the create and send feature for the QuickCase.
- allowCreateTicket() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of creating a ticket.
- allowExternalForwardAndClose() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of externally forwarding a message and closing the ticket.
- allowExternalForwardAndKeep() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of externally forwarding a message and keep the message in the agent's personal inbox to continue processing the ticket.
- allowExternalForwardAndProcess() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of externally forwarding and processing a message.
- allowExternalInquiry() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of sending an external inquiry message.
- allowForward() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of forwarding.
- allowPrint() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of printing.
- allowRecategorize() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of recategorization.
- allowResubmit() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of resubmission.
- allowSave() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of saving.
- allowSendAfterClearance() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of sending a message as answer and requesting a clearance authorization by manual choice of the agent.
- allowSendAndQuitAfterDelay() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of sending and quitting after a delay.
- allowSendFiles() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of sending files.
- allowSendIntermediateReply() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and allows the feature of sending an intermediate reply message.
- ALTERNATIVE - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageTemplateCategoryAssignmentType
Means that the
can be used as alternative template for the category. - analyzeIncomingMessage(IncomingMessageAnalyzerInput) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.IncomingMessageAnalyzer
The method is called after the message has been received but before it is pushed to the central backlog.
- AnalyzerDecision<T> - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision
A AnalyzerDecision made by an implementor of
- answer(ConnectedAgentDevice) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call.AgentDeviceControlConnector
Answer an alerting call on the agent device.
- ANSWERED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.TicketState
The ticket has been answered and the answered message is waiting to be sent.
- AnswerType - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
The AnswerType specifies the different operation types available during outgoing message processing.
- App - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents an App object
- AppProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider
Represents an object, that can provide an app
- ArchiveAccessCallInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for calls, that are not present in the backlog any more and are accessed by a database or archive lookup.
- ArchiveAccessChatInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for chats, that have been retrieved directly via an archive access.
- ArchiveAccessMailInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for tickets, that has been retrieved directly via an archive access.
- asCallQuickCase() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder.StartQuickCase
Converts the quick case into a call quick case.
- ASSIGNED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.RoutingWorkItemState
The routing decision for the
is done. - ASSIGNED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.TicketState
The ticket has been assigned to an agent and the message has been delivered to the agent's folder.
- ASSIGNED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.visibilities.AgentTenantVisibility
Show only the tenants, that are assigned to the users groups.
- ASSIGNED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.visibilities.SupervisorTenantVisibility
Show only the tenants, that are assigned to the users groups.
- ASSIGNED_AND_ORPHANS - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.visibilities.SupervisorTenantVisibility
Show the tenants, that are assigned to the users groups and also all tenants that aren't assigned to any group.
- ASSIGNED_CATEGORIES - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User.CategoryMode
Only the assigned categories of this user will be available for the user
- Attachment - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
An Attachment is a common facade for all types of attachments.
- AttachmentDataSource - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
An AttachmentDataSource provides information and access to the binary data of an attachment.
- AttachmentDataSourceProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider
An AttachmentDataSourceProvider is used to retrieve attachments from external sources as document management systems or CRM systems.
- AttachmentFilterContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.attachments
The AttachmentFilterContext has all required information to provide a list of suitable attachments for the current issue and the current user.
- AttachmentIOException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
Signals that an exception has occurred accessing the InputStream of an AttachmentDataSource.
- AttachmentIOException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AttachmentIOException
- AttachmentIOException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AttachmentIOException
- AttachmentIOException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AttachmentIOException
- AttachmentListManipulator - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.attachments
An AttachmentListManipulator is used to manipulate the list of attachments that can be selected and attached by the agent.
- AttachmentNotFoundException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
Signals that a permanent error has occurred accessing the InputStream of an AttachmentDataSource.
- AttachmentNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AttachmentNotFoundException
- AttachmentNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AttachmentNotFoundException
- AttachmentNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AttachmentNotFoundException
- attachments(List<String>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
Adds attachments to the message that will be created for the new ticket.
- AttachmentTemporaryNotAvailableException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
Signals that an temporary error has occurred accessing the InputStream of an AttachmentDataSource.
- AttachmentTemporaryNotAvailableException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AttachmentTemporaryNotAvailableException
- AttachmentTemporaryNotAvailableException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AttachmentTemporaryNotAvailableException
- AttachmentTemporaryNotAvailableException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AttachmentTemporaryNotAvailableException
- AttachmentValidator - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator
This is an extension point for validation of attachments that are supposed to be uploaded.
- auto() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.InternalForwardOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithDueDate.WithAgent
- auto() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.RecategorizationOperationBuilder.WithCall.WithCategory
- auto() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.RecategorizationOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithCategory
- auto() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.RequeueOperationBuilder.WithTicket
- auto() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags.RoutingTagOperationBuilder.WithIssue.WithRoutingTags
- AutoCallRecategorizationOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization
Represents an operation to recategorize a
automatically. - AutoCallRecategorizationOperationFailedException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization
is thrown by anAutoCallRecategorizationOperation
if the operation execution has failed. - AutoCallRecategorizationOperationFailedException(String, Call, Category, Category) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.AutoCallRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- AutoCallRecategorizationOperationFailedException(String, Throwable, Call, Category, Category) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.AutoCallRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- AutoCallRecategorizationOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization
This interface represents the result of a successful
- AutoCallRecategorizedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
This event is triggered when a
has been recategorized automatically. - AutoExternalForwardMessageSentAndTicketClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent to an external recipient due to an automatic external forward and close operation within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AutoExternalForwardMessageSentAndTicketForwardedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent to an external recipient due to an automatic external forward operation within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AutoIntermediateMessageSentTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when automatic intermediate reply message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AutoInternalForwardedTicketRoutedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been routed to an agent due to an automatically triggered internal forward operation.
- AutoMessageSentAndTicketClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when an automatically generated message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent and the associated ticket has been closed within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AutoPreSendExternalForwardMessageAndCloseTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when the associated ticket has been closed automatically and an external message is about to be sent to an external recipient within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AutoPreSendExternalForwardMessageAndForwardTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when an external message is about to be sent to an external recipient automatically within the novomind iAGENT core process due to an automatic external forward operation of the associated ticket.
- AutoPreSendIntermediateMessageTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when automatic intermediate reply message associated with a ticket is about to be sent within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AutoPreSendMessageAndCloseTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when an automatically generated message associated with a ticket is about to be sent and the associated ticket is about to be closed within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- AutoResubmittedTicketRoutedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been routed to an agent due to a previous resubmit operation that has been triggered automatically and has exceeded its due date.
- AutoRoutingTagOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags
Represents an operation to change the routing tags of an issue.
- AutoRoutingTagOperationFailedException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags
is thrown by anAutoRoutingTagOperation
if the operation execution has failed. - AutoRoutingTagOperationFailedException(String, Issue) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags.AutoRoutingTagOperationFailedException
- AutoRoutingTagOperationFailedException(String, Throwable, Issue) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags.AutoRoutingTagOperationFailedException
- AutoRoutingTagOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags
This interface represents the result of a successful
- AutoTicketAnsweredClearanceRequiredEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered automatically and now is waiting for clearance before being sent.
- AutoTicketAnsweredEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered automatically and now is waiting to be sent to the customer in the next step.
- AutoTicketClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been closed automatically e.g.
- AutoTicketForwardedAndClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been forwarded and closed automatically e.g.
- AutoTicketInternalForwardedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been internally forwarded automatically within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
- AutoTicketInternalForwardOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward
Represents an operation to internally forward a ticket automatically.
- AutoTicketInternalForwardOperationFailedException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward
is thrown by anAutoTicketInternalForwardOperation
if the operation execution has failed. - AutoTicketInternalForwardOperationFailedException(String, Ticket, User) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.AutoTicketInternalForwardOperationFailedException
- AutoTicketInternalForwardOperationFailedException(String, Throwable, Ticket, User) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.AutoTicketInternalForwardOperationFailedException
- AutoTicketInternalForwardOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward
This interface represents the result of a successful
- AutoTicketRecategorizationOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization
Represents an operation to recategorize a ticket automatically.
- AutoTicketRecategorizationOperationFailedException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization
is thrown by anAutoTicketRecategorizationOperation
if the operation execution has failed. - AutoTicketRecategorizationOperationFailedException(String, Ticket, Category, Category) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.AutoTicketRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- AutoTicketRecategorizationOperationFailedException(String, Throwable, Ticket, Category, Category) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.AutoTicketRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- AutoTicketRecategorizationOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization
This interface represents the result of a successful
- AutoTicketRecategorizedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been recategorized automatically.
- AutoTicketRequeuedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process when a previously assigned ticket has been queued again automatically.
- AutoTicketRequeueOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue
Represents an operation to re-queue a ticket automatically.
- AutoTicketRequeueOperationFailedException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue
is thrown by anAutoTicketRequeueOperation
if the operation execution has failed. - AutoTicketRequeueOperationFailedException(String, Ticket, User) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.AutoTicketRequeueOperationFailedException
- AutoTicketRequeueOperationFailedException(String, Throwable, Ticket, User) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.AutoTicketRequeueOperationFailedException
- AutoTicketRequeueOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue
This interface represents the result of a successful
- AutoTicketResubmittedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been resubmitted automatically within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
- AutoTicketRoutedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been routed automatically to an agent.
- BacklogCallInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
object provides information about aCall
in the backlog. - BacklogCallInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for calls in the backlog
- BacklogChatInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog
A BacklogChatInfo provides non persistent information for a chat in the backlog.
- BacklogChatInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for backlog chats
- BacklogHandler<T extends Issue> - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog
This handler provides access to issues within the backlog in the novomind iAGENT routing process.
- BacklogMailInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for backlog mails
- BacklogMessage - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
Represents a
in the central backlog. - BacklogMessageInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
object provides information about aBacklogMessage
. - bccAddresses(List<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
Sets the bcc-addresses of the new ticket.
- bccAddresses(List<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder.StartQuickCase
Sets the bcc-addresses of the quick case.
- BODY - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleFirstLevelGroup.Classification
body classification
- BOLD - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.connector.CustomChatChannelMessageFormatElement
- BOOLEAN - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage.ValueType
- BotChatClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been closed by a bot.
- BotChatRecategorizedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been recategorized by a bot.
- BotChatRequeuedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been queued again after being assigned to a bot.
- BotChatRoutedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been routed to a bot.
- BotChatSession - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
BotChatSession represents the chat session of a chatbot.
- BotOutgoingChatStepSentEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.listener
This event is triggered asynchronously when an outgoing message chatstep has been sent by a chatbot.
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired.CreateAndClose
Builds the
for the given parameters. - build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired.CreateAndEnqueue
Builds the
for the given parameters. - build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired.CreateAndSend
Builds the
for the given parameters. - build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification.UserNotificationOperationBuilder.Alert.WithMessage
Builds the
for the given parameters. - build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification.UserNotificationOperationBuilder.Desktop.WithMessage
Builds the
for the given parameters. - build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification.UserNotificationOperationBuilder.Growl.WithMessage
Builds the
for the given parameters. - build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder.StartQuickCase.AsCallQuickCase
Builds the
for the given parameters. - build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder.StartQuickCase
Builds the
for the given parameters. - build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.CloseOperationBuilder.WithChat.AsAgent
Builds the AgentChatCloseOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.CloseOperationBuilder.WithChat.AsSupervisor
Builds the SupervisorChatCloseOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.CloseOperationBuilder.WithTicket.AsAgent
Builds the AgentTicketCloseOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.CloseOperationBuilder.WithTicket.AsSupervisor
Builds the SupervisorTicketCloseOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.CloseOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithTransactionCode.AsAgent
Builds the AgentTicketCloseOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.CloseOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithTransactionCode.AsSupervisor
Builds the SupervisorTicketCloseOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.InternalForwardOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithDueDate.WithAgent.AsSupervisor
Builds the SupervisorTicketInternalForwardOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.InternalForwardOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithDueDate.WithAgent.Auto
Builds the AutoTicketInternalForwardOperationBuilder for the given parameters
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.RecategorizationOperationBuilder.WithCall.WithCategory.AsSupervisor
Builds the SupervisorCallRecategorizationOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.RecategorizationOperationBuilder.WithCall.WithCategory.Auto
Builds the AutoCallRecategorizationOperation for the given parameters
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.RecategorizationOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithCategory.AsSupervisor
Builds the SupervisorTicketRecategorizationOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.RecategorizationOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithCategory.Auto
Builds the AutoTicketRecategorizationOperation for the given parameters
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.RequeueOperationBuilder.WithTicket.AsSupervisor
Builds the SupervisorTicketRequeueOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.RequeueOperationBuilder.WithTicket.Auto
Builds the AutoTicketRequeueOperation for the given parameters
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.resubmit.ResubmitOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithDueDate
Builds the TicketResubmitOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.resubmit.ResubmitOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithDueDate.WithAgent
Builds the TicketResubmitOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags.RoutingTagOperationBuilder.WithIssue.WithRoutingTags.AsSupervisor
Builds the SupervisorRoutingTagOperation
- build() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags.RoutingTagOperationBuilder.WithIssue.WithRoutingTags.Auto
Builds the AutoRoutingTagOperation for the given parameters
- BusinessHour - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents a business hour object
- BusinessHourInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
A BusinessHourInfo is the interface to get non persistent informations of
entities. - BusinessHourInfoHandler - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
Handler to access non persistent business hour information.
This handler is only available in the novomind iAGENT routing process. - BusinessTimeSlot - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents a business hour time slot object
- BUSY - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.FinishQueuedCallRequest.FinishCause
The call is finished due to a lack of resources (lines, agents, etc.)
- BUSY - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallFinishedEvent.FinishCause
The call has been finished because the call could not be connected within a specified time period, because no suitable agent had been available or an agent has declined the call during delivery.
- BUSY - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallDeliveryFailedEvent.FailCause
The call could not be connected, because the target device is busy or the target has declined the call.
- BUSY - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallRedirectFailedEvent.FailCause
The call could not be redirected, because the external target is busy or the target has declined the call.
- BUSY - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.PhoneDeviceState
The phone device is connected and busy.
- call - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.AutoCallRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- call - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.SupervisorCallRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- call(Call) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder.StartQuickCase.AsCallQuickCase
Sets the call of the call quick case.
- call(Call) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.RecategorizationOperationBuilder
- call(Long) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.RecategorizationOperationBuilder
- Call - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
- CallBacklogHandler - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog
This handler provides access to all
objects in the backlog associated with aQueuedCall
and created by the IVR. - CallChangedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
can be triggered, when anActiveCall
has changed without any change of theCallState
. - CallDeliveredEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
is triggered, when a call is ringing (alerting) on an agent device. - CallEstablishedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
is triggered, when a call has been established on an agent device. - CallEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
This interface represents all events concerning a
The interface provides theCall
object. - CallFinishedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
is triggered, when a call has been disconnected and finished. - CallFinishedEvent.FinishCause - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
Represents all types of finish causes for calls.
- CallFinishedEvent.FinishOrigin - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
Represents the origin that finished the call.
- CallHandler - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog
This handler provides access to all currently active
objects including calls associated with aQueuedCall
and also anIncomingCall
. - callId - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.CallNotFoundException
- callId - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.CallOperationException
- callId(Long) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
Sets the id of the call to be associated with the new ticket.
- CallInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
object provides additional information about aCall
. - CallInfoTab - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo
Instances of this class are used as return values of
to define and display custom tabs in the call info view (Supervisor and Agent) - CallInfoTab(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo.CallInfoTab
Initializes a newly created
- CallInfoTabProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo
is used to build a custom call info tab. - CallInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo
This interface provides information and functionality for view context sensitive data and operations.
- CallNotFoundException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
Signals that a specified call does not exist or could not be found.
- CallNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.CallNotFoundException
- CallNotFoundException(String, String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.CallNotFoundException
- CallOperationException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
Signals that an exception has occurred during an operation on a call.
- CallOperationException(String, String, int) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.CallOperationException
- CallOperationException(String, String, int, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.CallOperationException
- CallOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation
This interface represents the result of a successful call operation.
- CallProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider
Represents an object, that provides a
- CallRecategorizationOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.recategorization
This interface represents the result of a successful recategorization operation on a
. - callRecategorized(AgentCallRecategorizedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallRecategorizedEventListener
This more specific method is called after a call has been recategorized by an agent.
- callRecategorized(AutoCallRecategorizedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallRecategorizedEventListener
This more specific method is called after a call has been recategorized automatically.
- callRecategorized(CallRecategorizedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallRecategorizedEventListener
This method is called after a
has been recategorized. - callRecategorized(SupervisorCallRecategorizedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallRecategorizedEventListener
This more specific method is called after a call has been recategorized by a supervisor.
