




[key: string]: any

Key of the configurations entry


attributesDataType: string
Type : string

Property key needed to get data from the "attributeUrl" response

attributeUrl: string
Type : string

Url used to get data for "Attributes" dialog

availableDataTypes: string[]
Type : string[]

List of dataTypes option, dataTypes selection dropdown, will only be shown when dataTypeMode is set to "choose" @default([])

cellSelectable: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables rows selection when cell is clicked, can only be used when "rowSelectable" property is disabled @default(true)

clearSortingAndFilteringOnReset: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables clearing the currently applied filters and sorting state when reset is triggered @default(true)

columns: Column[]
Type : Column[]

List of static columns to be rendered in data-list

columnTemplates: literal type
Type : literal type

The templates for dynamically added columns

countDescription: string
Type : string

Description added after the rows count value, only used when rows count is shown with the title (ie: totalWithSubheader property is not set or set to false)

dataType: string
Type : string

Property key, needed to get data from response

dataTypeColumns: literal type
Type : literal type

A Map containing the list of columns defined for each dataType with the dataType as the key, used along with "columns" property, needed when using multiple dataTypes with different columns

density: string
Type : string

Set display density for data-list, available options are: "comfortable", "cosy" and "compact" @default("comfortable")

disableContextMenu: boolean
Type : boolean

Disables/Enables context menu button action @default(false)

dynamicColumnLink: string
Type : string

Url used to get dynamic columns on data-list initialization, should be embedded using type "attributes" in response

dynamicColumnsFromData: boolean
Type : boolean

Set to true, to get columns defined in response, otherwise alternatively "Attributes" dialog can be used to add dynamic columns @default(false)

dynamicColumnsMode: "concat" | "unique"
Type : "concat" | "unique"

Defines how dynamic columns are added to the existing statically configured columns list, "concat" is the default behaviour and simply adds all dynamic columns to the end, "unique" will only add columns, that have not been defined in the static configuration

dynamicTableHeight: any
Type : any

Enables/Disables changing table height dynamically

dynamicTableHeightAdditionalHeight: string
Type : string

Additional height to adjust the data-list, height should be in px (e.g "15px")

dynamicTableHeightAdditionalModifiers: string[]
Type : string[]

Additional modifiers used to adjust the data-list height. The modifiers must be configured and added to body in _positions.scss

dynamicTitle: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables adding a prefix to the data-list title dynamically @default(false)

eagerLimit: number
Type : number

Limit for number rows loaded when using eager loading mode, if not set it gets "ALL" by default.

emitSelectedItems: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables emitting the "rowData" entry with the selected rows output, that contains the complete row's data @default(false)

excelCopyParseUrl: string
Type : string

Adress for the copy paste parsing to use, @default(/api/core/attributes/parse?include=attribute.source&include=attribute.validation)

excelCopyPasteEverywhere: boolean
Default value : (false)
Type : boolean

whether or not it is allowed to copy paste for every attribute type. If this is false it will only be allowed to copy paste in STRING,PLAIN_STRING,INTEGER_NUMBER,DECIMAL_NUMBER attributes

exportPath: string
Type : string

Url used to export data-list data

filterMode: string
Type : string

Sets data-list filter mode, available options are: "quickFilter", "excelStyleFilter" or "inlineFilter" @default("excelStyleFilter")

focusFreeTextSearch: boolean
Type : boolean

Set autofocus on the field

footer: any
Type : any

Data-list footer configuration

frameHeight: number
Type : number

Height specified for the frame when in tile view mode, used to adjust the tile height @default(270)

getNextPageOnLazyLoad: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables getting a number of rows (the number should be the same as the currently viewed rows, if "pageLimitPerScroll" property is not set), opposed to just getting the next row when using lazy loading mode @default(false)

globalFilterInput: boolean
Type : boolean

Shows/Hides data-list filter field @default(true)

groupingEnabled: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables grouping of data @default(true)

groupingExpressions: GroupingExpression[]
Type : GroupingExpression[]

