Text Based Chatting


Present novomind iAGENT Chat

This method opens an novomind iAGENT Chat session with the novomind iAGENT Chat backend and establishes a text Conversation with a real agent

IAGENT.presentIChat(parentViewController: UIViewController, nickname: String, category: String, animated: Bool = true)
  • parentViewController: parent view controller that will hold the navigation controller of the novomind iAGENT Chat view controller
  • nickname: nickname of the customer
  • category: category the chats will be routed in
  • animated: display the novomind iAGENT Chat view controller animated or not.


Present novomind iAGENT Chat

This method opens an novomind iAGENT Chat session with the novomind iAGENT Chat backend and establishes a text Conversation with a real agent

presentICHAT(final Context context, final String nickname, final String category)