- callRecategorized(UserCallRecategorizedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallRecategorizedEventListener
This more specific method is called after a call has been recategorized by an user.
- CallRecategorizedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
This event is triggered when a call has been recategorized.
- CallRecategorizedEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow
This interface is an extension point to take any action after a
has been recategorized automatically or by an agent or supervisor. - CallRedirectedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
is triggered, when a call has been transferred to an external target which is not a connected agent device within the novomind iAGENT application. - CallRoutingConnector - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call
is an interface to provide call related functions of a remote PBX and also event handling by adding event listeners to react to specific call events within the novomind iAGENT routing process. - CallRoutingEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
is an interface that implements the callback event functions to be handled by aCallRoutingConnector
. - CallRoutingInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
The interface
provides additional information about the routing of aCall
. - CallState - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
Represents all types of call states.
- callStateChanged(CallDeliveredEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a call is delivered to an agent device.
- callStateChanged(CallEstablishedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a call has been established on an agent device.
- callStateChanged(CallFinishedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a call has been disconnected and finished.
- callStateChanged(CallRedirectedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a call has been redirected that means when the call has been transferred to an external target which is not a connected agent device within the novomind iAGENT application.
- callStateChanged(CallStateChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This method is called after a change of the call state within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
- callStateChanged(CallTransferredEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a call has been transferred from a device to another logged on agent device.
- callStateChanged(IncomingCallDeliveredEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when an
is delivered to an agent device. - callStateChanged(IncomingCallEstablishedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a
has been established on an agent device. - callStateChanged(IncomingCallFinishedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when an
has finished. - callStateChanged(IncomingCallRedirectedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when an incoming call has been redirected to an external target.
- callStateChanged(IncomingCallStateChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called after a change of the call state of an
within the novomind iAGENT routing process. - callStateChanged(IncomingCallTransferredEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when an
has been transferred from one agent device to another. - callStateChanged(OutgoingCallDeliveredEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when an
is delivered to an agent device. - callStateChanged(OutgoingCallEstablishedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a
has been established on an agent device. - callStateChanged(OutgoingCallFinishedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when an
has finished. - callStateChanged(OutgoingCallRedirectedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when an outgoing call has been redirected to an external target.
- callStateChanged(OutgoingCallStateChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called after a change of the call state of an
within the novomind iAGENT routing process. - callStateChanged(OutgoingCallTransferredEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when an
has been transferred from one agent device to another. - callStateChanged(QueuedCallDeliveredEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a
is delivered to an agent device. - callStateChanged(QueuedCallDeliveryFailedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when the delivery of a queued call to an agent device has failed.
- callStateChanged(QueuedCallDisconnectedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a queued call has been disconnected from an agent device.
- callStateChanged(QueuedCallEnqueuedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a queued call has been enqueued into the central backlog.
- callStateChanged(QueuedCallEstablishedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a
has been established on an agent device. - callStateChanged(QueuedCallFinishedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a
has been disconnected and finished. - callStateChanged(QueuedCallReceivedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a queued call has been received before being enqueued.
- callStateChanged(QueuedCallRedirectedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a queued call has been redirected to an external target.
- callStateChanged(QueuedCallRedirectFailedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when the redirect of a queued call to an external target has failed.
- callStateChanged(QueuedCallStateChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called after a change of the call state of a
within the novomind iAGENT routing process. - callStateChanged(QueuedCallTransferredEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.CallStateEventListener
This more specific method is called when a
has been transferred from one agent device to another. - CallStateChangedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
This event is triggered when the
of a call has changed. - CallStateEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow
is an interface that implements the event functions to be called on changes of the call state. - CallTransferredEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
is triggered, when a call has been transferred from a device to another logged on agent device. - CallType - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.call
This enumeration describes the type of a
- CAMPAIGN - com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.AnswerType
The type CAMPAIGN represents an automatic generated campaign message that has been placed on the outgoing queue to be sent to it's recipient.
- cancel(AgentQuickCase) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder
Builds the
. - cancelRoutingRequest(RoutingWorkItem) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.externalrouting.ExternalRoutingConnector
Cancel the routing request associated with a
. - canEquals(Object) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.AbstractAnalyzerDecision
- canEquals(Object) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.LanguageAnalyzerDecision
- canSend() - Method in annotation type com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.MessageConnectorPlugin
- category(Category) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder.StartQuickCase
Sets the category of the quick case.
- category(Category) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.RecategorizationOperationBuilder.WithCall
- category(Category) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.RecategorizationOperationBuilder.WithTicket
- Category - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents a Category object
- CategoryAnalyzerDecision - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision
containing aCategory
. - CategoryAnalyzerDecision(Category) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.CategoryAnalyzerDecision
Constructs a CategoryAnalyzerDecision for a Category.
- CategoryAnalyzerDecision(Category, double) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.CategoryAnalyzerDecision
Constructs a CategoryAnalyzerDecision for a Category with a confidence value.
- CategoryAssigned - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.assignment
- CategoryConfigTab - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.category
- CategoryConfigTab(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.category.CategoryConfigTab
The path of the customized .xhtml must be inside 'META-INF/views'.
- CategoryConfigTabProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.category
is used to provide a customCategoryConfigTab
. - CategoryConfigViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.category
provides aCategoryModifier
which is used to change the subjacentCategory
}. - CategoryModifier - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence
- causeId(Long) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
- ccAddresses(List<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
Sets the cc-addresses of the new ticket.
- ccAddresses(List<InternetAddress>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder.StartQuickCase
Sets the cc-addresses of the quick case.
- CentralAttachmentUploadAction - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.action
This action is performed when a supervisor is uploading a global attachment.
- channel(Channel) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder.StartQuickCase
Sets the channel of the quick case.
- Channel - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents a Channel
- channelNames() - Method in annotation type com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.MessageConnectorPlugin
- chat - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.ChatOperationFailedException
- chat(Chat) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.CloseOperationBuilder
- chat(Long) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.CloseOperationBuilder
- Chat - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents a chat
- ChatAgentPlugin - Annotation Type in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.plugin
Runtime annotation used to mark plugins for the novomind iAGENT chat agent process.
- ChatBacklogHandler - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog
This handler provides access to all
objects within the backlog. - ChatBot - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents a chatbot
- ChatBotModifier - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence
Defines an API to modify an instance of type
- ChatBotProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider
Represents an object, that has a chatbot
- ChatChannel - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents a chat channel
- chatClosed(AgentChatClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatClosedEventListener
Deprecated.This method is called after a chat has been finally closed by an agent.
- chatClosed(ChatClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatClosedEventListener
Deprecated.This method is called after a chat has been finally closed.
- chatClosed(SupervisorChatClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatClosedEventListener
Deprecated.This method is called after a chat has been finally closed by a supervisor.
- chatClosed(SystemChatClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatClosedEventListener
Deprecated.This method is called after a chat has been finally closed by the system.
- ChatClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been closed.
- ChatClosedEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Please use
instead. This interface will be removed with the next major release of novomind iAGENT. - ChatCloseOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.close
This interface represents the result of a successful chat close operation.
- ChatEnqueuedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been enqueued in the chat backlog after it has been started.
- ChatEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
This interface represents all events concerning a chat The interface provides the
object. - ChatInfoTab - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo
Represents an info tab within a chat info view
- ChatInfoTab(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo.ChatInfoTab
Initializes a newly created
- ChatInfoTabProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo
is used to build a custom chat info tab. - ChatInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo
This interface provides information and functionality for view context sensitive data and operations.
- chatJoined(AgentChatJoinedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatJoinedEventListener
This method is called asynchronously after a chat has been joined by an agent.
- ChatJoinedEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow
This interface is an extension point to take any action within the novomind iAGENT routing process after a chat has been joined by an agent.
- chatOffered(ChatOfferedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatOfferedEventListener
This method is called asynchronously after a chat has been offered to an agent.
- ChatOfferedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered asynchronously after a chat has been offered to an agent.
- ChatOfferedEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow
This interface is an extension point to take any action within the novomind iAGENT routing process after a chat has been offered to an agent.
- ChatOperationFailedException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
Generic exception to be used for all kinds of errors during API operations with a chat
- ChatOperationFailedException(String, Chat) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.ChatOperationFailedException
- ChatOperationFailedException(String, Throwable, Chat) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.ChatOperationFailedException
- ChatOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation
This interface represents the result of a successful
- ChatProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider
Represents an object that "knows" or can provide a
- ChatQueuedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been queued in the chat backlog.
- ChatQuitEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been quit.
- ChatRatingReceivedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.rating.event
This event is triggered when a rating was received for a related chat.
- chatRecategorized(AgentChatRecategorizedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatRecategorizedEventListener
This more specific method is called after a chat has been recategorized by an agent.
- chatRecategorized(BotChatRecategorizedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatRecategorizedEventListener
This more specific method is called after a chat has been recategorized by a bot.
- chatRecategorized(ChatRecategorizedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatRecategorizedEventListener
This method is called after a chat has been recategorized.
- chatRecategorized(SupervisorChatRecategorizedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatRecategorizedEventListener
This more specific method is called after a chat has been recategorized by a supervisor.
- chatRecategorized(UserChatRecategorizedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatRecategorizedEventListener
This more specific method is called after a chat has been recategorized by a user.
- ChatRecategorizedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been recategorized.
- ChatRecategorizedEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow
This interface is an extension point to take any action within the novomind iAGENT routing process after a chat has been recategorized.
- ChatRequeuedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been queued again after being assigned to an agent or bot.
- chatResubmitted(AgentChatResubmittedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatResubmittedEventListener
Deprecated.This method is called asynchronously after a chat has been resubmitted by an agent.
- ChatResubmittedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been resubmitted.
- ChatResubmittedEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Please use
instead. This interface will be removed with the next major release of novomind iAGENT. - ChatRoutedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been routed.
- ChatRoutingRequest - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request
is done by the novomind iAGENT routing engine and sent to an external routing. - ChatSession - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
ChatSession represents a chat session.
- chatStarted(ChatStartedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStartedEventListener
Deprecated.This method is called synchronously after a new chat was started successfully, but before the chat is routed to an agent.
- ChatStartedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a new chat has been started.
- ChatStartedEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Please use
instead. This interface will be removed with the next major release of novomind iAGENT. - ChatState - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
Represents all types of chat states.
- chatStateChanged(AgentChatClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been finally closed by an agent.
- chatStateChanged(AgentChatQuitEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been quit by an agent.
- chatStateChanged(AgentChatRequeuedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is when a chat has been queued again after being assigned to an agent.
- chatStateChanged(AgentChatResubmittedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been resubmitted by an agent.
- chatStateChanged(AgentChatRoutedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been routed to an agent.
- chatStateChanged(BotChatClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been finally closed by a bot.
- chatStateChanged(BotChatRequeuedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been queued again after being assigned to a bot.
- chatStateChanged(BotChatRoutedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been routed to a bot.
- chatStateChanged(ChatClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been finally closed.
- chatStateChanged(ChatEnqueuedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been queued after it has been started.
- chatStateChanged(ChatQueuedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been queued.
- chatStateChanged(ChatQuitEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been quit.
- chatStateChanged(ChatRequeuedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been queued again.
- chatStateChanged(ChatResubmittedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been resubmitted.
- chatStateChanged(ChatRoutedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been routed.
- chatStateChanged(ChatStartedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been started.
- chatStateChanged(ChatStateChangedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called after a change of the chat state within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
- chatStateChanged(CustomerChatQuitEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been quit by a customer.
- chatStateChanged(SupervisorChatClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been finally closed by a supervisor.
- chatStateChanged(SystemChatClosedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow.ChatStateEventListener
This method is called when a chat has been finally closed by the system.
- ChatStateChangedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This interface represents all chat events causing a change of the
. - ChatStateEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow
is an interface that implements the event functions to be called on changes of the chat state. - ChatStep - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
ChatStep represents an event in the chat history.
- ChatStep.ChatStepOrigin - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
This enumeration describes the origin of a chat step.
- claimId(Long) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
- ClaimMailInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for tickets displayed by iCLAIM
- CLEAR - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.PhoneDeviceState
The phone device is connected and not busy and ready to receive calls.
- CLEARANCE_REQUIRED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.TicketState
The ticket has been answered and is now waiting for clearance.
- close() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.MessageIterator
After each fetch period the
method will be called to indicate the end of the iteration and therefore also the end of theMessageIterator
's life cycle. - close() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.RoutingOperationBuilder
This method returns an
. - CLOSE_ON_PHONE_DEVICE_CLEAR - com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent.ToggleEvent
Closes the agent sidebar when the phone device is clear.
- CLOSED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.ChatState
The chat has been closed.
- CLOSED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.TicketState
The ticket has been closed without being answered.
- CloseOperationBuilder - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
The CloseOperationBuilder provides specific builders to build a close operation on a ticket or chat.
- CloseOperationBuilder.WithChat - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
- CloseOperationBuilder.WithChat.AsAgent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
- CloseOperationBuilder.WithChat.AsSupervisor - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
- CloseOperationBuilder.WithTicket - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
- CloseOperationBuilder.WithTicket.AsAgent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
- CloseOperationBuilder.WithTicket.AsSupervisor - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
- CloseOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithTransactionCode - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
- CloseOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithTransactionCode.AsAgent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
- CloseOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithTransactionCode.AsSupervisor - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
- CloseTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.event
This event is triggered when a ticket is about to be closed.
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.call - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.call
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.chat - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.chat
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.assignment - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.assignment
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.call - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.call
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.listener - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.listener
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.externalrouting - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.externalrouting
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.attachments - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.attachments
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.categories - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.categories
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.dialog - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.dialog
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.forward - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.forward
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.lifecycle.pluginbundle - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.lifecycle.pluginbundle
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.manipulator - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.manipulator
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.manipulator.input - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.manipulator.input
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.manipulator.result - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.manipulator.result
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.message - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.message
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.connector - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.connector
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.exception - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.exception
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.persistence - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.persistence
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.close - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.close
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.recategorization - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.recategorization
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.plugin - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.plugin
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.rating - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.rating
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.rating.event - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.rating.event
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.result - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.result
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.externalrouting - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.externalrouting
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.operation.close - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.operation.close
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.privilege - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.privilege
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.workflow
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.action - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.action
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.context - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.context
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.visibilities - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.visibilities
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context
- com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.visibilities - package com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.visibilities
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.dialog - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.dialog
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.event - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.event
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.home - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.home
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.mailinfo - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.mailinfo
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.menu - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.menu
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.validator - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.validator
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.event - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.event
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.menu - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.menu
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.message - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.message
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.bindings - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.bindings
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.input - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.input
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.close - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.close
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.internalforward - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.internalforward
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.recategorization - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.recategorization
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.requeue - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.requeue
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.resubmit - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.resubmit
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.routingtags - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.routingtags
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.provider - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.provider
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.category - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.category
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.context - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.context
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.tenant - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.tenant
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.topheader - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.topheader
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.transactioncode - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.transactioncode
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.user - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.user
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.resubmit - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.resubmit
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags
- com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence - package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence
- compareTo(AnalyzerDecision<T>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.AnalyzerDecision
If compared with objects of the same class the comparison is based on the value returned by
(high values first) otherwise based on the name of the class.
Return 0 for Decisions which are equal. - COMPOSITE - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageTemplate.Type
Means that the
is a composite template that is used to wrap other regular templates or include templates and provides specific style attributes to display the wrapped templates. - configurationChanged(ExternalRouting) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.externalrouting.ExternalRoutingConnector
The method is called when the
of theExternalRoutingConnector
has changed. - configurationChanged(PhoneSystem) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call.PhoneSystemConnector
The method is called when the
of thePhoneSystemConnector
has been changed. - CONFIRMATION - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageTemplateCategoryAssignmentType
Means that the
is used as automatic confirmation template for the category. - CONFIRMATION - com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.AnswerType
The type CONFIRMATION represents an automatic confirmation message to the customer.
- ConfirmationMessageSentTicketEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a confirmation message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- connect() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call.PhoneSystemConnector
The method is called after the initialization has been completed.
- connect() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.externalrouting.ExternalRoutingConnector
The method is called after the initialization has been completed.
- CONNECTED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.PhoneSystemStateChangedEvent.PhoneSystemState
The plugin is connected to the remote system and fully operational.
- ConnectedAgentDevice - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
is anAgentDevice
connected and exclusively used by an agent, as long the agent is logged on at the novomind iAGENT Desk. - ConnectedAgentDeviceProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider
The interface ConnectedAgentDeviceProvider provides a
. - CONNECTION_FAULT - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceLoginException.Reason
A general connection error has occurred during login on phone system
- contact(Contact) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
Sets the
of the new ticket. - Contact - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents a contact object associated with an
- ContactAnalyzerDecision - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision
- ContactAnalyzerDecision(Contact) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.ContactAnalyzerDecision
Constructs a ContactAnalyzerDecision for a Contact.