List of grouping configurations used to group the data based on a column or a combination of columns

handleViewModeInBackend: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables handling view mode change using the backend @default(false)

header: string
Type : string

CSS class selector for header component @default("primary")

headerClasses: literal type
Type : literal type

Map used to set conditional css class selectors for column headers, using the css class selector as the key and a callback method identifier as the value. The callback method should return a boolean result and should be registered to "HeaderClassesCallbackRegistry" in widget.module. by default it already handles marking the headers of columns with mandatory attributes using this callback method "default-mandatory-attribute"

headerComponents: any
Type : any

Add widgets to data-list header

headers: DataListHeaderGroup[]
Type : DataListHeaderGroup[]

Deprecated: feature is now removed. List of data-list groups headers

highlightReadOnly: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables highlighting "readonly" fields with gray background and and overlayed icon @default(true)

identifier: string
Type : string

Data-list identifier

ignoreSeconds: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables showing seconds for "date" or "datetime" values @default(false)

infoText: string
Type : string

Adds the text in the help icon

infoTitle: string
Type : string

Adds the title to the text provided by the help icon

initialDataType: string
Type : string

The dataType to be selected initially by default, when there is no previous selection stored

isCollapsible: boolean
Type : boolean

Deprecated: feature is now removed. Enables/Disables expanding/collapsing data-list panel vertically @default(false)

isSideCollapsible: boolean
Type : boolean

Deprecated: feature is now removed. Enables/Disables expanding/collapsing data-list panel horizontally @default(false)

languageSelection: boolean
Type : boolean

Shows/Hides language selection dropdown @default(false)

languageSelectionUrl: string
Type : string

Url used to get languages to be shown in languages selection dropdown, otherwise the default defined url will be used

languageSelectorValueProperty: string
Type : string

Property key used to get the value from the response, to be set as the option value for the languages selection dropdown @default("id")

link: ChildrenLink
Type : ChildrenLink

Hierachical data-list property, needed to check the children's link source

loadingMode: string
Type : string

Mode used for loading data, for eager loading use "eager", otherwise it will be set to lazy loading @default("eager")

localStorageShownAttributes: string
Type : string

The local storage entry identifier, needed to save currently shown attributes

maintenanceLevelLink: string
Type : string

Url used to get maintenance levels to be shown in maintenance levels selection dropdown, otherwise the default defined url will be used

maintenanceLevelSelection: boolean
Type : boolean

Shows/Hides maintenance levels selection dropdown @default(false)

metadataKeys: string[]
Type : string[]

Deprecated: feature is now removed. List of row properties keys to be emitted with the edited rows output in "metadata" entry.

overrideTileClickEvent: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables overriding the row click event redirection in tile mode and emit the row data instead @default(false)

pageLimitPerScroll: number
Type : number

Limit for number rows loaded on scroll action when using lazy loading mode

primaryKey: string
Type : string

Unique property key, needed to differentiate between data-list rows

productNumberField: string
Type : string

Field that is used to get the productNo out of the data. Needed for knowing which products are rendered in the table, which is needed to reduce the category attributes to the ones viable for the products in the list

profileUrl: string
Type : string

The url used to fetch/update attribute-profiles, if null no profile selection/update will be enabled

reloadOnDataTypeChange: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables relaoding the data-list when dataType is changed @default(true)

reloadWithUnsavedChanges: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables prompting the user for confirmation in case of unsaved changes, if set to true it automatically ignores unsaved changes @default(false)

removeAllFiltersButton: boolean
Type : boolean

Hides/Shows reset table state button, used to clear currently applied filters and sorting state @default(false)

renderCount: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables rendering the rows count after the data-list title @default(true)

restrictAttributesToCategoryOnAttributeDialogOpen: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables running the "restrict to category" action when the "Attributes" dialog is opened @default(false)

rowEditable: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables row editting mode, otherwise cell editting mode is used @default(false)

rowPinningEnabled: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables row pinning @default(false)

rowSelectable: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables rows selection @default(true)

rowSelectionMode: string
Type : string

Sets rows selection mode, possible values "single" or "multiple" can only be used when "rowSelectable" property is enabled @default("multiple")

selectAttributeAdditionalProperties: string[]
Type : string[]

