Package com.novomind.ecom.api.imail.agent.frontend.event
Interface Summary Interface Description AgentMessageDeselectedEvent This event is triggered when a message in the agent's personal inbox folder of the novomind iAGENT Desk has been deselected by an agent.AgentMessageSelectedEvent This event is triggered when a message has been selected by an agent in the agent's personal inbox folder of the novomind iAGENT Desk.AgentMessageSelectionChangedEvent This event is triggered when a message has been selected or deselected by an agent in the agent's personal inbox folder of the novomind iAGENT Desk.AgentMessageSelectionEventListener TheAgentMessageSelectionEventListener
is an interface that implements the event functions to be called on message selection changes triggered by the agent in the novomind iAGENT Desk process and processed in the novomind iAGENT routing process.