- ContactAnalyzerDecision(Contact, double) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.ContactAnalyzerDecision
Constructs a ContactAnalyzerDecision for a Contact with a confidence value.
- ContactHandler - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact
This handler provides access to
objects. - ContactIdentifier - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
is an object containing information which will be normally used as secondary search criteria while searching an existing contact if the primary search criterion does not find a contact. - ContactIdentifier() - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ContactIdentifier
- ContactModifier - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence
Defines an API to modify an instance of type
- ContactRelationHandler - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact
Defines an API to modify the contact relation of a source contact of type
- ContactRelationHandler.JoinStrategy - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact
move source contact to target contactContactRelationHandler.JoinStrategy.UNION
move all joined source contacts to target contact - containsKey(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage
Checks if the storage has the given key
- CorePlugin - Annotation Type in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core
Runtime annotation used to mark plugins for the novomind iAGENT core process.
- COUNT - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.InfoTabNotification.Type
Mark tab with small red bubble and number
- create() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.TicketOperationBuilder
This method returns a
. - createAccount(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createAgentGroup(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createAndClose() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
The newly created ticket will be closed without answer.
- createAndEnqueue() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
The newly created ticket will be enqueued in the backlog.
- createAndSend() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
The newly created ticket will be answered with the given template.
- createCategory(String, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createChatBot(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - CREATED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.TicketState
The ticket has been created e.g.
- createExternalRouting(String, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createIntermediateStorage(ActiveCallEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallRoutingEventListener
Creates a new and empty
for anActiveCallEvent
. - createLocation(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createMessengerAccount(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.persistence.MessengerAccountPersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createPhoneSystem(String, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createRoutingTag(String, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createSystemGroup(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createTenant(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createTextModule(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createTextModuleFirstLevelGroup(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createTextModuleSecondLevelGroup(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - CreateTicketOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess
Represents an operation to create a new ticket.
- CreateTicketOperationBuilder - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess
This interface provides a builder to build operations to create a new ticket.
- CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess
- CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired.CreateAndClose - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess
- CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired.CreateAndEnqueue - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess
- CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired.CreateAndSend - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess
- CreateTicketOperationFailedException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess
is thrown by aCreateTicketOperation
if the operation has failed. - CreateTicketOperationFailedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationFailedException
- CreateTicketOperationFailedException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationFailedException
- CreateTicketOperationResult - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess
This interface represents the result of a successful
- createTransactionCode(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - createUser(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Create a new
object. - CURRENT - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.visibilities.OnlineAgentCategoryVisibility
Show only the current tenant's categories, that the agent is logged in for.
- CURRENT - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.visibilities.OnlineAgentTenantVisibility
Show only the current tenant(s), that the agent is logged in for.
- CustomChannel - Annotation Type in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector
Runtime annotation used to specify custom channels.
- CustomChannelDefinition - Annotation Type in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector
Runtime annotation used to specify custom channels
- customChannels() - Method in annotation type com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.CustomChannelDefinition
- customChannels() - Method in annotation type com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.MessageConnectorPlugin
- CustomChatChannel - Annotation Type in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.connector
Runtime annotation used to specify custom chat channels.
- CustomChatChannelMessageFormat - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.connector
Represents the message format which the
s of aCustomChatChannel
should use. - CustomChatChannelMessageFormatElement - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.connector
Represents a formatting element that is supported by a
. - customChatChannels() - Method in annotation type com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.connector.MessengerConnectorPlugin
An array of CustomChannels supported by this MessengerConnector.
- CUSTOMER - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatStep.ChatStepOrigin
means that the chat step was triggered by the customer
- CustomerChatQuitEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event
This event is triggered when a chat has been quit by a customer.
- CustomerChatSession - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
CustomerChatSession represents the chat session of a customer.
- CustomEvent - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
is an object that can be used to be sent as event between different apps and plugins even between different processes. - CustomEvent(String) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.CustomEvent
Constructs a
with the given name. - CustomEventFilter - Annotation Type in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
Runtime annotation used to specify events handled by a
. - CustomEventHandler - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
This handler is used to raise a
to be processed by anyCustomEventListener
that has theCustomEventFilter
annotation and is listening to the specific event name. - CustomEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
is an interface that can be implemented to take any actions on aCustomEvent
raised by theCustomEventHandler.raiseEvent(CustomEvent)
- DATE - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage.ValueType
- DEFAULT - com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.AnswerType
The type DEFAULT represents the ticket's answer, that is being sent back to the customer and at the same time causes the closure of the ticket.
- DEFAULT_BORDER_COLOR - Static variable in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent
- DEFAULT_HEIGHT - Static variable in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent
- DEFAULT_WIDTH - Static variable in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent
- defaults() - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
Creates an instance of
using defaults. - defaults() - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.message.OutgoingMessageHandler.SendOptions
Creates an instance of
using defaults. - defaults() - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
Creates an instance of
using defaults. - defaults() - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorAppearance
Creates an instance of
using defaults. - defaults() - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentQuickCaseMailEditorAppearance
Creates an instance of
using defaults. - delete() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.Modifier
Deletes the
instance associated with thisModifier
- DELIVERED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.CallState
The call is being delivered to an agent device.
- deliverQueuedCall(DeliverQueuedCallRequest) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call.CallRoutingConnector
Delivers a queued call directly to an agent.
- DeliverQueuedCallRequest - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request
Provides all required information to deliver a
to an agent device. - DELIVERY_FAILED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.TicketState
The ticket has been answered and the message has been sent, but the message could not be delivered to one or multiple recipients and has bounced back.
- DeliveryFailureMessage - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
Represents an incoming
that is a delivery failure notification. - DeliveryFailureMessageInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
object provides information about a delivery failure message. - deliveryFailureMessageReceived(DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedEventListener
This method is directly called after receiving the delivery failure message and a first analysis of the novomind iAGENT system.
- DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
The DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedEvent is an object to transport all relevant data for the extension point
. - DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core
This plugin is only available in the novomind iAGENT core process and can be used to modify the handling of delivery failure messages.
- DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedResult - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result
The DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedResult can be used to determine the handling of the delivery failure message by the novomind iAGENT system.
- DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedResult() - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedResult
This constructor creates a new DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedResult with an empty DeliveryFailureAction.
- DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedResult.DeliveryFailureAction - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result
The DeliveryFailureAction specifies the different actions that are available in the novomind iAGENT system for the handling of delivery failure messages.
- dequeueQueuedCall(DequeueQueuedCallRequest) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call.CallRoutingConnector
A call may be dequeued e.g.
- DequeueQueuedCallRequest - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request
Provides all required information to dequeue a
. - desktop() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification.UserNotificationOperationBuilder
This method returns a UserNotificationOperationBuilder.Desktop instance which is able to set the different parameters for building a user notification by a native desktop notification.
- DesktopUserNotificationOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification
Represents an operation to display a desktop notification to a user.
- destinationCategory - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.IssueRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- DEVICE_BUSY - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceLoginException.Reason
The device of the specified device id is currently busy
- deviceId - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceOperationException
- DEVICEID_IN_USE - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceLoginException.Reason
The specified phone device id is currently in use by another agent
- dimensions(int, int) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification.UserNotificationOperationBuilder.WithDimensions
Applies the dimensions to the notification.
- disableClearanceRequired() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disables the clearance authorization of the final answer on a ticket before being sent.
- DISABLED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User.CategoryMode
No categories will be available for the user
- disableSpellcheckRequired() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disables the obligation of a spell check of the answer on a ticket before being sent.
- disallowAssignTags() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of assigning tags.
- disallowAssignTags() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of assigning tags.
- disallowBlock() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of blocking.
- disallowCloseWithoutAnswer() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of closing a message without sending a message as answer by manual choice of the agent.
- disallowCreateAndClose() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the create and close feature for the PhoneTicket.
- disallowCreateAndClose() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentQuickCaseMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the create and close feature for the QuickCase.
- disallowCreateAndEnqueue() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the create and enqueue feature for the PhoneTicket.
- disallowCreateAndEnqueue() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentQuickCaseMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the create and enqueue feature for the QuickCase.
- disallowCreateAndKeep() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the create and keep feature for the PhoneTicket.
- disallowCreateAndKeep() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentQuickCaseMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the create and keep feature for the QuickCase.
- disallowCreateAndSend() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the create and send feature for the PhoneTicket.
- disallowCreateAndSend() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentQuickCaseMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the create and send feature for the QuickCase.
- disallowCreateTicket() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of creating a ticket.
- disallowExternalForwardAndClose() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the the feature of externally forwarding a message and closing the ticket.
- disallowExternalForwardAndKeep() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of externally forwarding a message and keep the message in the agent's personal inbox to continue processing the ticket.
- disallowExternalForwardAndProcess() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of externally forwarding and processing a message.
- disallowExternalInquiry() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of sending an external inquiry message.
- disallowForward() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of forwarding.
- disallowPrint() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of printing.
- disallowRecategorize() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of recategorization.
- disallowResubmit() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of resubmission.
- disallowSave() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of saving.
- disallowSendAfterClearance() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of sending a message as answer and requesting a clearance authorization by manual choice of the agent.
- disallowSendAndQuitAfterDelay() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of sending and quitting after a delay.
- disallowSendFiles() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of sending files.
- disallowSendIntermediateReply() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and disallows the feature of sending an intermediate reply message.
- DISCONNECTED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.PhoneSystemStateChangedEvent.PhoneSystemState
The plugin is not connected to the remote system.
- DISCONNECTED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.PhoneDeviceState
The phone device is disconnected.
- DISMISS - com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedResult.DeliveryFailureAction
The type DISMISS represents the action that will delete the delivery failure message from the incoming account without further action.
- displayName - Variable in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.AbstractTab
- displayName() - Method in annotation type com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.connector.CustomChatChannel
- displayName() - Method in annotation type com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.CustomChannel
- DOUBLE - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage.ValueType
- dueDate(Date) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.InternalForwardOperationBuilder.WithTicket
- dueDate(Date) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.resubmit.ResubmitOperationBuilder.WithTicket
- duration(Duration) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification.UserNotificationOperationBuilder.WithDuration
Sets the duration to display the notification.
- editTime(Duration) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
Applies an edit time to the new ticket.
- enableClearanceRequired() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and enforces a clearance authorization of the final answer on a ticket before being sent.
- enableSpellcheckRequired() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearance
The method overrides the default ability and enforces a spell check of the answer on a ticket before being sent.
- ENCRYPTED_STRING - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage.ValueType
- ENDING - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleFirstLevelGroup.Classification
ending classification
- EntityHandler - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence
Globals Handler to access MasterEntities
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerAccountConnectorTab
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponent
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.RoutingWorkItem
- equals(Object) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.AbstractAnalyzerDecision
If compared to another
instance the equality is based on the object returned byget()
otherwise false - equals(Object) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.LanguageAnalyzerDecision
If compared to another
instance the equality is based on theLanguage
of the containing Locale object - equals(Object) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab.AccountConnectorTab
- ERROR - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation.FrontendMessageLevel
Message level indicating that an error has occurred.
- ERROR - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification.UserNotificationOperationBuilder.Type
displays an error notification
- errorCode - Variable in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.PhoneSystemException
- ESTABLISHED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.CallState
The call has been accepted and connected to an agent device.
- Event - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event
This is the basic interface for all kinds of events in the novomind iAGENT system.
- EXCLAMATION_MARK_GREY - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.InfoTabNotification.Type
Mark tab with grey exclamation mark
- EXCLAMATION_MARK_GREY - Static variable in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.InfoTabNotification
- EXCLAMATION_MARK_RED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.InfoTabNotification.Type
Mark tab with red exclamation mark
- EXCLAMATION_MARK_RED - Static variable in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.InfoTabNotification
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperation
This method executes a create ticket operation synchronously.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.Operation
This method executes the operation.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.operation.close.AgentChatCloseOperation
This method executes a close operation on a chat as an agent.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.operation.close.SupervisorChatCloseOperation
This method executes a close operation on a chat as a supervisor.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.AgentTicketCloseOperation
This method executes a close operation on a ticket as an agent.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.SupervisorTicketCloseOperation
This method executes a close operation on a ticket as a supervisor.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.AutoTicketInternalForwardOperation
This method executes an automatic internal forward operation on a ticket.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.SupervisorTicketInternalForwardOperation
This method executes an internal forward operation on a ticket as a supervisor.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.AutoCallRecategorizationOperation
This method executes an automatic recategorization operation on a
. - execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.AutoTicketRecategorizationOperation
This method executes an automatic recategorization operation on a ticket.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.SupervisorCallRecategorizationOperation
This method executes a recategorization operation on a
as a supervisor. - execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.SupervisorTicketRecategorizationOperation
This method executes a recategorization operation on a ticket as a supervisor.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.AutoTicketRequeueOperation
This method executes an automatic re-queue operation on a ticket.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.SupervisorTicketRequeueOperation
This method executes a re-queue operation on a ticket as a supervisor.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.resubmit.TicketResubmitOperation
This method executes a resubmit operation on a ticket as a supervisor.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags.AutoRoutingTagOperation
This method executes a routing tag operation on an issue.
- execute() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags.SupervisorRoutingTagOperation
This method executes a routing tag operation on an issue as a supervisor.
- executeFrontendScript(FrontendScript) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation.FrontendController
This method can be used to execute a script in the frontend of the novomind iAGENT app.
- explicit() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.resubmit.ResubmitOperationBuilder.WithTicket.WithDueDate.WithAgent
The explicit option restricts the resubmit operation on the specified agent, that means when the agent is not available after exceeding the due date, then the ticket will not be routed to an other suitable agent.
- ExtendedMessage - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector
Wraps a
and provides additional information during messages retrieval by theExtendedMessageConnector
. - ExtendedMessage(Message) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.ExtendedMessage
Constructs a
with the specified message. - ExtendedMessageConnector - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector
This interface is an extension point to implement message retrieval from different sources to the iAGENT system.
- EXTERNAL_FORWARD - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageTemplateCategoryAssignmentType
Means that the
is used as external forward template for the category. - EXTERNAL_FORWARDED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.TicketState
The ticket has been externally forwarded and will be processed by an external clerk.
- EXTERNAL_INQUIRED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.TicketState
The ticket has been externally forwarded by an agent for an inquiry.
- EXTERNAL_INQUIRY - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageTemplateCategoryAssignmentType
Means that the
is used as internal forward template for the category. - EXTERNAL_REPLY - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Account.AccountType
Means that the account is an external reply account.
- ExternalForwardMessageSentAndTicketClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a message associated with a ticket has been externally forwarded within the novomind iAGENT core process and the associated ticket has been closed.
- ExternalForwardMessageSentAndTicketForwardedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent to an external recipient due to an external forward operation within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- ExternalForwardMessageSentAndTicketKeptEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a message associated with a ticket has been successfully sent to an external recipient due to an external forward operation within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- externalForwardReplyMessageReceived(ExternalReplyMessageReceivedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.ExternalReplyMessageReceivedEventListener
The method is called after the reply message of an external forward operation has been received.
- externalInquiryReplyMessageReceived(ExternalReplyMessageReceivedEvent) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.ExternalReplyMessageReceivedEventListener
The method is called after the reply message of an external inquiry has been received.
- ExternalMessageIdProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model
Represents an object, that has an external id
- ExternalMessageSentAndTicketClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when a message associated with a ticket has been answered by an external recipient and successfully been sent and the associated ticket has been closed within the novomind iAGENT core process.
- ExternalReceiverProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model
Represents an object, that has an external receiver
- ExternalReplyMailInfoViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo
This interface is used to provide view context specific information for external reply messages, returning from 2nd level.
- ExternalReplyMessage - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
Represents an incoming
that has been received by the external 2nd-Level-reply account as answer to a previously sent inquiry. - ExternalReplyMessageInfo - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model
object provides information about anExternalReplyMessage
. - ExternalReplyMessageManipulationInput - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.input
contains all information to manipulate anExternalReplyMessage
. - ExternalReplyMessageManipulationResult - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result
Represents the result of the optional external reply message manipulation by an
. - ExternalReplyMessageManipulationResult(Message) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.ExternalReplyMessageManipulationResult
Creates an
with a manipulated message - ExternalReplyMessageManipulator - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core
This plugin allows to manipulate the reply message of an external inquiry or forward operation before being processed.
- ExternalReplyMessageReceivedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event
This event is triggered when an external reply message has been received.
- ExternalReplyMessageReceivedEventListener - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core
This interface is an extension point to take any action after a reply message of an external inquiry or forward operation has been received.
- ExternalReplyToIdProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model
Represents an object, that has an external reply to id
- ExternalRouting - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
provides all required information and configuration for anExternalRoutingConnector
. - ExternalRoutingConnector - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.externalrouting
is an interface to provide functionality of an external routing in order to delegate the routing responsibility of issues to an external platform. - ExternalRoutingConnectorPlugin - Annotation Type in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.plugin
Runtime annotation used to mark an
- ExternalRoutingConnectorTab - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab
Represents a customized ExternalRoutingConnectorTab
- ExternalRoutingConnectorTab(String, String, String) - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab.ExternalRoutingConnectorTab
The path of the customized .xhtml must be inside 'META-INF/views', e.g.
- ExternalRoutingConnectorTabProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab
is used to provide a customExternalRoutingConnectorTab
. - ExternalRoutingConnectorTabViewContext - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.context
provides anExternalRoutingModifier
which is used to change the underlyingExternalRouting
. - ExternalRoutingException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
Signals that an exception has occurred in connection with an
. - ExternalRoutingException() - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.ExternalRoutingException
- ExternalRoutingException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.ExternalRoutingException
- ExternalRoutingException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.ExternalRoutingException
- ExternalRoutingModifier - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence
Defines an API to modify an instance of type
- ExternalRoutingRequestException - Exception in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception
An error has occurred during the attempt to start a routing request.
- ExternalRoutingRequestException(String) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.ExternalRoutingRequestException
- ExternalRoutingRequestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.ExternalRoutingRequestException
- ExternalSenderProvider - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model
Represents an object, that has an external sender
- ExternalTicketAnsweredClearanceRequiredEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered by an external clerk and now is waiting for clearance before being sent.
- ExternalTicketAnsweredEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered by an external clerk and now is waiting to be sent to the customer in the next step.
- ExternalTicketClosedEvent - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event
This event is triggered when a ticket has been closed by an external recipient within the novomind iAGENT routing process without being answered.
- FAILED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.FinishQueuedCallRequest.FinishCause
The call is finished abnormally due to an error
- FAILED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallFinishedEvent.FinishCause
The call has been finished due to an unexpected error e.g.
- FAILED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallDeliveryFailedEvent.FailCause
The call could not be connected, because the target device is no longer available or an error has occurred during call establishment.
- FAILED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallRedirectFailedEvent.FailCause
The call could not be redirected, because the external target is invalid or an error has occurred during call establishment.
- FINISHED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.CallState
The call has been disconnected and finished.
- FINISHED - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.RoutingWorkItemState
The life cycle of the
has ended. - finishQueuedCall(FinishQueuedCallRequest) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call.CallRoutingConnector
A call may be finished e.g.
- FinishQueuedCallRequest - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request
Provides all required information to disconnect and finish a
. - FinishQueuedCallRequest.FinishCause - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request
Represents all available types of available finish causes.
- FOLLOWUP - com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.AnswerType
This type represents a follow-up attempt to send the message again.
- format() - Method in annotation type com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.connector.CustomChatChannel
The CustomChatChannelMessageFormat which the MessengerTextMessage of this CustomChatChannel uses (TEXT by default).
- formatElements() - Method in annotation type com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.connector.CustomChatChannel
The CustomChatChannelMessageFormatElements which the CustomChatChannel supports (none by default).
- forUser(User) - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.AgentCategoryVisibilityContext
Creates an
for the given user. - forUser(User) - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.OnlineAgentCategoryVisibilityContext
Creates an
for the given user. - forUser(User) - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.SupervisorCategoryVisibilityContext
Creates an
for the given user. - forUserWithOrphans(User) - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.SupervisorCategoryVisibilityContext
Creates an
for the given user. - FORWARD - com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.AnswerType
The type FORWARD represents an externally forwarded message that has been placed on the outgoing queue to be sent to it's recipient.
- FrontendComponent - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation
This class represents a component in the frontend of the novomind iAGENT app.
- FrontendComponent() - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation.FrontendComponent
- FrontendController - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation
This interface is used to provide specific functions to be called on the frontend of the novomind iAGENT app.
- FrontendMessage - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation
This class represents a message in the frontend of the novomind iAGENT app.
- FrontendMessage() - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation.FrontendMessage
- FrontendMessageLevel - Enum in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation
This enum represents the severity of the frontend message.
- FrontendScript - Class in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation
This class represents a script, that can be executed in the frontend of the novomind iAGENT app.
- FrontendScript() - Constructor for class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation.FrontendScript
- get() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.BusinessHourInfoHandler
Returns a
for the current system wideBusinessHour
instance - get() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.AbstractAnalyzerDecision
- get() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.AnalyzerDecision
Return the instance (the "value") of the AnalyzerDecision.
- get() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.Modifier
Get the object which is modified in this
. - get(BusinessHour) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.BusinessHourInfoHandler
Returns a
for the givenBusinessHour
instance - get(Category) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.BusinessHourInfoHandler
Returns a
for the givenCategory
instance - get(Tenant) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.BusinessHourInfoHandler
Returns a
for the givenTenant
instance - get(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentInfoHandler
Returns an
for the given user. - get(Class<T>, Long) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.EntityHandler
Returns the instance of the MasterEntity with the matching id.
- get(Class<T>, Predicate<T>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.EntityHandler
Returns the instance of the MasterEntity with the matching predicate.
- get(Class<T>, Predicate<T>, Comparator<? super T>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.EntityHandler
Returns a list of the instances of the MasterEntities with the matching predicate, or all, if no predicate is provided.
- get(Long) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog.BacklogHandler
This method returns the optional
with the given id or an empty optional, if theBacklogHandler
with the given id does not exist within the handler's scope. - get(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage
Returns an Object value for the given key.
- getAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.AccountProvider
Returns the account
- getAccountConnectorTab(AccountConnectorTabViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab.AccountConnectorTabProvider
- getAccountModifier() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.context.AccountConnectorTabViewContext
- getAccountModifier(Account, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build a
for the passedAccount
object. - getAccountType() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Account
The method returns the
of this account. - getAccountType() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.AccountModifier
Get the
representing the type of this account which is held in thisAccountModifier
. - getActiveAgent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog.BacklogChatInfo
- getActiveCall() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.ActiveCallProvider
The method returns the
instance. - getActiveCall() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.IncomingCallProvider
The method returns the
instance. - getActiveCall() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.OutgoingCallProvider
The method returns the
instance. - getActiveCall() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.QueuedCallProvider
- getActiveDaysOfWeek() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.BusinessTimeSlot
Returns a set indicating for which weekdays this time slot is defined.
- getAdditionalAttachments(AttachmentFilterContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.attachments.AttachmentListManipulator
The method provides a list of suitable attachments for an issue and an agent.
- getAdditionalCategories(IssueRecategorizationFilterContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.categories.RecategorizationListManipulator
The method provides a list of suitable categories as recategorization target for a set of issues and a user.
- getAdditionalUsers(IssueInternalForwardFilterContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.forward.InternalForwardListManipulator
The method provides a list of suitable users as internal forwarding target for a set of issues.
- getAddress() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Account
Returns the Account's email address.
- getAddress() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.AccountModifier
Get the current account address which is held in this
. - getAdministrationMenuItems(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.MenuItemProvider
This function will be called to collect all
s to be stored in the end of the administration menu. - getAgent() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceOperationException
- getAgent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.internalforward.TicketInternalForwardOperationResult
- getAgent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.requeue.TicketRequeueOperationResult
- getAgent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.resubmit.TicketResubmitOperationResult
- getAgent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AgentTicketResubmittedEvent
- getAgent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AutoTicketResubmittedEvent
The method returns the optionally assigned agent as target for the resubmitted ticket.
- getAgent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketInternalForwardedEvent
The method returns the optional agent, if it has been assigned as target for the internal forward operation.
- getAgent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketRequeuedEvent
This method returns the previously assigned agent of the requeued ticket.
- getAgent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketRoutedEvent
This method returns the agent that received the ticket
- getAgent() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.AutoTicketInternalForwardOperationFailedException
- getAgent() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.SupervisorTicketInternalForwardOperationFailedException
- getAgent() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.AutoTicketRequeueOperationFailedException
- getAgent() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.SupervisorTicketRequeueOperationFailedException
- getAgent() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.resubmit.TicketResubmitOperationFailedException
- getAgentAvailability() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.AgentAvailabilityChangedEvent
- getAgentAvailability() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentInfo
Returns an
for the agent represented by this AgentInfo instance - getAgentAvailability(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.AgentActionHandler
This method returns the
for an agent. - getAgentAvailability(User, AgentGroup) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.AgentActionHandler
This method returns the
for an Agent and an AgentGroup. - getAgentBacklogMessageFilterMenuItem(AgentMessageFilterMenuViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.menu.AgentMessageFilterMenuItemProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to determine all information to display a custom backlog message menu entry in the novomind iAGENT Desk.
- getAgentCallCloseAction() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.dialog.AgentCallCloseActionViewContext
Returns the
object. - getAgentCallQuickCase() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentCallQuickCaseStartOperationResult
Returns the started call quick case.
- getAgentChatCloseAction() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.chat.AgentChatCloseActionViewContext
Returns the
object. - getAgentChatEditorAppearance(AgentChatEditorViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.chat.editor.AgentChatEditorAppearanceProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to customize the appearance of the agent's chat editor for a selected chat.
- getAgentChatInfo() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentInfo
Get the
for the agent represented by this AgentInfo instance - getAgentDevice() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.AgentDeviceState
Returns an optional
if the agent device is connected or otherwise an empty optional. - getAgentDevice() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.result.AgentDeviceLoginResult
- getAgentDeviceLoginResult() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentPhoneSystemInfo
Returns the
that has been returned by theAgentDeviceControlConnector.loginAgent(com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.AgentDeviceLoginRequest)
method during the agent's login procedure. - getAgentDeviceState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.AgentDeviceStateChangedEvent
- getAgentDeviceState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentInfo
Returns an
for the agent represented by this AgentInfo instance - getAgentDraftMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.AgentDraftMessageInfo
- getAgentEditorController() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.provider.AgentEditorControllerProvider
Returns the AgentEditorController
- getAgentFolderInfo() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentInfo
Get the
for the agent represented by this AgentInfo instance - getAgentGroup() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.AgentAvailabilityChangedEvent
If the agent's availability has been changed globally for the agent the method returns an empty optional.
- getAgentGroup() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.UserAgentGroupAssignment
- getAgentGroup() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketInternalForwardedEvent
The method returns the optional agent group, if it has been assigned as target for the internal forward operation.
- getAgentGroupAssignments() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User
- getAgentGroupModifier(AgentGroup, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build an
for the passedAgentGroup
object. - getAgentHomeTab(AgentHomeViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.home.AgentHomeTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to determine all information to display a custom
view. - getAgentIncomingCallInfoList() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentInfo
Returns a
objects for all currently delivered or establishedIncomingCall
s attached to the agent device, if the agent has logged on with a phone device. - getAgentLoginState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.AgentLoginStateChangedEvent
- getAgentLoginState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentInfo
Returns an
for the agent represented by this AgentInfo instance - getAgentMailEditorAppearance(AgentMailEditorViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearanceProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to customize the appearance of the agent's mail editor for a selected message.
- getAgentMailEditorViewContext() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput
Returns the
associated with the request to the view component - getAgentMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.AgentMessageInfo
- getAgentOutgoingCallInfoList() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentInfo
Returns a
objects for all currently delivered or establishedOutgoingCall
s attached to the agent device, if the agent has logged on with a phone device. - getAgentOutgoingMessageFilterMenuItem(AgentMessageFilterMenuViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.menu.AgentMessageFilterMenuItemProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to determine all information to display a custom outgoing message menu entry in the novomind iAGENT Desk.
- getAgentPauseState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.AgentPauseStateChangedEvent
- getAgentPauseState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentInfo
Returns an
for the agent represented by this AgentInfo instance - getAgentPauseState(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.AgentActionHandler
This method returns the
for an agent. - getAgentPhoneSystemInfo() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentInfo
Returns an optional
for the agent represented by this AgentInfo instance, if the agent has logged on with a phone device connected to aPhoneSystem
. - getAgentPhoneTicketMailEditorAppearance(AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearanceProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to customize the appearance of the agent's mail editor for a PhoneTicket.
- getAgentPhoneTicketMailEditorViewContext() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput
Returns the
associated with the request to the view component - getAgentPostProcessingState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.AgentPostProcessingStateChangedEvent
- getAgentPostProcessingState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentInfo
Returns an
for the agent represented by this AgentInfo instance - getAgentPostProcessingState(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.AgentActionHandler
This method returns the
for an agent. - getAgentQueuedCallInfo() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentInfo
Returns an optional
for the agent represented by this AgentInfo instance, if the agent has logged on with a phone device and if there is currently a delivered or establishedQueuedCall
attached to the agent device. - getAgentQuickCase() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.quickcase.AgentQuickCaseStartOperationResult
Returns the started quick case.
- getAgentQuickCase() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorViewContext
Returns the
- getAgentQuickCase() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.QuickCaseMessageInfo
Returns the
- getAgentQuickCaseMailEditorAppearance(AgentQuickCaseMailEditorViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorAppearanceProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to customize the appearance of the agent's mail editor for a QuickCase.
- getAgentQuickCaseMailEditorViewContext() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentQuickCaseMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput
Returns the
associated with the request to the view component - getAgentQuickCaseOperationBuilder(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.AgentActionHandler
This method returns the
for an agent. - getAgentRoutingTimeout() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatBot
Get the chatbot agentRoutingTimeout in seconds.
- getAgentRoutingTimeout() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ChatBotModifier
Get the current chatbot agentRoutingTimeout which is held in this
. - getAgentSidebarContent(AgentSidebarViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContentProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface when an agent has logged on successfully to determine all information to display a custom sidebar within the novomind iAGENT Desk.
- getAgentTicketCloseAction() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.dialog.AgentTicketCloseActionViewContext
Returns the
object. - getAgentTicketSendAndCloseAction() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.dialog.AgentTicketSendAndCloseActionViewContext
Returns the
object. - getAllPrivileges() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.privilege.GroupPrivilegeHandler
Returns the set of all privileges
- getAlternativeOutgoingAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Account
- getAlternativeOutgoingAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.AccountModifier
Get the current optional alternative outgoing account which is held in this
. - getAnalyticsMenuItems(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.MenuItemProvider
This function will be called to collect all
s to be stored in the end of the analytics menu. - getApp() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.AppProvider
Returns the app
- getAppId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.App
Returns the id of this app
- getAppMenuItems(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.MenuItemProvider
This function will be called to collect all
s to be stored in the end of the app menu. - getAssignedAddresses() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Contact
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned email addresses.
- getAssignedAddresses() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence.ContactModifier
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned email addresses.
- getAssignedAgentGroup() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Category
- getAssignedAgentGroup() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Get the current assigned
which is held in thisCategoryModifier
. - getAssignedAndOrphansVisibilityContext(User) - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.SupervisorTenantVisibilityContext
Creates an
for the given user. - getAssignedCategories() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.assignment.CategoryAssigned
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned categories.
- getAssignedCategories() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.GroupModifier
Get an unmodifiable view of the current assigned categories which are held in this
. - getAssignedCategories() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleFirstLevelGroupModifier
Get an unmodifiable view of the current assigned categories which are held in this
. - getAssignedCategories() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TransactionCodeModifier
Get an unmodifiable view of the current assigned categories which are held in this
. - getAssignedMessageTemplates(MessageTemplateCategoryAssignmentType) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Category
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned message templates for the given
. - getAssignedMessageTemplates(MessageTemplateCategoryAssignmentType) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Get an unmodifiable view of the current assigned message templates for the given
which are held in thisCategoryModifier
. - getAssignedPhoneNumbers() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Contact
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned phone numbers as Fully Qualified Telephone Numbers according to ITU-T standard E.164 (e.g.
- getAssignedPhoneNumbers() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence.ContactModifier
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned phone numbers as Fully Qualified Telephone Numbers according to ITU-T standard E.164 (e.g.
- getAssignedPrivileges() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.SystemGroup
Returns the set of all privileges of this group
- getAssignedPrivileges() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.SystemGroupModifier
Get an unmodifiable view of the current assigned privileges which are held in this
. - getAssignedPrivileges(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.privilege.GroupPrivilegeHandler
Returns the set of the privileges assigned to the user
- getAssignedSystemGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.assignment.SystemGroupAssigned
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned system groups.
- getAssignedSystemGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Get an unmodifiable view of the current assigned system groups which are held in this
. - getAssignedTenants() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.BusinessHour
Returns an unmodifiable set of the assigned tenants.
- getAssignedTenants() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ExternalRouting
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned tenants.
- getAssignedTenants() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.PauseReason
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned tenants.
- getAssignedTenants() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.PhoneSystem
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned tenants.