List of property keys used to set additional information text for the attributes in the "Attributes" dialog @default(["type", "group"])

selectAttributeEmptySelection: Attribute[]
Default value : (null)
Type : Attribute[]

Fallback to use, when the user explicitly removes all attributes from the dialog

selectAttributeMaxAttributes: number
Default value : (100)
Type : number

Configures the maximum number of selectable attributes

selectFilterParams: SelectFilterParams
Type : SelectFilterParams

The configuration for the filter selection dropdown used in "Attributes" dialog. Use an empty object (ie: {}) in order for the dropdown to be removed

shownAttributesSelection: boolean
Type : boolean

Hierachical data-list property, shows/hides "Attributes" dialog open button for children data-lists @default(false)

showRestrictToCategoryButton: boolean
Type : boolean

Shows/Hides the restrict to category button in the select-attributes dialog @default(false)

showTableOnLinkInput: boolean
Type : boolean

Shows/Hides data-list when "uri" to load the data is changed @default(true)

sortBy: SortBy[]
Type : SortBy[]

List of column sorting configurations to be used for sorting the data

sortingExpressions: SortingExpression[]
Type : SortingExpression[]

List of sorting configurations used to sort the data-list, using a single column or a combination of columns

subheader: string
Type : string

Additional subheader for the data-list

tableHeight: number
Type : number

Sets data-list height

tableHeightRelativeToRows: boolean
Type : boolean

Enables/Disables adjusting data-list height relative to the number of rows @default(false)

tableHeightVisibleRows: number
Type : number

Sets the table height by configuring the number of visible rows

tableWidth: any
Type : any

Sets table width @default("100%")

tileIdentifierField: string
Type : string

Name of the field that shows in the tile view as the tile identifier

tileRedirectLink: string
Type : string

Link used for redirection when the row is clicked in tile mode

title: string
Type : string

Data-list title

toggleButtonLabel: string
Type : string

Label used for the mode toggle-slider

totalWithSubheader: boolean
Type : boolean

Shows the rows count with the subheader, only used when subheader property is set @default(false)

useIgxExport: any
Type : any

Enables/Disables using the igx-grid export functionality

viewModeOptions: ViewModeOption[]
Type : ViewModeOption[]

List of options to be shown in the view mode selection dropdown

viewModeSelection: boolean
Type : boolean

Shows/Hides view mode selection dropdown @default(false)

wikiLink: string
Type : string

Adds the link to the wiki page explaining the functionality of the content

withBorder: boolean
Type : boolean

Shows/Hides the border of the panel frame @default(true)

withHeader: boolean
Type : boolean

Shows/Hides the panel header @default(true)

import {
} from "../../components/hal/hal";
import { Selectors } from "../../components/app-context/api";
import { Attribute } from "../../components/edit-attribute";

export interface Result extends Resource {
  description?: string;
  identifier?: string;

  _actions?: {
    links: ActionNavigation[];

export interface ResultResource extends Resource {
  total?: number;
  _embedded?: {
    products: Result[];
  _actions?: {
    multiSelect: MultiSelectAction;
  _links?: {
    custom: Link;

export interface Column {
   * Column identifier
  field?: string;

   * Column parent, if present
  parent?: string;

   * Label for column header
  header: string;

   * Enables/Disables adding a prefix to the column header dynamically
  dynamicHeader?: boolean;

   * Column width value, will be evaluated in px (e.g 250)
  width: number | string;

   * Enables/Disables column filtering @default(false)
  filter?: boolean;

