ActiveCallEvent |
The ActiveCallEvent is the basic interface for active call related events.
AgentCallRecategorizedEvent |
This event is triggered when a Call has been recategorized by an agent.
AgentDeviceEvent |
AgentDeviceEventListener |
The AgentDeviceEventListener is an interface that implements the
callback event functions triggered due to agent device events.
AutoCallRecategorizedEvent |
This event is triggered when a Call has been recategorized automatically.
CallChangedEvent |
A CallChangedEvent can be triggered, when
an ActiveCall has changed without any
change of the CallState .
CallDeliveredEvent |
A CallDeliveredEvent is triggered, when a call
is ringing (alerting) on an agent device.
CallEstablishedEvent |
A CallEstablishedEvent is triggered, when a call
has been established on an agent device.
CallEvent |
This interface represents all events concerning a Call
The interface provides the Call object.
CallFinishedEvent |
A CallFinishedEvent is triggered, when a call
has been disconnected and finished.
CallRecategorizedEvent |
This event is triggered when a call has been recategorized.
CallRedirectedEvent |
A CallRedirectedEvent is triggered, when a call
has been transferred to an external target which is not a connected agent
device within the novomind iAGENT application.
CallRoutingEventListener |
The CallRoutingEventListener is an interface that implements
the callback event functions to be handled by a CallRoutingConnector .
CallStateChangedEvent |
This event is triggered when the CallState of a call has changed.
CallTransferredEvent |
A CallTransferredEvent is triggered, when a call
has been transferred from a device to another logged on agent device.
IncomingCallDeliveredEvent |
An IncomingCallDeliveredEvent is triggered, when
an IncomingCall is ringing (alerting) on an agent device.
IncomingCallEstablishedEvent |
An IncomingCallEstablishedEvent is triggered, when
an IncomingCall has been established on an agent device.
IncomingCallFinishedEvent |
An IncomingCallFinishedEvent indicates that an IncomingCall has been finished.
IncomingCallRedirectedEvent |
An IncomingCallRedirectedEvent is triggered, when an IncomingCall
has been transferred to an external target which is not a connected agent device
within the novomind iAGENT application.
IncomingCallStateChangedEvent |
An IncomingCallStateChangedEvent is a state change event related to an IncomingCall
IncomingCallTransferredEvent |
An IncomingCallTransferredEvent is triggered, when an
IncomingCall has been transferred from a device to another
logged on agent device.
OutgoingCallDeliveredEvent |
An OutgoingCallDeliveredEvent is triggered, when an OutgoingCall
initiated by an agent is ringing (alerting) on the target device.
OutgoingCallEstablishedEvent |
An OutgoingCallEstablishedEvent is triggered, when an OutgoingCall
initiated by an agent has been established between the agent and the target device.
OutgoingCallFinishedEvent |
An OutgoingCallFinishedEvent indicates that an OutgoingCall has been finished.
OutgoingCallRedirectedEvent |
An OutgoingCallRedirectedEvent is triggered, when an OutgoingCall
has been transferred to an external target which is not a connected agent device
within the novomind iAGENT application.
OutgoingCallStateChangedEvent |
An OutgoingCallStateChangedEvent is a state change event related to an OutgoingCall
OutgoingCallTransferredEvent |
An OutgoingCallTransferredEvent is triggered, when an OutgoingCall
initiated by an agent has been transferred from the agent device to another agent device.
PhoneDeviceStateChangedEvent |
A PhoneDeviceStateChangedEvent is an event
triggered due to a state change of an AgentDevice .
PhoneDeviceStateEventListener |
The PhoneDeviceStateEventListener is an interface that implements
the callback event functions triggered due to phone device state changes.
PhoneSystemStateChangedEvent |
A PhoneSystemStateChangedEvent is an event triggered due to
a general state change of the remote system of a PhoneSystemConnector
PhoneSystemStateEventListener |
The PhoneSystemStateEventListener is an interface that implements
the callback event functions to be called on phone system state changes e.g.
QueuedCallChangedEvent |
A QueuedCallChangedEvent is triggered, when a
QueuedCall has changed without any change of
the CallState .
QueuedCallDeliveredEvent |
A QueuedCallDeliveredEvent is triggered, when a
QueuedCall is ringing (alerting) on an agent device.
QueuedCallDeliveryFailedEvent |
QueuedCallDequeuedEvent |
A QueuedCallDequeuedEvent is triggered, when a previously enqueued QueuedCall
has been dequeued from the central backlog.
QueuedCallDisconnectedEvent |
A QueuedCallDisconnectedEvent is triggered, when a previously connected
QueuedCall has been disconnected from a ConnectedAgentDevice
without being finished.
QueuedCallEnqueuedEvent |
An QueuedCallEnqueuedEvent is triggered, when a previously received
QueuedCall has been enqueued in the central backlog to be routed to an agent.
QueuedCallEstablishedEvent |
A QueuedCallEstablishedEvent is triggered, when a
QueuedCall has been established on an agent device.
QueuedCallFinishedEvent |
A QueuedCallFinishedEvent indicates that a QueuedCall has been disconnected and finished.
QueuedCallReceivedEvent |
A QueuedCallReceivedEvent is triggered, when a QueuedCall
has been been received, before being routed or processed e.g.
QueuedCallRedirectedEvent |
A QueuedCallRedirectedEvent is triggered, when a QueuedCall
has been transferred to an external target which is not a connected agent device
within the novomind iAGENT application.
QueuedCallRedirectFailedEvent |
A QueuedCallRedirectFailedEvent is triggered, when the
redirect of a QueuedCall to an external target has failed.
QueuedCallStateChangedEvent |
A QueuedCallStateChangedEvent is a state change event related to a QueuedCall
QueuedCallTransferredEvent |
A QueuedCallTransferredEvent is triggered, when a
QueuedCall has been transferred from one agent device to another.
SupervisorCallRecategorizedEvent |
This event is triggered when a Call has been recategorized by a supervisor.
UserCallRecategorizedEvent |
This event is triggered when a Call has been recategorized by an User .