Change notes

v12.40 (October 2024)

v12.39 (September 2024)

  • new deprecations

    • Category
      • method isCloseAllowed() is deprecated and will be removed with the next major version. This method is replaced by isCloseWithoutAnswerAllowed().
    • CategoryModifier
      • method isCloseAllowed() is deprecated and will be removed with the next major version. This method is replaced by isCloseWithoutAnswerAllowed().
      • method setCloseAllowed(boolean) is deprecated and will be removed with the next major version. This method is replaced by setCloseWithoutAnswerAllowed(boolean).
      • method validateCloseAllowed(boolean) is deprecated and will be removed with the next major version. This method is replaced by validateCloseWithoutAnswerAllowed(boolean).
  • changed behavior

    • A Category that returns false when calling the method isCloseAllowed() but true when calling the method isAnswerAllowed() now disallows only to close without answering any tickets of this category but allows the send-and-close operation. (Previously the send-and-close operation was also disallowed when the method isCloseAllowed() returned false)
  • new methods

    • AgentEditorController addAttachment(Attachment) now allows also to add an external attachment provided by an AttachmentDataSourceProvider to the currently selected mail in the novomind iAGENT Desk. The method is a backend alternative to the JS-API method NM.api.imail.agent.mail.addAttachment(scheme, uid, name).

v12.37 (July 2024)

  • new methods
    • CategoryModifier addAssignedMessageTemplate, removeAssignedMessageTemplate and getAssignedMessageTemplates to assign templates to categories.
    • Category getAssignedMessageTemplates to get a list of currently assigned templates.

v12.36 (June 2024)

v12.33 (March 2024)

  • changed behavior
    • incoming messages retrieval in the novomind iAGENT core process is now separated from message content classification and analysis. A ticket will be created and persisted after successful message retrieval from the incoming source and the message is classified and analyzed by the knowledge base in a separately thread. The following extension points are now executed separately and asynchronously from the message retrieval:
    • the ticket is already persisted at the execution time of these extension points
    • if a TemporaryMessagingException is thrown all data associated with the ticket will be stored and provided again when the extension point is processed during the next polling cycle.
    • the new concept allows to perform long term operations during message classification and analysis by the knowledge base or plugins implementing the extension points mentioned above. To avoid delays on incoming message processing due to long term operations incoming accounts may use a thread pool with a limited number of threads depending on the available memory to perform the required operations asynchronously without blocking other pending messages.
  • new deprecations
    • PostIncomingMessageListener
      • method postIncomingMessage(Message, IncomingMessageInfo, Message, BacklogMessageInfo, Ticket) is deprecated and will be removed with the next major version. This method is replaced by postIncomingMessage(PostIncomingMessageEvent).
    • TemplateMessageManipulator
      • method preProcess(Message, IncomingMessageInfo) is deprecated and will be removed with the next major version. This method is replaced by manipulateTemplateMessage(TemplateMessageManipulationInput) and will now return the TemplateMessageManipulationResult.

v12.31 (January 2024)

  • new deprecations
    • TransactionCode
      • method getDescription() is deprecated and will be removed with the next major version. This method is replaced by getDescription(Locale) and will now return the localized description of the transaction code for the default language of the novomind iAGENT system.
    • TransactionCodeModifier
      • method getDescription() is deprecated and will be removed with the next major version. This method is replaced by getDescription(Locale) and will now return the localized description of the transaction code for the default language of the novomind iAGENT system.
      • method setDescription(String) is deprecated and will be removed with the next major version. This method is replaced by setDescription(Locale, String) and will now set the localized description of the transaction code for the default language of the novomind iAGENT system.
      • method validateDescription(String) is deprecated and will be removed with the next major version. This method is replaced by validateDescription(Locale, String) and will now validate the localized description of the transaction code for the default language of the novomind iAGENT system.

v12.29 (November 2023)