   * Column cells css class name in case column has no type or has an unsupported type
  name?: string;

   * Column type,
   * currently defined types: "attribute", "widget", "boolean", "datetime", "link",
   * "main-asset", "chip", "chiplist", "selector", "expander",
   * "hal-actions", "interactions", "actions-and-interactions"
  type?: string;

   * Image size in case column has type "main-asset"
  "asset-size"?: string;

   * Hides/Shows image placeholder in case column has type "main-asset"
  hideAssetPlaceholder?: boolean;

   * Redirection url in case column has type "link",
   * It can access any of the other columns values,
   * and be used like this in the url {column-field-value}
  linkTemplate?: string;

   * Redirection link type, needed to correctly re-route the link.
   * Using "internal" type will redirect the link relative to the current path.
   * Can only be used in case column has type "link".
  linkType?: string;

   * Date format in case column has type "datetime"
  dateFormat?: string;

   * Tooltip date format in case column has type "datetime" @default("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")
  tooltipDateFormat?: string;

   * Minimum column width
  minWidth?: number | string;

   * Maximum column width
  maxWidth?: number | string;

   * Enables/Disables column sorting @default(false)
  sortable?: boolean;

   * Pins/Unpins column @default(false)
  pinned?: boolean;

   * Hides/Shows column @default(false)
  hidden?: boolean;

   * Enables/Disables column editing @default(false)
  editable?: boolean;

   * Enables/Disables column grouping @default(false)
  groupable?: boolean;

   * Enables/Disables emitting cell data when it's edited @default(false)
  externalEditing?: boolean;

   * Disables/Enables column hiding @default(true)
  disableHiding?: boolean;

   * Filtering type
  "filter-type"?: "contains" | undefined;

   * Interactions that should be shown in the corresponding cell,
   * needed to look up interactions in the browserContext,
   * in case column has type "hal-actions", "interactions" or "actions-and-interactions"
  selectors?: Selectors;

   * Column order
  order?: number;

   * Locales map needed to update the dynamic columns headers that are shown for the table based on the selected locale.
  locales?: Map<string, string>;

   * Hides/Shows column pin icon @default(false)
  hidePin?: boolean;

   * Enables/Disables grid summary functionality per-column @default(false)
  hasSummary?: boolean;

   * Enables/Disables using customized summaries, instead of using the grid default summaries,
   * both of which depend on the dataType of the column @default(false)
  customSummary?: boolean;

   * Data type of the column values
  dataType?: string;

   * Map used to set conditional css class selectors for data-list cells,
   * using the css class selector as the key and a callback method identifier as the value.
   * The callback method should return a boolean result and should be registered to "CellClassesCallbackRegistry" in widget.module.
   * by default it already handles marking the headers of mandatory descriptions columns using this callback method "default-mandatory-attribute"
  cellClasses?: { [key: string]: string };

   * CSS class selector for column headers, can only be used when "inlineFilter" mode is enabled.
  headerStyle?: string;

   * Makes column mandatory or optional @default(false)
  mandatory?: boolean;

   * Makes column visibility configurable  @default(false)
  visibilityConfigurable?: boolean;

   * Key of the column entry
  [key: string]: any;

   * "data-list-tree"-cell value is draggable @default(false)
  draggable?: boolean;

   * "data-list-tree" if draggable only tree leaves are draggable @default(false)
  onlyLeavesDraggable?: boolean;

   * cells in the column droppable/non-droppable @default(true)
  allowDrop?: boolean;

   * Enables/Disables column auto-sizing @default(false)
  autosize?: boolean;

   * Editing layout. It is used for attribute types : ['TYPE_TEXT' and 'META'].
   * its possible values are : ['list' , 'textarea', 'dialog']. @default('list')
  editLayout?: string;

export type ColumnMap = { [column: string]: Column };

export interface DataListHeaderGroup {
   * Label for the header
  header?: string;

   * Parent of the header group, if present
  parent?: string;

