AgentInternalForwardedTicketRoutedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been routed to an agent
due to an internal forward operation by another agent.
AgentPhoneTicketCreatedEvent |
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process when
a phone ticket has been created.
AgentQuickCaseTicketCreatedEvent |
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process when
a quick case ticket has been created.
AgentResubmittedTicketRoutedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been routed to an agent due
to a previous resubmit operation that has been triggered by the agent
itself and has exceeded its due date.
AgentTicketAnsweredClearanceRequiredEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered by an agent
and now is waiting for clearance before being sent.
AgentTicketAnsweredEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered by an agent
and now is waiting to be sent to the customer in the next step.
AgentTicketClearanceRequiredEvent |
AgentTicketClosedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been closed by an agent
within the novomind iAGENT Desk process without being answered.
AgentTicketForwardedAndClosedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been forwarded and closed
by an agent within the novomind iAGENT Desk process without being answered.
AgentTicketInternalForwardedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been internally forwarded by an
agent to another agent manually within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
AgentTicketManuallyRoutedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been pulled by an agent
manually within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
AgentTicketRecategorizedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been recategorized by an agent.
AgentTicketRequeuedEvent |
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process
when a previously assigned ticket has been queued again by the
same agent, that had been assigned to the ticket.
AgentTicketResubmittedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been resubmitted by
an agent manually within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
AutoInternalForwardedTicketRoutedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been routed to an agent
due to an automatically triggered internal forward operation.
AutoResubmittedTicketRoutedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been routed to an agent due
to a previous resubmit operation that has been triggered automatically
and has exceeded its due date.
AutoTicketAnsweredClearanceRequiredEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered automatically
and now is waiting for clearance before being sent.
AutoTicketAnsweredEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered automatically
and now is waiting to be sent to the customer in the next step.
AutoTicketClosedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been closed automatically
AutoTicketForwardedAndClosedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been forwarded and closed
automatically e.g.
AutoTicketInternalForwardedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been internally forwarded
automatically within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
AutoTicketRecategorizedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been recategorized automatically.
AutoTicketRequeuedEvent |
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process
when a previously assigned ticket has been queued again automatically.
AutoTicketResubmittedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been resubmitted
automatically within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
AutoTicketRoutedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been routed automatically
to an agent.
ExternalTicketAnsweredClearanceRequiredEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered by an external
clerk and now is waiting for clearance before being sent.
ExternalTicketAnsweredEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered by an external
clerk and now is waiting to be sent to the customer in the next step.
ExternalTicketClosedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been closed by an external
recipient within the novomind iAGENT routing process without being answered.
SupervisorInternalForwardedTicketRoutedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been routed to an agent
due to an internal forward operation by a supervisor.
SupervisorTicketClosedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been closed by a supervisor
within the novomind iAGENT routing process without being answered.
SupervisorTicketForwardedAndClosedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been forwarded and closed
by a supervisor within the novomind iAGENT routing process without being answered.
SupervisorTicketInternalForwardedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been internally forwarded by a
supervisor to an agent manually within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
SupervisorTicketManuallyRoutedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been pushed to an agent by a supervisor
manually within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
SupervisorTicketRecategorizedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been recategorized by a supervisor.
SupervisorTicketRequeuedEvent |
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process when
a previously assigned ticket has been queued again by a supervisor.
TicketAnsweredEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been answered.
TicketClearanceRequiredEvent |
TicketCreatedEvent |
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process when
a ticket has been created.
TicketEnqueuedEvent |
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process when a
ticket has been enqueued in the central backlog after it has been created.
TicketInternalForwardedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been internally forwarded
within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
TicketQueuedEvent |
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process
when a ticket has been queued in the central backlog.
TicketRecategorizedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been recategorized.
TicketRequeuedEvent |
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process
when a ticket has been queued again e.g.
TicketResubmittedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been resubmitted.
TicketRoutedEvent |
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process when
a ticket has been routed to an agent.
UserTicketInternalForwardedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been internally forwarded
by an user to an agent manually within the novomind iAGENT routing process.
UserTicketRecategorizedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been recategorized by an user.
UserTicketRequeuedEvent |
This event is triggered within the novomind iAGENT routing process when a
previously assigned ticket has been queued again due to a user operation.
UserTicketRoutedEvent |
This event is triggered when a ticket has been routed to an agent by a user manually.