  • new deprecation
    • Category method isTransactionCodeRequired is deprecated and will be removed with novomind iAGENT v13. This method is replaced by the module specific methods isTransactionCodeRequiredForMail, isTransactionCodeRequiredForChat, isTransactionCodeRequiredForCall.
      • isTransactionCodeRequired will now return true if one of the new module specific methods is true, otherwise false
    • CategoryModifier methods isTransactionCodeRequired, setTransactionCodeRequired and validateTransactionCodeRequired are deprecated and will be removed with novomind iAGENT v13. These methods are replaced by the module specific methods.
      • isTransactionCodeRequired will now return true if one of the new module specific methods is true, otherwise false
      • setTransactionCodeRequired will now call all the new module specific methods
      • validateTransactionCodeRequired will now call all the new module specific methods
    • ChatStartedEventListener, ChatResubmittedEventListener and ChatClosedEventListener are deprecated and will be removed with novomind iAGENT v13. The event listeners are replaced by the new ChatStateEventListener.
  • new extension point
  • the interface BacklogChatInfo now offers a new method getChatState to retrieve the current state of the chat in the backlog
  • new handler
  • the SystemGroupModifier now allows to add or remove GroupPrivileges
  • new novomind iAGENT REST API endpoint GET iMail/api/rest/privileges to retrieve all visible privileges for the executing user. See API Console for more information.
  • new novomind iAGENT REST API endpoint GET / PUT / DELETE iMail/api/rest/groups/systemgroups/{id}/assignedprivileges to retrieve, add or remove privileges of a system group. See API Console for more information.

v12.28 (September 2023)

v12.27 (August 2023)

v12.25 (May 2023)

  • new builder TicketOperationBuilder provides specific operation builders e.g. to create a new ticket
  • new info object AgentChatInfo provided by AgentInfo for extension point
  • the AgentTicketActionValidator can now validate multi close actions in a single validation method. The default behavior calling the validation methods for every ticket closed by the multi close action remains unchanged.

v12.24 (April 2023)

v12.23 (March 2023)

v12.22 (February 2023)

  • new novomind iAGENT REST API method HTTP POST for iMail/api/rest/accounts in order to create incoming and system accounts. See API Console for more information.
  • new novomind iAGENT REST API endpoint PATCH iMail/api/rest/accounts/{id} in order to update specific fields using HTTP PATCH. See API Console for more information.
  • new type ENCRYPTED_STRING for all property based endpoints of the iAGENT REST API
  • Breaking Fix: GET */properties Endpoints of the iAGENT REST API have been fixed to deliver correct key names. The internal prefix "!" is not part of the key anymore. "!myKeyName" changes to "myKeyName".

v12.20 (December 2022)

  • new extension point
    • MessengerConnector Extension point to implement messenger retrieval from external messaging sources into novomind iAGENT
  • new handler
    • CustomEventHandler to raise and process custom events between different plugins and apps
  • new JS-API to switch the mail info tab or chat info tab in the novomind iAGENT-Desk and Chat-Agent

v12.18 (October 2022)

v12.17 (September 2022)

  • new extension points
    • AgentMessageSelectionEventListener
    • new novomind iAGENT Chat REST API ChatChange types (see Models for details):
      • ChatChangeReconnectAck Acknowledge of successful reconnect. All following ChatChanges until ChatChangeReconnectLoaded represent the current chat history.
      • ChatChangeReconnectLoaded End of transferred chat history.
      • ChatChangeReconnectNack Unsuccessful reconnect to a chat e.g. due to invalid chatid and token

v12.16 (August 2022)

  • new novomind iAGENT Chat REST API property payload for ChatChangeChatstep to access custom payloads like a chatbot emotion.

v12.15 (July 2022)

  • new REST API endpoint iMail/api/rest/search/chats in order to search past chats. See API Console for more information.

v12.14 (June 2022)

v12.13 (May 2022)

  • new builder UserNotificationOperationBuilder to send notifications to agents provided by the
  • new JS-API to manipulate TO/CC/BCC addresses in agent editor

v12.12 (April 2022)

v12.10 (February 2022)

v12.9 (January 2022)

v12.4 (August 2021)

v12.3 (July 2021)

  • Important Note: Number of keys in app storage limited to 1000 keys per app.
  • the PersistencyHandler now provides a RoutingTagModifier to create a new RoutingTag.

v12.2 (June 2021)