   * Header group number, used for sorting
  order?: number;

   * Header group identifier,
   * needed for identifying which column field to render and for sorting in case of it's a parent
  identifier?: any;

export interface DataListConfiguration {
   * Data-list identifier
  identifier?: string;

   * Data-list title
  title?: string;

   * List of static columns to be rendered in data-list
  columns?: Column[];

   * Deprecated: feature is now removed.
   * List of data-list groups headers
  headers?: DataListHeaderGroup[];

   * Unique property key, needed to differentiate between data-list rows
  primaryKey?: string;

   * Property key, needed to get data from response
  dataType?: string;

   * CSS class selector for header component @default("primary")
  header?: string;

   * Shows/Hides the panel header @default(true)
  withHeader?: boolean;

   * Shows/Hides the border of the panel frame @default(true)
  withBorder?: boolean;

   * Adds the text in the help icon
  infoText?: string;

   * Adds the title to the text provided by the help icon
  infoTitle?: string;

   * Set autofocus on the field
  focusFreeTextSearch?: boolean;

   * Adds the link to the wiki page explaining the functionality of the content
  wikiLink?: string;

   * Deprecated: feature is now removed.
   * Enables/Disables expanding/collapsing data-list panel vertically  @default(false)
  isCollapsible?: boolean;

   * Deprecated: feature is now removed.
   * Enables/Disables expanding/collapsing data-list panel horizontally @default(false)
  isSideCollapsible?: boolean;

   * Mode used for loading data, for eager loading use "eager",
   * otherwise it will be set to lazy loading @default("eager")
  loadingMode?: string;

   * Url used to get data for "Attributes" dialog
  attributeUrl?: string;

   * Property key needed to get data from the "attributeUrl" response
  attributesDataType?: string;

   * The configuration for the filter selection dropdown used in "Attributes" dialog.
   * Use an empty object (ie: {}) in order for the dropdown to be removed
  selectFilterParams?: SelectFilterParams;

   * List of property keys used to set additional information text for the attributes in the "Attributes" dialog @default(["type", "group"])
  selectAttributeAdditionalProperties?: string[];

   * Configures the maximum number of selectable attributes
   * @default(100)
  selectAttributeMaxAttributes?: number;

   * Fallback to use, when the user explicitly removes all attributes from the dialog
   * @default(null)
  selectAttributeEmptySelection?: Attribute[];

   * Shows/Hides the restrict to category button in the select-attributes dialog @default(false)
  showRestrictToCategoryButton?: boolean;

   * The url used to fetch/update attribute-profiles, if null no profile selection/update will be enabled
  profileUrl?: string;

   * Enables/Disables running the "restrict to category" action when the "Attributes" dialog is opened @default(false)
  restrictAttributesToCategoryOnAttributeDialogOpen?: boolean;

   * The local storage entry identifier, needed to save currently shown attributes
  localStorageShownAttributes?: string;

   * Url used to get dynamic columns on data-list initialization,
   * should be embedded using type "attributes" in response
  dynamicColumnLink?: string;

   * Shows/Hides maintenance levels selection dropdown @default(false)
  maintenanceLevelSelection?: boolean;

   * Url used to get maintenance levels to be shown in maintenance levels selection dropdown,
   * otherwise the default defined url will be used
  maintenanceLevelLink?: string;

   * Shows/Hides language selection dropdown @default(false)
  languageSelection?: boolean;

   * Url used to get languages to be shown in languages selection dropdown,
   * otherwise the default defined url will be used
  languageSelectionUrl?: string;

   * Property key used to get the value from the response,
   * to be set as the option value for the languages selection dropdown  @default("id")
  languageSelectorValueProperty?: string;

   * Shows/Hides view mode selection dropdown @default(false)
  viewModeSelection?: boolean;

   * List of options to be shown in the view mode selection dropdown
  viewModeOptions?: ViewModeOption[];

