AgentAvailability |
Represents the agent availability states for specific module.
AgentDeviceState |
This interface provides information about the agent device state.
AgentLoginState |
This interface provides information about the agent login state at the novomind iAGENT Desk.
AgentPauseState |
This interface provides information about the agent pause
state and also provides the optional PauseReason
when an agent is paused.
AgentPostProcessingState |
This interface provides information about the agent post processing
state and also provides the optional Call object regarding
to this post processing time.
LocalizedDescribed |
Represents an object with a localized description
LocalizedDisplayNamed |
Represents an object with a localized display name
ModifiableAgentAvailability |
Represents the agent availability states for specific module
and allows to change it.
ModifiableAgentPauseState |
This interface provides information about the agent pause
state and also allows to change it.
ModifiableAgentPostProcessingState |
This interface provides information about the agent post processing
state and also allows to change it.