  • a User now offers access to the following attributes: clearanceRequired, maxMails, maxChats, autoRoutingCategoryMode, manualRoutingCategoryMode
  • the UserModifier can now change the following attributes of an User: clearanceRequired, maxMails, maxChats, autoRoutingCategoryMode, manualRoutingCategoryMode

v12.1 (May 2021)

v12.0 (April 2021)

Breaking Changes

Other Changes

v11.36 (January 2021)

v11.34 (November 2020)

  • a pause reason now offers access to the boolean flag work time break (see isWorkTimeBreak)

v11.32 (September 2020)

v11.30 (July 2020)

v11.29 (June 2020)

v11.28 (May 2020)

v11.27 (April 2020)

v11.26 (March 2020)

v11.25 (February 2020)

v11.23 (December 2019)

  • new extension points
    • PreStartChatValidator
    • TicketAnsweredEventListener
    • TicketInternalForwardedEventListener
    • TicketResubmittedEventListener

v11.22 (November 2019)

v11.21 (October 2019)

v11.16 (June 2019)

  • trigger actions for logged on agents on the novomind iAGENT Desk
  • new handler

v11.15 (May 2019)

v11.9 (November 2018)

v11.5 (July 2018)

v11.3 (May 2018)

v11.2 (April 2018)

v11.1 (March 2018)

v11.0 (February 2018)

Breaking Changes

  • The structure of our public api has changed. The artifact ecom-api-imail has been removed. The contents are now part of ecom-api-iagent. The java packages did not change. If you resolved ecom-api-imail in your plugins, please change it to ecom-api-iagent starting with v11.0.
  • The return types of all set*() methods of the interface IntermediateStorage have changed from the return type Storage to the new return type IntermediateStorage. If you are using any of these methods in your plugins, please recompile and redeploy your apps when updating to v11.0.
  • The return type of the method getAttachments() of the interface MailMessage has changed from Map<String, BodyPart> to the new return type Set<MessageAttachmentDataSource>. If you are using this method of MailMessage in your plugins, please adapt to this change when updating to v11.0.
  • The default version of the novomind iAGENT REST API was changed from v1 to v2. The v1 version of the novomind iAGENT REST API will be removed in the novomind iAGENT version 11.6. The changes are:
    • The "flat" flag for the services: /categories, /users, /holidays and /businesshours was removed. The services now return changed responses. See API Console for more information on the responses.
    • All HATEOAS links now have the same schema. All services were changed to comply to the HATEOAS convention. See API Console for more information on the responses.
    • The error handling has changed. All services now return JSON objects on errors. The objects contain an error message and an error code. See here for more information.
    • The service /categories has changed. /categories/categories can now be used to get categories withtout maincategories. /categories/maincategories can now be used to get the maincategories.

Other Changes

  • The Visibility api now supports categories.
  • Minor update of the provided Servlet API from 3.0 to 3.1
  • Minor update of the provided Java Mail API from 1.4.5 to 1.6.0

v10.0.206 (January 2018)

  • new master entities 'textmodule', 'textmoduleRoot', 'textmoduleFirstLevelGroup' and 'textmoduleSecondLevelGroup' with create, read, update and delete operations

v10.0.202 (December 2017)

v10.0.146 (November 2017)

v10.0.142 (October 2017)

v10.0.138 (September 2017)

v10.0.132 (August 2017)

v10.0.128 (July 2017)

v10.0.120 (May 2017)

v10.0.116 (April 2017)

v10.0.108 (February 2017)

  • new master entities 'agentgroup' and 'systemgroup' with create, read, update and delete operations

v10.0.102 (January 2017)

v10.0.50 (December 2016)

  • new master entity 'category' with create, read, update and delete operations
  • new master entity 'account' with create, read, update and delete operations

v10.0.46 (November 2016)

v10.0.42 (October 2016)

v10.0.38 (September 2016)

  • Storage api for issues
  • new handler
  • new master entity 'transaction code' with create, read, update and delete operations

v10.0.34 (August 2016)

v10.0.28 (July 2016)

v10.0.16 (April 2016)

v10.0.10 (March 2016)