- getAssignedTenants() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ExternalRoutingModifier
Get an unmodifiable view of the current assigned tenants which are held in this
. - getAssignedTenants() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PhoneSystemModifier
Get an unmodifiable view of the current assigned tenants which are held in this
. - getAssignedTextModuleFirstLevelGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Category
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned text module first level groups.
- getAssignedTextModuleFirstLevelGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Get an unmodifiable view of the current assigned text module first level groups which are held in this
. - getAssignedTransactionCodes() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Category
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned transaction codes.
- getAssignedTransactionCodes() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Get an unmodifiable view of the current assigned transaction codes which are held in this
. - getAssignedUsers() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.SystemGroup
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the assigned users.
- getAssignedUsers() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.SystemGroupModifier
Get an unmodifiable view of the current assigned users which are held in this
. - getAssignedVisibilityContext(User) - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.AgentTenantVisibilityContext
Creates an
for the given user. - getAssignedVisibilityContext(User) - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.SupervisorTenantVisibilityContext
Creates an
for the given user. - getAssignmentType() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageTemplateCategoryAssignment
- getAssociatedCall() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.AgentCallQuickCase
This method optionally provides the
associated with thisAgentCallQuickCase
. - getAssociatedCall() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.AgentPhoneTicketMailInfoViewContext
This method optionally provides the
associated with this phone ticket. - getAttachmentDataSource() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.chat.AgentChatUploadAttachmentAction
Returns the attachment
- getAttachmentDataSource() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.action.CentralAttachmentUploadAction
Returns the attachment
- getAttachmentDataSource() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.IncomingAttachmentChatMessage
Returns the attachment
- getAttachmentDataSource() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action.AgentTicketUploadAttachmentAction
Returns the attachment
- getAttachmentDataSource(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.AttachmentDataSourceProvider
- getAttachments() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.SimpleMessage
- getAttachments() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.MailMessage
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.CustomEvent
Get attributes of the event.
- getAttribute(String) - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.result.AgentDeviceLoginResult
Returns the value to which the specified key is mapped, or
if no mapping for the key exists. - getAttributes() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.CustomEvent
Provides the attributes as map.
- getAttributes() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.IncomingMessengerMessage
This method allows to define additional attributes, that will be associated with the chat and accessible via the chat's storage.
- getAttributes() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Contact
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of attributes which can be used to identify the contact (see
for further information). - getAttributes() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ContactIdentifier
- getAttributes() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.result.AgentDeviceLoginResult
The method returns all available attributes
- getAttributes() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallChangedEvent
- getAttributes() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallStateChangedEvent
- getAttributes() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence.ContactModifier
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of attributes which can be used to identify the contact (see
for further information). - getAutoRoutingCategoryMode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User
- getAutoRoutingCategoryMode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current
for the automatic routing of this user which is held in thisUserModifier
. - getAvailableCount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.MessageIterator
This method is called before the iteration.
- getBacklogCallInfo(Call) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog.CallBacklogHandler
This method returns the
for the givenCall
. - getBacklogChatInfo(Chat) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog.ChatBacklogHandler
This method returns the
for the givenChat
. - getBacklogMenuItems(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.MenuItemProvider
This function will be called to collect all
s to be stored in the end of the backlog menu. - getBacklogMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.TicketRoutingRequest
The method returns the
. - getBacklogMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.BacklogMessageInfo
- getBacklogMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.OptionalBacklogMessageInfo
- getBacklogMessageInfo(Ticket) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog.TicketBacklogHandler
This method returns the
for the givenTicket
. - getBccAddresses() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.QuickCaseMessage
- getBehavior() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo.ChatInfoTab
- getBehavior() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.InfoTab
The behavior of the InfoTab when the tab's parent view is being rendered.
- getBehavior() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.home.AgentHomeTab
The behavior of the
when the tab's parent view is being rendered. - getBehavior() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo.CallInfoTab
- getBehavior() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTab
- getBoolean(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage
Returns the Boolean value for the key
- getBorderColor() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent
- getBotRoutingTimeout() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatBot
Get the chatbot botRoutingTimeout in seconds Determines the wait time for a chatbot that is no longer reachable before it gets rerouted to an agent.
- getBotRoutingTimeout() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ChatBotModifier
Get the current chatbot botRoutingTimeout which is held in this
. - getBusinessHour() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.BusinessHourInfo
- getBusinessTimeSlots() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.BusinessHour
Returns an unmodifiable set of the assigned time slots.
- getCalculationTimestamp() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.ServiceLevelRatioCalculatorInput
The method returns the calculation timestamp which is the current time when the loop for the calculation for all issues starts.
- getCall() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.AgentPostProcessingState
The method returns the optional
if the agent currently is in post processing state due to a call. - getCall() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.CallProvider
Returns the call
- getCall() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallStateChangedEvent
Returns the optional
object associated with this event. - getCall() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.AutoCallRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- getCall() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.SupervisorCallRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- getCall(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog.CallBacklogHandler
- getCallId() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.CallNotFoundException
- getCallId() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.CallOperationException
- getCallId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ActiveCall
This method returns the unique callId given by the PBX.
- getCallId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Call
The unique id of the call, that has been assigned to the call by the PBX when the call has been received.
- getCallInfoTab(BacklogCallInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo.CallInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all call info views displaying backlog calls.
- getCallInfoTab(CallInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo.CallInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to determine all information to display a custom call info tab view.
- getCallInfoTab(SearchResultCallInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo.CallInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all call info views displaying a call, that has been retrieved by a search request.
- getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Call
The current
of the call. - getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallDeliveredEvent
- getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallEstablishedEvent
- getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallFinishedEvent
- getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallRedirectedEvent
- getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallStateChangedEvent
- getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallTransferredEvent
- getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallDeliveryFailedEvent
- getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallDequeuedEvent
- getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallDisconnectedEvent
- getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallEnqueuedEvent
- getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallReceivedEvent
- getCallState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallRedirectFailedEvent
- getCallState(Call) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog.CallBacklogHandler
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.please use
instead. - getCallState(QueuedCall) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call.CallRoutingConnector
Retrieve the state of a queued call
- getCallType() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Call
The type of the call.
- getCaption() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.MessengerMediaMessage
The caption of the media.
- getCategories() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ChatBotModifier
Get the current categories assigned to the chatbot which are held in this
. - getCategories(AgentCategoryVisibilityContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.VisibilityHandler
This method returns the visible categories for the given agent context
- getCategories(OnlineAgentCategoryVisibilityContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.AgentVisibilityHandler
This method returns the visible categories for the given agent context
- getCategories(OnlineAgentCategoryVisibilityContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.VisibilityHandler
This method returns the visible categories for the given agent context
- getCategories(SupervisorCategoryVisibilityContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.VisibilityHandler
This method returns the visible categories for the given supervisor context
- getCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.AgentQuickCase
- getCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageTemplateCategoryAssignment
- getCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.OptionalCategoryProvider
Returns the optional
. - getCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.StartOutgoingCallRequest
for the outgoing call if available, otherwise an empty optional. - getCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentCallInfo
for theActiveCall
if available, otherwise an empty optional. - getCategoryAssignments() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageTemplate
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the category assignments.
- getCategoryConfigTab(CategoryConfigViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.category.CategoryConfigTabProvider
- getCategoryDecisions() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.bindings.IncomingMessageAnalyzerData
Returns an
List ofCategoryAnalyzerDecision
s backed by the Results of preceding Apps.
The List is sorted by the natural ordering of the Decisions (ordered byconfidence
value). - getCategoryDecisions() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult
- getCategoryModifier() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.category.CategoryConfigViewContext
- getCategoryModifier(Category, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build a
for the passedCategory
object. - getCcAddresses() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.QuickCaseMessage
- getChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.MessengerAccount
- getChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.persistence.MessengerAccountModifier
Get the current chat channel which is held in this
. - getChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Account
- getChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.AccountModifier
Get the current channel which is held in this
. - getChat() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.ChatOperationFailedException
- getChat() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.ChatProvider
Returns the chat
- getChatBot() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.ChatBotProvider
Returns the chatbot
- getChatBotModifier(ChatBot, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build a
for the passedChatBot
object. - getChatChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Chat
- getChatCount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentChatInfo
Returns the number of active chats for the agent.
- getChatInfoTab(AgentChatInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo.ChatInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all chat info views displaying agent folder chats within the personal agent folder.
- getChatInfoTab(ArchiveAccessChatInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo.ChatInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all chat info views displaying a chat, that has been retrieved directly via an archive access.
- getChatInfoTab(BacklogChatInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo.ChatInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all chat info views displaying backlog chats.
- getChatInfoTab(ChatInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo.ChatInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to determine all information to display a custom chat info tab view.
- getChatInfoTab(SearchResultChatInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo.ChatInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all chat info views displaying a chat, that has been retrieved by a search request.
- getChatSession() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatStep
- getChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.backlog.BacklogChatInfo
- getChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatClosedEvent
- getChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatQueuedEvent
- getChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatQuitEvent
- getChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatResubmittedEvent
- getChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatRoutedEvent
- getChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatStartedEvent
- getChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatStateChangedEvent
- getChatSteps() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Chat
- getChildAgentGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.SystemGroup
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the direct child agentgroups.
- getChildSystemGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.SystemGroup
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the direct child systemgroups.
- getChildTextModuleFirstLevelGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleRoot
Returns an unmodifiable, sorted cached view of the direct child first level textmodule groups.
- getChildTextModuleFirstLevelGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleRootModifier
Get the current direct child textmodule first level groups list which is held in this
. - getChildTextModuleNodes() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleFirstLevelGroup
Returns an unmodifiable, sorted cached view of the direct child textmodule nodes.
- getChildTextModuleNodes() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.TextModuleFirstLevelGroupItem
Returns a list of the child text module nodes.
- getChildTextModuleNodes() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleFirstLevelGroupModifier
Get the current direct child textmodule nodes list which is held in this
. - getChildTextModules() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleGroup
Returns an unmodifiable, sorted cached view of the direct child textmodules.
- getChildTextModules() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleGroupModifier
Get the current direct child textmodules list which is held in this
. - getChildTextModuleSecondLevelGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleFirstLevelGroup
Returns an unmodifiable, sorted cached view of the direct child second level textmodule groups.
- getChildTextModuleSecondLevelGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleFirstLevelGroupModifier
Get the current direct child textmodule second level groups list which is held in this
. - getClassification() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleFirstLevelGroup
- getClassification() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleFirstLevelGroupModifier
Get the current classification which is held in this
. - getComment() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.rating.RatingData
- getComponentPath() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponent
The given component path for the customized .xhtml composite component.
- getConfidence() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.AbstractAnalyzerDecision
- getConfidence() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.AnalyzerDecision
Returns the confidence for this decision.
By contract the valid range for confidence is 0 to 100 (a percent value). - getConfig() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.App
Returns the configuration of this app.
- getConfirmationTemplateDecisions() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.bindings.IncomingMessageAnalyzerData
Returns a
List ofTemplateAnalyzerDecision
s for the confirmation template containing the results of preceding Apps. - getConfirmationTemplateDecisions() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult
- getConnectedAgentDevice() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.ConnectedAgentDeviceProvider
The methods returns the instance of the
. - getConnector() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ExternalRouting
Returns the optional instance of the
. - getConnector() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.PhoneSystem
Returns the optional instance of the
. - getContact() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence.ContactModifier
Get the
which is modified in thisContactModifier
. - getContact(Call) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact.ContactHandler
- getContact(Ticket) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact.ContactHandler
- getContactAnalyzerDecisions() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.bindings.IncomingMessageAnalyzerData
Returns an
list ofContactAnalyzerDecision
s backed by the results of preceding apps.
The list is sorted by the natural ordering of the decisions (ordered byconfidence
value). - getContactAnalyzerDecisions() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult
- getContactByContactIdentifier(ContactIdentifier) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact.ContactHandler
This method returns the optional
for aContactIdentifier
. - getContactByContactIdentifier(ContactIdentifier, Tenant) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact.ContactHandler
- getContactByID(Long) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact.ContactHandler
This method returns the optional
of an id. - getContactIdentifier() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.ExternalReceiverProvider
This method allows to define additional contact information which will be used as secondary search criteria while searching an existing contact.
- getContactIdentifier() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.ExternalSenderProvider
This method allows to define additional contact information which will be used as secondary search criteria while searching an existing contact.
- getContactIdentifier() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallEnqueuedEvent
This method allows to define additional contact information which will be used as secondary search criteria while searching an existing contact.
- getContactIdentifier() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.ExtendedMessage
This method returns the additional contact information used as secondary search criteria while searching an existing contact.
- getContactIdentifier() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.SimpleMessage
This method returns the additional contact information used as secondary search criteria while searching an existing contact.
- getContactListByContactIdentifier(ContactIdentifier) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact.ContactHandler
This method returns a list of all contacts matching any of the search criteria of the
. - getContactListByContactIdentifier(ContactIdentifier, Tenant) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact.ContactHandler
This method returns a list of contacts that are assigned to a
and matching any of the search criteria of theContactIdentifier
. - getContactModifier(Contact, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact.ContactHandler
Build a
for the passedContact
object. - getContactRelationHandler(Contact, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact.ContactHandler
Build a
for the passedContact
object. - getContent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModule
- getContent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleModifier
- getContentId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageAttachmentDataSource
The content id must contain only the following characters: [a-z][A-Z][0-9].-_ The maximum number of characters is 255.
- getContentType() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.MessengerMediaDataMessage
The content type of the media.
- getContentType() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Attachment
- getCount() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.InfoTabNotification
The number to be displayed within a bubble
- getCreatedDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleNode
- getCreatedUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleNode
- getCurrentAssignedAgent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.TicketRoutingInfo
The method returns the currently assigned agent of the ticket.
- getCurrentVisibilityContext(User) - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.OnlineAgentTenantVisibilityContext
Creates an
for the given user. - getCustomerName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.CustomerChatSession
- getData() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.MessengerMediaDataMessage
The content data of the media in byte format.
- getDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerMessageStatusEvent
The date of the status event.
- getDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.MessengerMessage
The date when the message has been sent.
- getDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.SimpleMessage
- getDate(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage
Returns the Date value for the key
- getDateCreated() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.IssueNote
- getDateEnqueued() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Call
The enqueued date of this call.
- getDateEstablished() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentCallInfo
- getDateFinished() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Call
The finished date is when the call has ended.
- getDateFirstRouted() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Call
The date of the first successful routing of this call to an agent.
- getDateReceived() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Issue
- getDefaultServiceLevelRatio() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.ServiceLevelRatioCalculatorInput
The method returns the calculated default service level ratio for the
. - getDelay() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.TemporaryMessagingException
The method returns the optional time to delay the message processing.
- getDeliveryFailureAction() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedResult
Returns the
DeliveryFailureAction of this DeliveryFailureMessageReceivedResult. - getDeliveryFailureMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.DeliveryFailureMessageInfo
- getDescription() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TransactionCode
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Replaced by
} This method will now return the localized description of this transaction code for the default language of the novomind iAGENT system. - getDescription() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Get the current category description which is held in this
. - getDescription() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ChatBotModifier
Get the current chatbot description which is held in this
. - getDescription() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.GroupModifier
Get the current group description which is held in this
. - getDescription() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.LocationModifier
Get the current location description which is held in this
. - getDescription() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TenantModifier
Get the current tenant description which is held in this
. - getDescription() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleModifier
Get the current textmodule description which is held in this
. - getDescription() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TransactionCodeModifier
Deprecated, for removal: This API element is subject to removal in a future version.Replaced by
} This method will now return the localized description of the associatedTransactionCode
for the default language of the novomind iAGENT system. - getDescription(Locale) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.LocalizedDescribed
Returns the description of this object in the specified language.
- getDescription(Locale) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TransactionCodeModifier
Get the current transaction code description for the provided language which is held in this
. - getDestinationCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.recategorization.IssueRecategorizationOperationResult
- getDestinationCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallRecategorizedEvent
This method returns the destination category of the
after it has been recategorized. - getDestinationCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatRecategorizedEvent
This method returns the destination category of the chat after it has been recategorized.
- getDestinationCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action.AgentTicketRecategorizeAction
This method returns the destination category of the ticket.
- getDestinationCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketRecategorizedEvent
This method returns the destination category of the ticket after it has been recategorized.
- getDestinationCategory() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.IssueRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- getDeviceId() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceOperationException
- getDeviceId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.AgentDevice
- getDeviceId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.AgentDeviceLoginRequest
- getDialogUrl() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentCallActionValidationException
- getDialogUrl() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentChatActionValidationException
- getDialogUrl() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.SupervisorMultiTicketsActionValidationException
- getDialogUrl() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.AgentTicketActionValidationException
- getDisplayName() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.AbstractTab
- getDisplayName() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.menu.AbstractMessageFilterMenuItem
- getDisplayName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Get the current category display name which is held in this
. - getDisplayName(Locale) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.LocalizedDisplayNamed
Returns the display name of this object in the specified language.
