Interface MessageAccessValidator

  • public interface MessageAccessValidator
    The MessageAccessValidator is an extension point used to validate access to a message. It can be used in the novomind iAGENT Routing and Desk processes.

    ************************ !!! IMPORTANT NOTE !!! ******************************
    Please note that the methods of this interface will be called very frequently triggered by user interactions in the frontend or api, that keep blocking until the methods return.

    The implementation must guarantee high performance and avoid heap garbage. Please do not implement any long term operations like web service calls or database lookups within the method implementations of this interface. Please keep in mind that the methods may be called multiple times concurrently and avoid any kind of bottlenecks or synchronized code.

    • Method Detail

      • validateMessageAccess

        void validateMessageAccess​(MessageAccessValidatorContext messageAccessValidatorContext)
                            throws MessageAccessValidationException
        The method is called on plugins implementing this interface to validate the access to a message.
        messageAccessValidatorContext - The MessageAccessValidatorContext associated with the request to the access a message
        MessageAccessValidationException - Throw a MessageAccessValidationException to indicate a validation error. The user will not be able to access the message.