   * Enables/Disables handling view mode change using the backend @default(false)
  handleViewModeInBackend?: boolean;

   * Hides/Shows reset table state button, used to clear currently applied filters and sorting state @default(false)
  removeAllFiltersButton?: boolean;

   * Deprecated: feature is now removed.
   * List of row properties keys to be emitted with the edited rows output in "metadata" entry.
  metadataKeys?: string[];

   * Enables/Disables emitting the "rowData" entry with the selected rows output,
   * that contains the complete row's data @default(false)
  emitSelectedItems?: boolean;

   * Enables/Disables rows selection @default(true)
  rowSelectable?: boolean;

   * Sets rows selection mode, possible values "single" or "multiple"
   * can only be used when "rowSelectable" property is enabled @default("multiple")
  rowSelectionMode?: string;

   * Sets data-list height
  tableHeight?: number;

   * Enables/Disables row editting mode, otherwise cell editting mode is used @default(false)
  rowEditable?: boolean;

   * List of grouping configurations used to group the data based on a column or a combination of columns
  groupingExpressions?: GroupingExpression[];

   * List of dataTypes option, dataTypes selection dropdown,
   * will only be shown when dataTypeMode is set to "choose" @default([])
  availableDataTypes?: string[];

   * The dataType to be selected initially by default, when there is no previous selection stored
  initialDataType?: string;

   * Set to true, to get columns defined in response,
   * otherwise alternatively "Attributes" dialog can be used to add dynamic columns @default(false)
  dynamicColumnsFromData?: boolean;

   * Defines how dynamic columns are added to the existing statically configured columns list,
   * "concat" is the default behaviour and simply adds all dynamic columns to the end,
   * "unique" will only add columns, that have _not_ been defined in the static configuration
  dynamicColumnsMode?: "concat" | "unique";

   * A Map containing the list of columns defined for each dataType with the dataType as the key,
   * used along with "columns" property, needed when using multiple dataTypes with different columns
  dataTypeColumns?: { [key: string]: Column[] };

   * Enables/Disables grouping of data @default(true)
  groupingEnabled?: boolean;

   * Enables/Disables showing seconds for "date" or "datetime" values @default(false)
  ignoreSeconds?: boolean;

   * Field that is used to get the productNo out of the data.
   * Needed for knowing which products are rendered in the table,
   * which is needed to reduce the category attributes to the ones viable for the products in the list
  productNumberField?: string;

   * Enables/Disables highlighting "readonly" fields with gray background and and overlayed icon @default(true)
  highlightReadOnly?: boolean;

   * Enables/Disables prompting the user for confirmation in case of unsaved changes,
   * if set to true it automatically ignores unsaved changes @default(false)
  reloadWithUnsavedChanges?: boolean;

   * Set display density for data-list, available options are: "comfortable", "cosy" and "compact" @default("comfortable")
  density?: string;

   * Enables/Disables rendering the rows count after the data-list title @default(true)
  renderCount?: boolean;

   * List of column sorting configurations to be used for sorting the data
  sortBy?: SortBy[];

   * Map used to set conditional css class selectors for column headers,
   * using the css class selector as the key and a callback method identifier as the value.
   * The callback method should return a boolean result and should be registered to "HeaderClassesCallbackRegistry" in widget.module.
   * by default it already handles marking the headers of columns with mandatory attributes using this callback method "default-mandatory-attribute"
  headerClasses?: { [key: string]: string };

   * Shows/Hides data-list when "uri" to load the data is changed @default(true)
  showTableOnLinkInput?: boolean;

   * Enables/Disables clearing the currently applied filters and sorting state when reset is triggered  @default(true)
  clearSortingAndFilteringOnReset?: boolean;

   * Label used for the mode toggle-slider
  toggleButtonLabel?: string;

   * Link used for redirection when the row is clicked in tile mode
  tileRedirectLink?: string;

   * Name of the field that shows in the tile view as the tile identifier
  tileIdentifierField?: string;

