Interface CustomEventListener

  • public interface CustomEventListener
    The CustomEventListener is an interface that can be implemented to take any actions on a CustomEvent raised by the CustomEventHandler.raiseEvent(CustomEvent) method. Please annotate your plugin with the corresponding process annotation MailAgentPlugin or RoutingPlugin or CorePlugin and also with the CustomEventFilter annotation to specify the names of the events this CustomEventListener should listen to. The CustomEventFilter annotation is mandatory. The CustomEventListener can be used in the novomind iAGENT routing process, the novomind iAGENT Desk process, the novomind iAGENT Chat Agent process and also in the novomind iAGENT Core process.
    • Method Detail

      • processEvent

        void processEvent​(CustomEvent customEvent)
        Process a CustomEvent. Please avoid any long term operations like web service calls or database lookups within this method or ensure strict and short timeout mechanism. Please keep in mind that any blocking of the event queue may cause delays processing events of other plugins.
        customEvent - the CustomEvent