Interface IncomingMessageInput

    • Method Detail

      • getTicketStorage

        IntermediateStorage getTicketStorage()
        Returns the storage of the ticket to be created for the IncomingMessage. The data contained in the storage will be stored automatically when the ticket has been created successfully. In case of any regular cancellation of the message processing (e.g. by throwing a TemporaryMessagingException) all data contained in the storage will also be stored and provided when the extension point is processed again.
        the IntermediateStorage to store any data associated with the ticket
      • getIncomingBindings

        IncomingBindings getIncomingBindings()
        Returns the IncomingBindings object, which may be used to pass any transient data to other apps or to the knowledge base. Please note that other Apps may read or write to the same IncomingBindings object to share the contained data between each other. In the knowledge base you may access a key-value-pair of the IncomingBindings within action code by using the "get" function, e.g.: String value = get("myKey"); In case of any regular cancellation of the message processing (e.g. by throwing a TemporaryMessagingException) all data contained in the IncomingBindings will be saved and recovered when the extension point is processed again for the ticket. The data contained in the IncomingBindings will be lost after the incoming message has been successfully inserted into the backlog of the novomind iAGENT routing process.
        Specified by:
        getIncomingBindings in interface IncomingBindingsProvider
        the IncomingBindings object to share transient data between other apps and the knowledge base.