Interface AgentMailEditorTextModuleListManipulator

  • public interface AgentMailEditorTextModuleListManipulator
    An AgentMailEditorTextModuleListManipulator is used to manipulate the list of text module first level group items offered to an agent within the novomind iAGENT Desk editor.

    This interface can only be used within the novomind iAGENT Desk application.

    • Method Detail

      • getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItems

        java.util.List<TextModuleFirstLevelGroupItem> getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItems​(AgentMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput agentMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput)
        The method allows to manipulate the list of first level group items offered to an agent within the novomind iAGENT Desk mail editor.

        The method will be called when the agent editor is opened e.g. due to a selection change within the agent's personal folder. The method will also be called when the agent manually changes the Category for the text modules to be displayed. Therefore, the desired Category for the list of first level group items can be obtained from the AgentMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput.

        IMPORTANT NOTE: Please ensure not to implement this method blocking. Any synchronous long term operations performed in the method implementation could affect the general system performance and should be avoided.

        agentMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput - The AgentMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput provides all required information to manipulate the list.
        a List of TextModuleFirstLevelGroupItem to be offered to the agent or null if no modification should be applied.
      • getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItems

        default java.util.List<TextModuleFirstLevelGroupItem> getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItems​(AgentQuickCaseMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput agentQuickCaseMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput)
        The method allows to manipulate the list of first level group items offered to an agent within the novomind iAGENT Desk mail editor for a quick case.

        The method will be called when the agent editor is opened on preparation of a new quick case. The method will also be called when the agent manually changes the Category for the text modules to be displayed. Therefore, the desired Category for the list of first level group items can be obtained from the AgentQuickCaseMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput.

        IMPORTANT NOTE: Please ensure not to implement this method blocking. Any synchronous long term operations performed in the method implementation could affect the general system performance and should be avoided.

        agentQuickCaseMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput - The AgentQuickCaseMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput provides all required information to manipulate the list.
        a List of TextModuleFirstLevelGroupItem to be offered to the agent or null if no modification should be applied.
      • getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItems

        default java.util.List<TextModuleFirstLevelGroupItem> getTextModuleFirstLevelGroupItems​(AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput agentPhoneTicketMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput)
        The method allows to manipulate the list of first level group items offered to an agent within the novomind iAGENT Desk mail editor for a phone ticket.

        The method will be called when the agent editor is opened on preparation of a new phone ticket. The method will also be called when the agent manually changes the Category for the text modules to be displayed. Therefore, the desired Category for the list of first level group items can be obtained from the AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput.

        IMPORTANT NOTE: Please ensure not to implement this method blocking. Any synchronous long term operations performed in the method implementation could affect the general system performance and should be avoided.

        agentPhoneTicketMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput - The AgentPhoneTicketMailEditorTextModuleManipulationInput provides all required information to manipulate the list.
        a List of TextModuleFirstLevelGroupItem to be offered to the agent or null if no modification should be applied.