- getDisplayName(Locale) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TransactionCodeModifier
Get the current transaction code display name for the provided language which is held in this
. - getDouble(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage
Returns the Double value for the key
- getDueDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatResubmittedEvent
This method returns the due date of the resubmitted chat.
- getDueDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketInternalForwardedEvent
This method returns the due date of the internally forwarded ticket.
- getDueDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketResubmittedEvent
This method returns the due date of the resubmitted ticket.
- getDueDateOptional() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.TicketRoutingInfo
The method returns the due date of the ticket, if the ticket currently is resubmitted or internally forwarded.
- getDuration() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Call
Deprecated.Please use
instead. The duration of a finished call is the elapsed time between the received date and the finished date. If the call has not been finished yet, the duration of the call is the elapsed time between the received date and the current time now. - getElapsedServiceLevelTime() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.ServiceLevelRatioCalculatorInput
The method returns the total elapsed time of the
in milliseconds since it has been created. - getEmailAddress() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User
Returns the email address of the user in the form local-part@domain (see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.4.1)
- getEmailAddress() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current user email address in the form local-part@domain (see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5322#section-3.4.1) which is held in this
. - getEmailAddresses() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ContactIdentifier
- getEncryptedString(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage
Returns the String value for the key.
- getEnd() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Holiday
- getEndDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Chat
- getEndTime() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.BusinessTimeSlot
- getEntities(Class<T>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.EntityHandler
Returns a list of the not deleted instances of the MasterEntities.
- getErrorCode() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.PhoneSystemException
- getEscalationCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Category
- getEscalationCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Get the current escalation category which is held in this
. - getEscalationTimeoutMillis() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Category
- getEscalationTimeoutMillis() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Get the current escalation timeout in milliseconds which is held in this
. - getEventDate() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.CustomEvent
- getEventDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.Event
Returns the
when the event has occurred. - getExternalAddress() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.ExternalMessageSentAndTicketClosedEvent
This method returns the email address of the external recipient responsible for the ticket send and close operation.
- getExternalAddress() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.PreSendExternalMessageAndCloseTicketEvent
This method returns the email address of the external recipient responsible for the ticket send and close operation.
- getExternalAddress() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.ExternalTicketAnsweredClearanceRequiredEvent
This method returns the email address of the external sender that has sent the message to the central outgoing queue.
- getExternalAddress() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.ExternalTicketAnsweredEvent
This method returns the email address of the external sender that has sent the message to the central outgoing queue.
- getExternalAddress() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.ExternalTicketClosedEvent
This method returns the email address of the external recipient responsible for the ticket close operation.
- getExternalId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Contact
The external id of a
may be used to associate the novomind iAGENT contact object with external customer data. - getExternalId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence.ContactModifier
Get the current external id which is held in this
. - getExternalMessageId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.ExternalMessageIdProvider
The unique id referencing the message at the external source.
- getExternalReplyAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.ExternalReplyMessageInfo
- getExternalReplyChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.ExternalReplyMessageInfo
- getExternalReplyMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.ExternalReplyMessageInfo
- getExternalReplyToId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.ExternalReplyToIdProvider
The external id of the message that has been replied to.
- getExternalRoutingConnectorTab(ExternalRoutingConnectorTabViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab.ExternalRoutingConnectorTabProvider
Provides a customized
Please verify the type of theExternalRouting
to prevent displaying multiple custom tabs on the configuration page. - getExternalRoutingModifier() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.context.ExternalRoutingConnectorTabViewContext
- getExternalRoutingModifier(ExternalRouting, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build a
for the passedExternalRouting
object. - getFailCause() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallDeliveryFailedEvent
- getFailCause() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallRedirectFailedEvent
- getFailureReason() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerMessageReceivedFailedEvent
The failure reason.
- getFailureReason() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerSendMessageFailedEvent
The failure reason.
- getFilename() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.MessengerMediaDataMessage
The filename of the media.
- getFilter() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.menu.AbstractMessageFilterMenuItem
- getFilter() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.menu.MessageFilterMenuItem
- getFilterPredicate(AttachmentFilterContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.attachments.AttachmentListManipulator
The method allows to filter the list of all available system attachments stored on the file system or added by other plugins, that are displayed to the agent's attachment selection dialog.
- getFilterPredicate(IssueRecategorizationFilterContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.categories.RecategorizationListManipulator
The method allows to filter the list of all available categories, that are displayed to the recategorization dialog.
- getFilterPredicate(IssueInternalForwardFilterContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.forward.InternalForwardListManipulator
The method allows to filter the list of all available users, that are displayed to the forwarding dialog.
- getFinishCause() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.FinishQueuedCallRequest
- getFinishCause() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallFinishedEvent
- getFinishOrigin() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallFinishedEvent
- getFromAddress() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.SimpleMessage
- getFromAddress() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.MailMessage
- getFromId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.ExternalSenderProvider
A unique identifier of the sender / from of the message or status.
- getFromName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.ExternalSenderProvider
The name of the sender / from of the message or status.
- getFunction(Call) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.ServiceLevelRatioCalculator
This more specific method is called to obtain an optional
only to override the calculation of an individual service level ratio for aCall
. - getFunction(Chat) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.ServiceLevelRatioCalculator
This more specific method is called to obtain an optional
only to override the calculation of an individual service level ratio for aChat
. - getFunction(Issue) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.ServiceLevelRatioCalculator
- getFunction(Ticket) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.ServiceLevelRatioCalculator
This more specific method is called to obtain an optional
only to override the calculation of an individual service level ratio for aTicket
. - getGroupId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.App
Returns the id of the group of this app
- getGroupingName(Locale) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.GroupPrivilege
Returns the grouping name of this privilege in the specified language.
- getHeader(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.MailMessage
- getHeight() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent
- getHelpMenuItems(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.MenuItemProvider
This function will be called to collect all
s to be stored in the end of the help menu. - getHighlightType() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.InfoTabBehavior
The HighlightType is a visual effect to highlight the complete tab e.g.
- getHolidays() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.BusinessHour
Returns an optional unmodifiable map of holiday names to holiday instances assigned to this business hour.
- getHtml() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatStep
- getHtml() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextChatMessage
Returns the content of this text chat message in html representation.
- getHtml() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.SimpleMessage
- getHtml() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.MailMessage
- getId() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation.FrontendComponent
The id is the unique identifier of the component in the frontend of the novomind iAGENT app.
- getId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.AgentQuickCase
- getId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.GroupPrivilege
- getId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Issue
- getId() - Method in enum com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageTemplate.Type
- getId() - Method in enum com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageTemplateCategoryAssignmentType
- getId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.privilege.Privilege
- getId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.Process
- getIgnoreVisibility() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.menu.AbstractMessageFilterMenuItem
- getIgnoreVisibility() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.menu.MessageFilterMenuItem
- getInactiveServiceLevelTime() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.ServiceLevelRatioCalculatorInput
The method returns the sum of inactive time of the
in milliseconds, e.g. - getInactivityTimeout() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatBot
Get the chatbot inactivityTimeout in seconds.
- getInactivityTimeout() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ChatBotModifier
Get the current chatbot inactivityTimeout which is held in this
. - getIncomingAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.DeliveryFailureMessageInfo
- getIncomingAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.IncomingMessageInfo
- getIncomingAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.Ticket
- getIncomingBindings() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.ExternalReplyMessageReceivedEvent
Returns the IncomingBindings object.
- getIncomingBindings() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.input.ExternalReplyMessageManipulationInput
Returns the IncomingBindings object.
- getIncomingBindings() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.input.IncomingMessageInput
Returns the
object, which may be used to pass any transient data to other apps or to the knowledge base. - getIncomingBindings() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.provider.IncomingBindingsProvider
Returns the
object. - getIncomingCall() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.IncomingCallProvider
The method returns the
instance. - getIncomingChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.DeliveryFailureMessageInfo
- getIncomingChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.IncomingMessageInfo
- getIncomingChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.Ticket
- getIncomingChatStep() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.IncomingChatStepInfo
- getIncomingMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.IncomingMessageInfo
- getIncomingMessageAnalyzerData() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.input.IncomingMessageAnalyzerInput
Returns the current IncomingMessageAnalyzerData, containing several Decisions made by preceding Apps.
- getIncomingMessengerConversationTypingStatus() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerConversationTypingEvent
The messenger conversation typing status.
- getIncomingMessengerMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerMessageReceivedFailedEvent
The messenger message.
- getIncomingMessengerMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerMessageReceivedSuccessfulEvent
The messenger message.
- getIncomingReceivedMessengerAudioDataMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerAudioDataMessageReceivedEvent
The received messenger audio data message.
- getIncomingReceivedMessengerAudioUrlMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerAudioUrlMessageReceivedEvent
The received messenger audio url message.
- getIncomingReceivedMessengerFileDataMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerFileDataMessageReceivedEvent
The received messenger file data message.
- getIncomingReceivedMessengerFileUrlMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerFileUrlMessageReceivedEvent
The received messenger file url message.
- getIncomingReceivedMessengerImageDataMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerImageDataMessageReceivedEvent
The received messenger image data message.
- getIncomingReceivedMessengerImageUrlMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerImageUrlMessageReceivedEvent
The received messenger image url message.
- getIncomingReceivedMessengerRawMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerRawMessageReceivedEvent
The incoming messenger raw message.
- getIncomingReceivedMessengerTextMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerTextMessageReceivedEvent
The received messenger text message.
- getIncomingReceivedMessengerVideoDataMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerVideoDataMessageReceivedEvent
The received messenger video data message.
- getIncomingReceivedMessengerVideoUrlMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerVideoUrlMessageReceivedEvent
The received messenger video url message.
- getIncomingSentMessengerAudioDataMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerAudioDataMessageSentEvent
The sent messenger audio data message.
- getIncomingSentMessengerAudioUrlMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerAudioUrlMessageSentEvent
The sent messenger audio url message.
- getIncomingSentMessengerFileDataMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerFileDataMessageSentEvent
The sent messenger file data message.
- getIncomingSentMessengerFileUrlMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerFileUrlMessageSentEvent
The sent messenger file url message.
- getIncomingSentMessengerImageDataMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerImageDataMessageSentEvent
The sent messenger image data message.
- getIncomingSentMessengerImageUrlMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerImageUrlMessageSentEvent
The sent messenger image url message.
- getIncomingSentMessengerRawMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerRawMessageSentEvent
The sent messenger raw message.
- getIncomingSentMessengerTextMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerTextMessageSentEvent
The sent messenger text message.
- getIncomingSentMessengerVideoDataMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerVideoDataMessageSentEvent
The sent messenger video data message.
- getIncomingSentMessengerVideoUrlMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerVideoUrlMessageSentEvent
The sent messenger video url message.
- getIndex() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.rating.RatingData
- getInputStream() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.AttachmentDataSource
- getIntermediateStorage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.AgentQuickCase
- getIntermediateStorage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.IntermediateStorageProvider
Returns the IntermediateStorage for the instance of this
- getIntermediateStorage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallChangedEvent
The method allows to provide an
with any data to be stored in the database for theQueuedCallChangedEvent
. - getIntermediateStorage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TransactionCodeModifier
- getIssue() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.IssueViewContext
Returns the currently viewed issue
- getIssue() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.IssueProvider
Returns the issue
- getIssue() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags.AutoRoutingTagOperationFailedException
- getIssue() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags.SupervisorRoutingTagOperationFailedException
- getIssueId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.IssueNote
- getIssues() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.categories.IssueRecategorizationFilterContext
The recategorization can be done for one or more selected issues at the same time.
- getIssues() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.forward.IssueInternalForwardFilterContext
The internal forwarding can be done for one or more selected issues at the same time.
- getItemId() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.RoutingWorkItemNotFoundException
- getItemId() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.RoutingWorkItemOperationException
- getItemId() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.RoutingWorkItem
must provide a globally unique id to identify the object. - getJavaScript() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation.FrontendScript
code, that can be executed in the frontend. - getJoinedContactList(Contact) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.contact.ContactHandler
Returns a list of contacts that are joined to the associated
. - getKeySet() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage
Returns a keyset of all set keys for the instance of this StorageProvider
- getKnowledgeBaseAgentName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatBot
Get the name of the knowledgebase agent used for this chatbot.
- getKnowledgeBaseAgentName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ChatBotModifier
Get the current chatbot knowledgeBaseAgentName which is held in this
. - getLanguageCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModule
- getLanguageCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleModifier
- getLanguageDecisions() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.bindings.IncomingMessageAnalyzerData
Returns an
List ofLanguageAnalyzerDecision
s backed by the Results of preceding Apps.
The List is sorted by the natural ordering of the Decisions (ordered byconfidence
value). - getLanguageDecisions() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult
- getLanguageSkills() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User
- getLanguageSkills() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current language skills which are held in this
. - getLastAssignedAgent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.rating.event.RatingReceivedEvent
This method returns the optional
which represents the agent that is currently or was last assigned to the related issue. - getLastAssignedAgent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.TicketRoutingInfo
The method returns the last assigned agent of the ticket which also includes the currently assigned agent.
- getLastChangeDateWithNotify() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModule
- getLastChangeDateWithNotify() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleModifier
- getLastChangedDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleNode
- getLastChangedUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleNode
- getLastConnectedAgentDevice() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallFinishedEvent
The methods returns the instance of the
that has been connected to this call before it has been finished. - getLastConnectedAgentDevice() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.IncomingCallFinishedEvent
- getLastConnectedAgentDevice() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.OutgoingCallFinishedEvent
- getLevel() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation.FrontendMessage
The level indicates the severity of the message.
- getLocale() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Issue
Returns a locale object representing the language of the issue.
- getLocale() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User
Returns the locale of this user
- getLocale() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current
representing the display language of this user which is held in thisUserModifier
. - getLocalizedDescriptions() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.LocalizedDescribed
Returns the localized descriptions of this object.
- getLocalizedDisplayNames() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.LocalizedDisplayNamed
Returns the localized display names of this object.
- getLocation() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Issue
Returns the optional
of the issue. - getLocation() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.LocationProvider
Returns the location or null
- getLocation() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current
which is held in thisUserModifier
. - getLocationDecisions() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.bindings.IncomingMessageAnalyzerData
Returns an
List ofLocationAnalyzerDecision
s backed by the Results of preceding Apps.
The List is sorted by the natural ordering of the Decisions (ordered byconfidence
value). - getLocationDecisions() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult
- getLocationModifier(Location, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build a
for the passedLocation
object. - getLogoutPath() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent
- getLong(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage
Returns the Long value for the key
- getMailInfoTab(AgentBacklogMailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all mail info views displaying messages in the iAGENT agent application on the message folder for inquiries, forwarded or resubmitted tickets.
- getMailInfoTab(AgentDraftMailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all mail info views displaying messages in the iAGENT agent application on the agent's draft folder.
- getMailInfoTab(AgentMailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all mail info views displaying agent folder messages within the personal agent folder.
- getMailInfoTab(AgentOutgoingMailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all mail info views displaying messages in the iAGENT agent application on the agent's sent folder.
- getMailInfoTab(AgentPhoneTicketMailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all mail info views displaying a phone ticket.
- getMailInfoTab(AgentQuickCaseMailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all mail info views displaying a quick case message.
- getMailInfoTab(ArchiveAccessMailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all mail info views displaying a ticket, that has been retrieved directly via an archive access.
- getMailInfoTab(BacklogMailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all mail info views displaying backlog messages.
- getMailInfoTab(ClaimMailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all mail info views displaying a ticket from an iCLAIM view.
- getMailInfoTab(ExternalReplyMailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all mail info views displaying external reply messages, returning from 2nd level.
- getMailInfoTab(MailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to determine all information to display a custom mail info tab view.
- getMailInfoTab(OutgoingMailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all mail info views displaying outgoing messages.
- getMailInfoTab(SearchResultMailInfoViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all mail info views displaying a ticket, that has been retrieved by a search request.
- getMailMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.context.MessageAccessValidatorContext
Returns the mail message to be accessed
- getManualRoutingCategoryMode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User
- getManualRoutingCategoryMode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current
for the manual routing of this user which is held in thisUserModifier
. - getMaxChatCount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentChatInfo
- getMaxChats() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User
- getMaxChats() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current maximum number of chats that should be routed to this user which is held in this
. - getMaxMails() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User
- getMaxMails() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current maximum number of mails that should be routed to this user which is held in this
. - getMaxTicketCount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentFolderInfo
- getMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.PhoneSystemStateChangedEvent
- getMessage() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.ExtendedMessage
Returns the message retrieved by the
. - getMessage() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.ExternalReplyMessageManipulationResult
- getMessage() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageManipulationResult
- getMessage() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.TemplateMessageManipulationResult
- getMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.TemplateMessage
This method returns the underlying
of thisTemplateMessage
and allows direct manipulation of theMessage
. - getMessageCopy() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.MailMessage
The method returns a copy of the underlying
. - getMessageFormats() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Channel
- getMessageId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.SimpleMessage
The messageId of a message must be globally unique.