   * Enables/Disables overriding the row click event redirection in tile mode and emit the row data instead @default(false)
  overrideTileClickEvent?: boolean;

   * Sets table width @default("100%")
  tableWidth?: any;

   * Height specified for the frame when in tile view mode, used to adjust the tile height @default(270)
  frameHeight?: number;

   * Enables/Disables adjusting data-list height relative to the number of rows @default(false)
  tableHeightRelativeToRows?: boolean;

   * Sets the table height by configuring the number of visible rows
  tableHeightVisibleRows?: number;

   * Shows/Hides data-list filter field @default(true)
  globalFilterInput?: boolean;

   * Disables/Enables context menu button action @default(false)
  disableContextMenu?: boolean;

   * Enables/Disables rows selection when cell is clicked,
   * can only be used when "rowSelectable" property is disabled @default(true)
  cellSelectable?: boolean;

   * Enables/Disables getting a number of rows (the number should be the same as the currently viewed rows, if "pageLimitPerScroll" property is not set),
   *  opposed to just getting the next row when using lazy loading mode @default(false)
  getNextPageOnLazyLoad?: boolean;

   * Limit for number rows loaded on scroll action when using lazy loading mode
  pageLimitPerScroll?: number;

   * Limit for number rows loaded when using eager loading mode, if not set it gets "ALL" by default.
  eagerLimit?: number;

   * Enables/Disables row pinning @default(false)
  rowPinningEnabled?: boolean;

   * Sets data-list filter mode,
   * available options are: "quickFilter", "excelStyleFilter" or "inlineFilter" @default("excelStyleFilter")
  filterMode?: string;

   * Enables/Disables relaoding the data-list when dataType is changed @default(true)
  reloadOnDataTypeChange?: boolean;

   * Url used to export data-list data
  exportPath?: string;

   * Enables/Disables adding a prefix to the data-list title dynamically @default(false)
  dynamicTitle?: boolean;

   * List of sorting configurations used to sort the data-list, using a single column or a combination of columns
  sortingExpressions?: SortingExpression[];

   * Enables/Disables using the igx-grid export functionality
  useIgxExport?: any;

   * Enables/Disables changing table height dynamically
  dynamicTableHeight?: any;

   * Additional modifiers used to adjust the data-list height.
   * The modifiers must be configured and added to body in _positions.scss
  dynamicTableHeightAdditionalModifiers?: string[];

   * Additional height to adjust the data-list, height should be in px (e.g "15px")
  dynamicTableHeightAdditionalHeight?: string;

   * Additional subheader for the data-list
  subheader?: string;

   * Shows the rows count with the subheader, only used when subheader property is set @default(false)
  totalWithSubheader?: boolean;

   * Description added after the rows count value, only used when rows count is shown with the title (ie: totalWithSubheader property is not set or set to false)
  countDescription?: string;

   * The templates for dynamically added columns
  columnTemplates?: { [key: string]: Column };

   * Data-list footer configuration
  footer?: any;

   * Hierachical data-list property, shows/hides "Attributes" dialog open button for children data-lists @default(false)
  shownAttributesSelection?: boolean;

   * Hierachical data-list property, needed to check the children's link source
  link?: ChildrenLink;

   * whether or not it is allowed to copy paste for every attribute type.
   * If this is false it will only be allowed to copy paste in STRING,PLAIN_STRING,INTEGER_NUMBER,DECIMAL_NUMBER attributes
   * @default(false)
  excelCopyPasteEverywhere?: boolean;

   * Adress for the copy paste parsing to use, @default(/api/core/attributes/parse?include=attribute.source&include=attribute.validation)
  excelCopyParseUrl?: string;

   * Add widgets to data-list header
  headerComponents?: any;
   * Key of the configurations entry
  [key: string]: any;

export interface ChildrenLink {
   * Children link source type, available options: "from-response"
  type?: string;