- getMessageId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.MailMessage
- getMessageTab(IncomingMessageViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.message.MessageTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on message views displaying incoming messages.
- getMessageTab(SentMessageViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.message.MessageTabProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface on all message views displaying sent messages.
- getMessageTemplate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageTemplateCategoryAssignment
- getMessengerAccountConnectorTab(MessengerAccountConnectorTabViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerAccountConnectorTabProvider
- getMessengerAccountModifier() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerAccountConnectorTabViewContext
- getMessengerAccountModifier(MessengerAccount, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.persistence.MessengerAccountPersistencyHandler
Build a
for the passedMessengerAccount
object. - getMessengerMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.event.MessengerEditedMessageEvent
Returns the new edited messenger message
- getMessengerRawMessageComponent(IncomingMessengerRawMessageAgentViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getMessengerRawMessageComponent(IncomingMessengerRawMessageArchiveAccessViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getMessengerRawMessageComponent(IncomingMessengerRawMessageBacklogViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getMessengerRawMessageComponent(IncomingMessengerRawMessageSearchResultViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getMessengerRawMessageComponent(MessengerRawMessageAgentViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getMessengerRawMessageComponent(MessengerRawMessageArchiveAccessViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getMessengerRawMessageComponent(MessengerRawMessageBacklogViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getMessengerRawMessageComponent(MessengerRawMessageSearchResultViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getMessengerRawMessageComponent(MessengerRawMessageViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getMessengerRawMessageComponent(OutgoingMessengerRawMessageAgentViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getMessengerRawMessageComponent(OutgoingMessengerRawMessageArchiveAccessViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getMessengerRawMessageComponent(OutgoingMessengerRawMessageBacklogViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getMessengerRawMessageComponent(OutgoingMessengerRawMessageSearchResultViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponentProvider
Provide a
for a raw messenger message to be displayed. - getName() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.event.CustomEvent
- getName() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.AbstractTab
- getName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.persistence.MessengerAccountModifier
Get the current messenger account name which is held in this
. - getName() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.TextModuleFirstLevelGroupItem
Returns the name of the
- getName() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.menu.AbstractMessageFilterMenuItem
- getName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence.ContactModifier
Get the current contact name which is held in this
. - getName() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.SubMenuItem
- getName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.AccountModifier
Get the current account name which is held in this
. - getName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ChatBotModifier
Get the current chatbot name which is held in this
. - getName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ExternalRoutingModifier
Get the current name of the associated
which is held in thisExternalRoutingModifier
. - getName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.GroupModifier
Get the current group name which is held in this
. - getName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.LocationModifier
Get the current location name which is held in this
. - getName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PhoneSystemModifier
Get the current name of the associated
which is held in thisPhoneSystemModifier
. - getName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TenantModifier
Get the current tenant name which is held in this
. - getName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleNodeModifier
Get the current textmodule node name which is held in this
. - getName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TransactionCodeModifier
Get the current transaction code name which is held in this
. - getName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current user name which is held in this
. - getName(Locale) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.GroupPrivilege
Returns the name of this privilege in the specified language.
- getNickname() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatBot
Get the chatbot nickname.
- getNickname() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ChatBotModifier
Get the current chatbot nickname which is held in this
. - getNotes() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.IssueNotes
- getNotes() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.Process
- getNotes() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.Ticket
- getNotes(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.IssueNotes
- getNotesCount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.IssueNotes
- getNotification() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.InfoTabBehavior
The InfoTabNotification is a visible mark placed within the tab's label e.g.
- getOrCreatePrivilege(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.privilege.PrivilegeHandler
This method gets or creates a
with the name for the app - getOrigin() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatStep
- getOutgoingAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.PreSendAgentMessageInfo
- getOutgoingAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.PreSendMessageInfo
- getOutgoingAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.QuickCaseMessageInfo
- getOutgoingAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.SentMessageInfo
- getOutgoingCall() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.OutgoingCallProvider
The method returns the
instance. - getOutgoingChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.PreSendAgentMessageInfo
- getOutgoingChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.PreSendMessageInfo
- getOutgoingChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.QuickCaseMessageInfo
- getOutgoingChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.SentMessageInfo
- getOutgoingChatChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerConversationTypingStatusInfo
- getOutgoingChatChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerMessageInfo
- getOutgoingChatChannel() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerMessageReadStatusInfo
- getOutgoingChatStep() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.OutgoingChatStepInfo
- getOutgoingMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.OutgoingMessageInfo
- getOutgoingMessageInfo() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.PreSendMessageEvent
- getOutgoingMessengerAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerConversationTypingStatusInfo
- getOutgoingMessengerAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerMessageInfo
- getOutgoingMessengerAccount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerMessageReadStatusInfo
- getOutgoingMessengerAudioDataMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerAudioDataMessageInfo
- getOutgoingMessengerConversationTypingStatus() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerConversationTypingStatusInfo
- getOutgoingMessengerFileDataMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerFileDataMessageInfo
- getOutgoingMessengerImageDataMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerImageDataMessageInfo
- getOutgoingMessengerMessageReadStatus() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerMessageReadStatusInfo
- getOutgoingMessengerRawMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerRawMessageInfo
- getOutgoingMessengerTextMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerTextMessageInfo
- getOutgoingMessengerVideoDataMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerVideoDataMessageInfo
- getOutputStream() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.AttachmentDataSource
This method maybe unsupported and throws a RuntimeException
- getParent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Group
- getParent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleSecondLevelGroup
- getParent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.GroupModifier
Get the current parent system group which is held in this
. - getParent() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleSecondLevelGroupModifier
Get the current parent textmodule first level group which is held in this
. - getParentFirstLevelGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModule
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the parent first level text module groups.
- getParentGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModule
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the parent text module groups (first and second level).
- getParentMessageId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.SimpleMessage
The parent messageId, if set, references the messageId of a previously received message, that relates to this message.
- getParentSecondLevelGroups() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModule
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the parent second level text module groups.
- getPassword() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current user password which is held in this
. - getPath() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent
- getPath() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.topheader.TopHeaderContent
- getPauseReason() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.AgentPauseState
The method returns the optional
if the agent currently is in pause state. - getPhoneDeviceState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.PhoneDeviceStateChangedEvent
- getPhoneDeviceState(ConnectedAgentDevice) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call.AgentDeviceControlConnector
Retrieve the current
of the device. - getPhoneNumbers() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ContactIdentifier
- getPhoneSystem() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentPhoneSystemInfo
Returns the
that has been used to connect the agent's phone device. - getPhoneSystemConnectorTab(PhoneSystemConnectorTabViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab.PhoneSystemConnectorTabProvider
Provides a customized
Please verify the type of thePhoneSystem
to prevent displaying multiple custom tabs on the configuration page. - getPhoneSystemModifier() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.context.PhoneSystemConnectorTabViewContext
- getPhoneSystemModifier(PhoneSystem, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build a
for the passedPhoneSystem
object. - getPhoneSystemState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.PhoneSystemStateChangedEvent
- getPostprocessingStartDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.common.AgentPostProcessingState
The method returns the optional post processing start date if the agent currently is in post processing state.
- getPreSendAgentMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.PreSendAgentMessageInfo
- getPreSendMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.PreSendMessageInfo
- getPreSendMessageInfo() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.PreSendMessageEvent
- getPreviousChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.AgentChatClosedEvent
- getPreviousChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.BotChatClosedEvent
- getPreviousChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatEnqueuedEvent
- getPreviousChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatQuitEvent
- getPreviousChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatRequeuedEvent
- getPreviousChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatResubmittedEvent
- getPreviousChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatRoutedEvent
- getPreviousChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatStartedEvent
- getPreviousChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatStateChangedEvent
- getPreviousChatState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.SupervisorChatClosedEvent
- getPreviousTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.event.TicketStateChangedEvent
- getPrivilege() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.SubMenuItem
Returns the
of this SubMenuItem, if present - getPrivilege() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.SupervisorMessageFilterMenuItem
Returns the
of thisSupervisorMessageFilterMenuItem
, if present - getProcess() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.provider.ProcessProvider
Returns the process
- getProtocol() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.MessengerAccount
- getProtocol() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.persistence.MessengerAccountModifier
Get the current protocol which is held in this
. - getProtocol() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Account
- getProtocol() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.AccountModifier
Get the current protocol which is held in this
. - getQueuedCall() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.QueuedCallProvider
The methods returns the instance of the
. - getQuickCaseMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.QuickCaseMessageInfo
- getRatingData() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.rating.event.RatingReceivedEvent
This method returns the
for allRatingData.Index
es sent by the customer. - getRawMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.MessengerRawMessage
The serialized version of the raw messenger message as string.
- getReason() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.AgentDeviceLoginException
- getRecategorizationCount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatRecategorizedEvent
This method returns the number of recategorizations of the chat up to and including this one.
- getRecategorizationCount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketRecategorizedEvent
This method returns the number of recategorizations of the ticket up to and including this one.
- getReferencedTicket() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Chat
- getRelatedCloseActionExceptions() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.exception.AgentTicketRelatedCloseActionsValidationException
- getRelatedCloseActions() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action.AgentTicketMultiCloseAction
This method returns the close actions of the related tickets which were closed in this multi ticket close operation.
- getRelatedIssue() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.StartOutgoingCallRequest
The related
of the outgoing call if exists, otherwise an empty optional. - getReportsMenuItems(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.MenuItemProvider
This function will be called to collect all
s to be stored in the end of the reports menu. - getResourcePath() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerAccountConnectorTab
- getResourcePath() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab.AccountConnectorTab
- getRestUrl() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatBot
Get the chatbot restUrl.
- getRestUrl() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ChatBotModifier
Get the current chatbot restUrl which is held in this
. - getReviewDuration() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Chat
- getRouteToAgentTimeout() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatBot
Get the chatbot routeToAgentTimeout in seconds If a previous customer chat was assigned to an agent, a following chat from the same customer will get routed to an agent in this time period
- getRouteToAgentTimeout() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ChatBotModifier
Get the current chatbot routeToAgentTimeout which is held in this
. - getRoutingDuration() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Call
Deprecated.Please use
instead. The routing duration is the elapsed time between the enqueued date and first routed date. The optional will be empty if the call has not been routed yet. - getRoutingDuration() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Chat
- getRoutingDuration() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.CallRoutingInfo
The routing duration is the elapsed time between the enqueued date and first routed date.
- getRoutingTags() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Issue
Returns an unmodifiable set of the currently assigned routing tags.
- getRoutingTags() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User
Returns an unmodifiable set of the currently assigned routing tags.
- getRoutingTags() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current routing tags which are held in this
. - getRoutingTagsAdded() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.routingtags.IssueRoutingTagOperationResult
- getRoutingTagsRemoved() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.routingtags.IssueRoutingTagOperationResult
- getRoutingWorkItem() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.RoutingWorkItemProvider
The methods returns the instance of the
. - getRoutingWorkItemState(RoutingWorkItem) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.externalrouting.ExternalRoutingConnector
Retrieve the state of a
. - getScheme() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageViewContext
The scheme of the raw messenger message to be displayed.
- getScheme() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.MessengerRawMessage
The scheme of this raw messenger message.
- getScheme() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Attachment
The scheme is used to identify the AttachmentDataSourceProvider and must be equal to the scheme of the AttachmentDataSourceProvider that provides the InputStream for this Attachment.
- getScheme() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.AttachmentDataSourceProvider
The scheme identifies the AttachmentDataSourceProvider.
- getScore() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.rating.RatingData
- getSearchMenuItems(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.MenuItemProvider
This function will be called to collect all
s to be stored in the end of the search menu. - getSelectionDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.event.AgentMessageDeselectedEvent
Returns the
when the message had been selected previously. - getSelectionType() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.InfoTabBehavior
The SelectionType defines an action that is being taken when the tab's parent view is renederd e.g.
- getSelectionType() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.home.AgentHomeTabBehavior
The SelectionType defines an action that is being taken when the tab's parent view is rendered e.g.
- getSendingUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerConversationTypingStatusInfo
- getSendingUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerMessageInfo
- getSendingUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerMessageReadStatusInfo
- getSendingUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.OutgoingMessageInfo
- getSendingUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AgentTicketAnsweredClearanceRequiredEvent
- getSendingUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AgentTicketAnsweredEvent
- getSentMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.OptionalSentMessageInfo
- getSentMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.SentMessageInfo
- getSentTicketCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.DeliveryFailureMessageInfo
- getSentTicketID() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.DeliveryFailureMessageInfo
- getServiceLevelMillis() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Category
- getServiceLevelMillis() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.CategoryModifier
Get the current service level in milliseconds which is held in this
. - getShortcut() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModule
- getShortcut() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.TextModuleModifier
- getSignature() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User
- getSignature() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current signature which is held in this
. - getSize() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Attachment
- getSkill() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.UserAgentGroupAssignment
- getSourceCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.recategorization.IssueRecategorizationOperationResult
- getSourceCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallRecategorizedEvent
This method returns the source category of the
before it has been recategorized. - getSourceCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.ChatRecategorizedEvent
This method returns the source category of the chat before it has been recategorized.
- getSourceCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action.AgentTicketRecategorizeAction
This method returns the source category of the ticket before the recategorization.
- getSourceCategory() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketRecategorizedEvent
This method returns the source category of the ticket before it has been recategorized.
- getSourceCategory() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.IssueRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- getSourceId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ActiveCall
This method returns the optional sourceId of the call.
- getSourceId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Call
The optional sourceId is the caller identification or caller number of the call.
- getStart() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Holiday
- getStartDate() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Chat
- getStartTime() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.BusinessTimeSlot
- getStorage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TransactionCode
- getStorage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.StorageProvider
Returns the Storage for the instance of this StorageProvider
- getString(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage
Returns the String value for the key
- getString(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.bindings.IncomingBindings
Returns the string value to which the specified key is mapped, or
if this map contains no mapping for the key. - getSubject() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.SimpleMessage
- getSubject() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.MailMessage
- getSubMenuItems() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.menu.AbstractMessageFilterMenuItem
- getSubMenuItems() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.SubMenuItem
- getSuggestionTemplateDecisions() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.bindings.IncomingMessageAnalyzerData
Returns a
List ofTemplateAnalyzerDecision
s for the suggestion template containing the results of preceding Apps. - getSuggestionTemplateDecisions() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageAnalyzerResult
- getSupervisorBacklogMessageFilterMenuItem(SupervisorMessageFilterMenuViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.SupervisorMessageFilterMenuItemProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to determine all information to display a custom backlog message menu entry in the novomind iAGENT Supervisor.
- getSupervisorMultiTicketsAction() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.dialog.SupervisorMultiTicketsActionViewContext
Returns the
object. - getSupervisorMultiTicketsCloseAction() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.dialog.SupervisorMultiTicketsCloseActionViewContext
Returns the
object. - getSupervisorOutgoingMessageFilterMenuItem(SupervisorMessageFilterMenuViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.SupervisorMessageFilterMenuItemProvider
The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to determine all information to display a custom outgoing message menu entry in the novomind iAGENT Supervisor.
- getSupervisorTicketActionExceptions() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.SupervisorMultiTicketsActionValidationException
- getSupervisorTicketActions() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.action.SupervisorMultiTicketsAction
This method returns the set of individual ticket actions for the selected tickets.
- getSupervisorTicketCloseActions() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.action.SupervisorMultiTicketsCloseAction
This method returns the individual ticket close actions for the selected tickets.
- getSystemGroupModifier(SystemGroup, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build an
for the passedSystemGroup
object. - getTargetId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ActiveCall
This method returns the targetId of the call.
- getTargetId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Call
The targetId is the call destination, e.g.
- getTargetId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.RedirectQueuedCallRequest
The target id for the
to be redirected. - getTargetId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.StartOutgoingCallRequest
The id or number of the target for the
to be called. - getTargetId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.CallRedirectedEvent
The method returns the targetId of the external target for the redirect.
- getTargetId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallRedirectFailedEvent
The method returns the targetId of the external target for the failed redirect.
- getTargetServiceLevelTime() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.ServiceLevelRatioCalculatorInput
- getTemplateMessage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.input.TemplateMessageManipulationInput
This method returns the generated template message ready to be processed by the novomind iAGENT routing process.
- getTenant() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.persistence.MessengerAccountModifier
Get the current tenant which is held in this
. - getTenant() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Contact
Returns the
that is currently assigned to theContact
. - getTenant() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Issue
Returns the optional tenant of the issue or an empty optional if no tenant is assigned to the issue.
- getTenant() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.OptionalTenantProvider
Returns the optional
- getTenant() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.TenantProvider
Returns the tenant
- getTenant() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.StartOutgoingCallRequest
for the outgoing call if available, otherwise an empty optional. - getTenant() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.action.CentralAttachmentUploadAction
Returns the tenant of the attachment.
- getTenant() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.persistence.ContactModifier
Get the current tenant which is held in this
. - getTenant() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.AccountModifier
Get the current tenant which is held in this
. - getTenant() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.ChatBotModifier
Get the current chatbot tenant which is held in this
. - getTenant() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.SystemGroupModifier
Get the current tenant which is held in this
. - getTenantConfigTab(TenantConfigViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.tenant.TenantConfigTabProvider
- getTenantModifier() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.tenant.TenantConfigViewContext
- getTenantModifier(Tenant, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build a
for the passedTenant
object. - getTenants(AgentTenantVisibilityContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.VisibilityHandler
This method returns the visible tenants for the given agent context
- getTenants(OnlineAgentTenantVisibilityContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.AgentVisibilityHandler
This method returns the visible tenants for the given context.
- getTenants(OnlineAgentTenantVisibilityContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.VisibilityHandler
This method returns the visible tenants for the given online agent context
- getTenants(SupervisorTenantVisibilityContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.VisibilityHandler
This method returns the visible tenants for the given supervisor context
- getText() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.operation.FrontendMessage
The text of the frontend message.
- getText() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.MessengerTextMessage
The text of the messenger message as string.
- getText() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatStep
- getText() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.IssueNote
- getText() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.SimpleMessage
- getText() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.MailMessage
- getTextChatMessage() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.manipulator.result.IncomingTextChatMessageManipulationResult
- getTextChatMessage() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.manipulator.result.OutgoingTextChatMessageManipulationResult
- getTextModuleFirstLevelGroup() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.TextModuleFirstLevelGroupItem
Returns the optional persistent
wrapped by thisTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItem
. - getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItems() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput
Returns the list of
offered to the agent in the mail editor view component associated with the request. - getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItems() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput
Returns the list of
offered to the agent in the mail editor view component associated with the request. - getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItems() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentQuickCaseMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput
Returns the list of
offered to the agent in the mail editor view component associated with the request. - getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItems(AgentMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorTextModuleListManipulator
The method allows to manipulate the list of first level group items offered to an agent within the novomind iAGENT Desk mail editor.
- getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItems(AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorTextModuleListManipulator
The method allows to manipulate the list of first level group items offered to an agent within the novomind iAGENT Desk mail editor for a phone ticket.
- getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItems(AgentQuickCaseMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.editor.AgentMailEditorTextModuleListManipulator
The method allows to manipulate the list of first level group items offered to an agent within the novomind iAGENT Desk mail editor for a quick case.
- getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupModifier(TextModuleFirstLevelGroup, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build an
for the passedTextModuleFirstLevelGroup
object. - getTextModuleModifier(TextModule, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build an
for the passedTextModule
object. - getTextModuleRootModifier(Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build an
for theTextModuleRoot
object. - getTextModuleSecondLevelGroupModifier(TextModuleSecondLevelGroup, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build an
for the passedTextModuleSecondLevelGroup
object. - getTicket() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.context.MessageAccessValidatorContext
Returns an optional containing the associated ticket if the ticket was found or an empty optional if the associated ticket could not be found.
- getTicket() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.ExternalReplyMessageReceivedEvent
Returns an Optional containing the associated Ticket if the Ticket was found or an empty Optional if the associated Ticket could not be found.
- getTicket() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.input.ExternalReplyMessageManipulationInput
Returns an Optional containing the associated Ticket if the Ticket was found or an empty Optional if the associated Ticket could not be found.
- getTicket() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.provider.TicketProvider
Returns the ticket
- getTicket() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.AgentTicketCloseOperationFailedException
- getTicket() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.SupervisorTicketCloseOperationFailedException
- getTicket() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.AutoTicketInternalForwardOperationFailedException
- getTicket() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.SupervisorTicketInternalForwardOperationFailedException
- getTicket() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.AutoTicketRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- getTicket() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.SupervisorTicketRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- getTicket() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.AutoTicketRequeueOperationFailedException
- getTicket() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.SupervisorTicketRequeueOperationFailedException
- getTicket() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.resubmit.TicketResubmitOperationFailedException
- getTicketCount() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.state.AgentFolderInfo
- getTicketId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.MessageInfo
- getTicketIds() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.Process
- getTickets() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.Process
Get the set of tickets assigned to this process as an unmodifiable set.
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.event.TicketStateChangedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.MessageSentAndTicketClosedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.Ticket
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AgentTicketAnsweredEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AgentTicketClosedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AgentTicketForwardedAndClosedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AutoTicketAnsweredEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AutoTicketClosedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AutoTicketForwardedAndClosedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.ExternalTicketAnsweredEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.ExternalTicketClosedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.SupervisorTicketClosedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.SupervisorTicketForwardedAndClosedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketClearanceRequiredEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketCreatedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketInternalForwardedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketQueuedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketResubmittedEvent
- getTicketState() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.TicketRoutedEvent
- getTicketStorage() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.input.IncomingMessageInput
Returns the storage of the ticket to be created for the
. - getTicketStorage(Long) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.StorageHandler
Returns a
for aTicket
with the given id. - getTicketStorages(Set<Long>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.StorageHandler
Returns a
id ->Storage
of theTicket
- getTimestamp() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ChatStep
- getTimeZone() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Location
Returns the timezone of the location
- getTimeZone() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.LocationModifier
Get the current location timezone which is held in this
. - getTitle() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent
- getToAddresses() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.QuickCaseMessage
- getToggleEvents() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent
- getToId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.ExternalReceiverProvider
A unique identifier of the receiver / to of the message or status.
- getToId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerConversationTypingStatus
A unique identifier of the receiver / to of the typing status.
- getToId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerMessage
A unique identifier of the receiver / to of the message.
- getToId() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.SentMessengerMessage
A unique identifier of the receiver / to of the message.
- getToName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.ExternalReceiverProvider
The name of the receiver / to of the message or status.
- getToName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerConversationTypingStatus
The name of the receiver / to of the typing status.
- getToName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.OutgoingMessengerMessage
The name of the receiver / to of the message.
- getToName() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.SentMessengerMessage
The name of the receiver / to of the message.
- getTopHeaderContent(TopHeaderViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.topheader.TopHeaderContentProvider
- getTotalDeliveredDuration() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.CallInfo
The total delivered duration is the elapsed time while the call is ringing at a device.
- getTotalDuration() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.CallInfo
The total duration of a call is the elapsed time between the received date and the finished date.
- getTotalEstablishedDuration() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.model.CallInfo
The total established duration is the elapsed time while the participants of the call can talk to each other (including on hold).
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.call.AgentCallCloseAction
This method returns the optional
that has been applied during the call close operation. - getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.chat.AgentChatCloseAction
This method returns the optional
that has been applied during the chat close operation. - getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Call
The transaction code assigned to the call when finished.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.close.ChatCloseOperationResult
The method returns the optionally assigned transaction code to the closed chat.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.FinishQueuedCallRequest
The optional transaction code for the call to be finished.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.request.RedirectQueuedCallRequest
The optional transaction code for the
to be redirected. - getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.AgentChatClosedEvent
This method returns the optional
that has been applied during the chat close operation. - getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.BotChatClosedEvent
This method returns the optional
that has been applied during the chat close operation. - getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.validator.action.SupervisorMultiTicketsCloseAction
This method returns the optional TransactionCode that has been applied during the tickets close operation.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.action.AgentTicketCloseAction
This method returns the optional TransactionCode that has been applied during the ticket close operation.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.event.UserCloseTicketEvent
This method returns the optional TransactionCode that has been applied during the ticket close operation.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.event.UserTicketClosedEvent
This method returns the optional TransactionCode that has been applied during the ticket close operation.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.ExternalForwardMessageSentAndTicketClosedEvent
This method returns the optional TransactionCode that has been applied during the external forward operation of the ticket.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.ExternalForwardMessageSentAndTicketForwardedEvent
This method returns the optional TransactionCode that has been selected during the external forward operation of the ticket.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.ExternalMessageSentAndTicketClosedEvent
This method returns the optional TransactionCode that has been applied during the external forward operation of the ticket.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.PreSendExternalForwardMessageAndCloseTicketEvent
This method returns the optional TransactionCode that has been applied during the external forward and close operation of the ticket.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.PreSendExternalForwardMessageAndForwardTicketEvent
This method returns the optional TransactionCode that has been selected during the external forward operation of the ticket.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.event.PreSendExternalMessageAndCloseTicketEvent
This method returns the optional TransactionCode that has been applied during the external forward operation of the ticket.
- getTransactionCode() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.operation.close.TicketCloseOperationResult
The method returns the optionally assigned transaction code to the closed ticket.
- getTransactionCodeConfigTab(TransactionCodeConfigViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.transactioncode.TransactionCodeConfigTabProvider
- getTransactionCodeModifier() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.transactioncode.TransactionCodeConfigViewContext
- getTransactionCodeModifier(TransactionCode, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build a
for the passedTransactionCode
object. - getType() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.InfoTabNotification
of the notification - getType() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.MessengerConversationTypingStatus
The type of the typing status.
- getType() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.ExternalRouting
The type of an
is the unmodifiable and unique name of theExternalRoutingConnector
implementation defined by theExternalRoutingConnectorPlugin
annotation of the class. - getType() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.MessageTemplate
- getType() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.PhoneSystem
The type of a
is the unmodifiable and unique name of thePhoneSystemConnector
implementation defined by thePhoneSystemConnectorPlugin
annotation of the class. - getType() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.context.ExternalRoutingConnectorTabViewContext
- getType() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.context.PhoneSystemConnectorTabViewContext
- getUid() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.App
Returns the unique id of this app.
- getUid() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Location
Returns the uid of the location
- getUid() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.LocationModifier
Get the current location uid which is held in this
. - getUID() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Attachment
The UID must contain only the following characters: [a-z][A-Z][0-9].-_ The maximum number of characters is 255.
- getUnmodifiedResult() - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.manipulator.result.IncomingTextChatMessageManipulationResult
Provides an
without any modifications - getUnmodifiedResult() - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.manipulator.result.OutgoingTextChatMessageManipulationResult
Provides an
without any modifications - getUnmodifiedResult() - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.ExternalReplyMessageManipulationResult
Provides an
without any modifications - getUnmodifiedResult() - Static method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.IncomingMessageManipulationResult
Provides an
without any modifications - getUrl() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.AbstractTab
- getUrl() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.tab.Tab
The URL of the tab's content
- getUrl() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.model.MessengerMediaUrlMessage
The url to the media file of this message.
- getUrl() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.menu.SubMenuItem
- getUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.attachments.AttachmentFilterContext
- getUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.ViewContext
Returns the currently logged on user associated with the ViewContext
- getUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.UserAgentGroupAssignment
- getUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.provider.UserProvider
Returns the user
- getUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.AgentChatClosedEvent
This method returns the user who closed the chat.
- getUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.call.QueuedCallChangedEvent
The method allows to associate a
with the event. - getUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.event.SupervisorChatClosedEvent
This method returns the user who closed the chat.
- getUser() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.operation.close.AgentChatCloseOperationFailedException
- getUser() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.operation.close.SupervisorChatCloseOperationFailedException
- getUser() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.AgentCategoryVisibilityContext
- getUser() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.OnlineAgentCategoryVisibilityContext
- getUser() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.SupervisorCategoryVisibilityContext
- getUser() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.AgentTenantVisibilityContext
- getUser() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.OnlineAgentTenantVisibilityContext
- getUser() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.SupervisorTenantVisibilityContext
- getUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AgentResubmittedTicketRoutedEvent
- getUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AgentTicketManuallyRoutedEvent
- getUser() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.event.AgentTicketResubmittedEvent
- getUser() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.AgentTicketCloseOperationFailedException
- getUser() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.close.SupervisorTicketCloseOperationFailedException
- getUser() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.internalforward.SupervisorTicketInternalForwardOperationFailedException
- getUser() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.SupervisorCallRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- getUser() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.recategorization.SupervisorTicketRecategorizationOperationFailedException
- getUser() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.requeue.SupervisorTicketRequeueOperationFailedException
- getUser() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.operation.routingtags.SupervisorRoutingTagOperationFailedException
- getUserAssignments() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.AgentGroup
Returns an unmodifiable cached view of the user assignments.
- getUserAssignments() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.AgentGroupModifier
Get an unmodifiable view of the current user assignments which are held in this
. - getUserConfigTab(UserConfigViewContext) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.user.UserConfigTabProvider
- getUserModifier() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.user.UserConfigViewContext
- getUserModifier(User, Optional<User>) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.PersistencyHandler
Build an
for the passedUser
object. - getUsername() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.User
Returns the username of the user
- getUsername() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence.UserModifier
Get the current user username which is held in this
. - getUserNotificationOperationBuilder(User) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.action.AgentActionHandler
This method returns the
for an agent. - getValueType(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.persistence.storage.IntermediateStorage
Returns the type of the value for the given key.
- getVendor() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.App
Returns the vendor of this app
- getVersion() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.App
Returns the version of this app
- getViewUrl(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.frontend.chatinfo.ChatInfoViewContext
This method should be used to prepare the chat info view url
- getViewUrl(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarViewContext
This method should be used to prepare the sidebar view url
- getViewUrl(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.callinfo.CallInfoViewContext
This method should be used to prepare the call info view url
- getViewUrl(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.mailinfo.MailInfoViewContext
This method should be used to prepare the mail info view url
- getViewUrl(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.common.frontend.message.MessageViewContext
This method should be used to prepare the message view url
- getVisibility() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.AgentCategoryVisibilityContext
Returns the visibility of this context
- getVisibility() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.OnlineAgentCategoryVisibilityContext
Returns the visibility of this context
- getVisibility() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.category.SupervisorCategoryVisibilityContext
Returns the visibility of this context
- getVisibility() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.AgentTenantVisibilityContext
Returns the visibility of this context
- getVisibility() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.OnlineAgentTenantVisibilityContext
Returns the visibility of this context
- getVisibility() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.visibility.tenant.context.SupervisorTenantVisibilityContext
Returns the visibility of this context
- getWaitTime() - Method in exception com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.exception.ExternalRoutingRequestException
- getWidth() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.sidebar.AgentSidebarContent
- getWorkTimeDuration() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.event.AgentMessageDeselectedEvent
Returns the
of work time. - getXHeaders() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.connector.SimpleMessage
This method allows to define additional X-Headers.
- GREETING - com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.TextModuleFirstLevelGroup.Classification
greeting classification
- Group - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents a Group object
- GroupModifier<T extends Group & MasterEntity> - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.persistence
- GroupPrivilege - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents a privilege object
- GroupPrivilegeHandler - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.privilege
This handler provides access to group privileges.
- growl() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification.UserNotificationOperationBuilder
This method returns a UserNotificationOperationBuilder.Growl instance which is able to set the different parameters for building a user notification by a growl.
- GrowlUserNotificationOperation - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification
Represents an operation to display a growl notification to a user.
- hangup(ConnectedAgentDevice) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.connector.call.AgentDeviceControlConnector
Hang up the current call on the agent device.
- hashCode() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerAccountConnectorTab
- hashCode() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.messenger.frontend.MessengerRawMessageComponent
- hashCode() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.RoutingWorkItem
- hashCode() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.AbstractAnalyzerDecision
hashCode is delegated to the object returned by
. - hashCode() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.core.result.decision.LanguageAnalyzerDecision
hashCode is based on the
of the containing Locale object - hashCode() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.routing.frontend.connector.tab.AccountConnectorTab
- hasOutgoingCallCapability() - Method in class com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.result.AgentDeviceLoginResult
- hasPrivilege(User, GroupPrivilege) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.privilege.GroupPrivilegeHandler
Checks if the user has the
- hasPrivilege(User, Privilege) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.routing.privilege.PrivilegeHandler
Checks if the user has the
- hasRecording() - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model.Call
The method returns true if the call has been recorded, otherwise false.
- header(String, String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
Adds custom headers to the message that will be created for the new ticket.
- Holiday - Interface in com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.model
Represents a holiday object
- html(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.newprocess.CreateTicketOperationBuilder.WithRequired
Sets the content for the message of the new ticket as html.
- html(String) - Method in interface com.novomind.ecom.api.iagent.operation.notification.UserNotificationOperationBuilder.Alert
This method returns a UserNotificationOperationBuilder.Alert.Html instance which is able to display a html alert popup notification to the user.
- html(String) - Method in interface com.novomin