   * Link property key in response _links object
  key?: string;

export interface ViewModeOption {
   * Identifier to be set as option value
  identifier?: string;

   * Description to be displayed in the dropdown
  description?: string;

   * Icon representing the option
  icon?: string;

   * references a callback function to allow customizing a cell's column
  columnSelector?: string;

   * Enable/disable rows drag and drop
  enableRowDragging?: boolean;

export interface SortBy {
   * Column "field" value that should be used for sorting
  field?: string;

   * Sorting direction, use "asc" for ascending sorting or"desc" for descending sorting
  direction?: string;

 * Interface to transport the recommended attributes data
 * A separate `count` property is required to handle cases, where
 * one attribute entry results in the display of multiple different attributes
export interface RecommendedAttributes {
   * list of attributes that will be added to the request URI
  attributes: Attribute[];

   * number of attributes that are recommended to the user
  count: number;

export interface DataListTreeConfiguration extends DataListConfiguration {
   * Property key in response identifying parent rows @default("parentIdentifier")
  foreignKey?: string;

   * Property key in response indicating whether a row has children or not
  hasChildrenKey?: string;

   * Link property key in response used  for loading the row children @default("children")
  childrenLinkName?: string;

   * When emitting selection events the counts will be grouped by this property. In most cases this property should contain the level the selected entry is on
  selectionGroupingProperty?: string;

   * Auto expand all rows
  autoExpand?: boolean;

   * Count of levels to be expanded
  expansionDepth?: number;

   * Clears data in list while new data is loading
  clearDataOnNewLink?: boolean;

   *  adress used to parse the attributes when copy pasting from excel
   *  If this is unset copy-paste will be disabled
  excelCopyParseUrl?: string;

   * Filtering strategy used in free text search. available strategies are "default", "parents-only"
  filteringStrategy?: "default" | "parents-only";

export interface DataListHierachicalConfiguration
  extends DataListConfiguration {
   * List of child tables configurations
  islands?: DataListConfiguration[];

   * Icon shown when row is collaped
  rowCollapsedIcon?: string;

   * Icon shown when row is expanded
  rowExpandedIcon?: string;

   * Removes margin, padding and header of islands to mimic CSS of data-list-tree @default(false)
  removeIslandCss?: boolean;

   * Tooltip shown for expander icon
  expanderTooltip?: string;

   * Shows/Hides table @default(false)
  hideTable?: boolean;

export interface SortingExpression {
   * Sorting direction, use "asc" for ascending sorting or "desc" for descending sorting
  direction?: string;

   * Column "field" value that should be used for grouping
  field?: string;
export interface GroupingExpression extends SortingExpression {
   * Sorting strategy
  strategy?: string;
export interface UriParams {
  timestamp?: number;
  template?: any;
  offset?: number;
  limit?: number;
  sort?: string;
  filter?: string[];
  [key: string]: any;

export interface IslandSelectionParams {
  [island: string]: { [parent: string]: SelectionParams };

export interface SelectionParams {
  count?: number;
  rows?: any[];
  rowData?: any[];
  cacheId?: string;
  children?: IslandSelectionParams;
  treeSelections?: any;

export const EMPTY_SELECTION: SelectionParams = {
  count: 0,
  rows: [],
  rowData: [],
  children: {},

export interface SelectFilterParams {
   * List of properties keys used to filter the attributes in the "Attributes" dialog
  filterAttribute?: string | string[];

   * Filter selection dropdown placeholder
  placeholder?: string;

   * Url used to get the options to be shown in the filter selection dropdown
  href?: string;

   * Property key used to get data from response
  dataType?: string;

   * List of options to be shown in the filter selection dropdown
  options?: any[];

export interface DataListStatus {
  //The field that changed last, will be null if this status is send after init (restored from local-storage)
  lastChange: string;
  //The currently selected attributes - if any
  attributes: Attribute[];
  //The current dataType
  dataType: string;

results matching ""

    No results matching ""