






selector nm-data-hierarchical-list
styleUrls data-list.component.widget.scss
templateUrl ./data-hierarchical-list.component.html


Widget inputs
Widget outputs


Protected configureWidget
configureWidget(configuration: WidgetConfig)
Decorators : WidgetConfigure
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
configuration WidgetConfig<DataListHierachicalConfiguration> no
Returns : void
Protected configureWidget
configureWidget(configuration: WidgetConfig)
Decorators : WidgetConfigure
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:437
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
configuration WidgetConfig<DataListConfiguration> no
Returns : void
doExport(settings: )
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:652
Parameters :
Name Optional
settings no
Returns : void
Public ngOnDestroy
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:661
Returns : void
Public onEditedRows
onEditedRows(event: )
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:684
Parameters :
Name Optional
event no
Returns : void
Public onMaintenanceLevelChange
onMaintenanceLevelChange(value: )
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:625
Parameters :
Name Optional
value no
Returns : void
setGrid(grid: )
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:643
Parameters :
Name Optional
grid no
Returns : void
setSelectedCell(selectedCell: )
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:656
Parameters :
Name Optional
selectedCell no
Returns : void
Public setSelectedLocale
setSelectedLocale(value: )
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:665
Parameters :
Name Optional
value no
Returns : void
setTileClicked(tileClicked: )
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:648
Parameters :
Name Optional
tileClicked no
Returns : void
setTotal(total: )
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:639
Parameters :
Name Optional
total no
Returns : void
Private updateAdditionalParams
updateAdditionalParams(key: string, value: any)
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:633
Parameters :
Name Type Optional
key string no
value any no
Returns : void


Public childSelectedItems
Default value : new Subject<IslandSelectionParams>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput

Emits children selected items

component: DataListHierachicalComponent
Type : DataListHierachicalComponent
Decorators : ViewChild
Public configuration
configuration: WidgetConfig<DataListHierachicalConfiguration>
Type : WidgetConfig<DataListHierachicalConfiguration>
Decorators : WidgetConfiguration
Public dynamicColumnHandler
Default value : new ReplaySubject<any>(1)
Decorators : WidgetInput

Input that takes a function, that takes the following parameter and defines how to handle dynamic columns, selected from the dialog: dynamicColumns: The columns that got selected columnUpdater: A function that takes one parameter (the columns that should be displayed for the root table) and updates the columns accordingly islandColumnUpdater: A function that takes two parameters (islandName, the columns that should be displayed for the island) and updates the columns accordingly

Public dynamicIslandColumns
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput

Emits dynamic islands columns

Public expandChildren
Default value : new Subject<boolean>()
Decorators : WidgetInput

Input that expands/collapses the children of the grid if given true/ false

Public hide
hide: ReplaySubject<boolean>
Type : ReplaySubject<boolean>
Default value : new ReplaySubject<boolean>()
Decorators : WidgetInput

Shows/Hides table

Public hideTable
hideTable: boolean
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Public withHeader
withHeader: boolean
Type : boolean
Default value : true
Public additionalParams
additionalParams: any
Type : any
Default value : {}
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:425
Public apiOutput
Default value : new Subject<DataListApi>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:294

Emits a service that allows to directly interact with the data-list

Public attributeUrlInput
Default value : new Subject<void>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:126

The url used to get data for attributes dialog

Public clearFiltersAndSortingChannel
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:228

Clears applied filters and sorting state

Public clearRowSelectionChannel
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:222

Clears selected rows

Public clients
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:399
Public collapse
collapse: boolean
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:414
Public collapseChannel
Default value : new Subject<boolean>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:132

Collapses/Expands the data-list panel

Public configuration
configuration: WidgetConfig<DataListConfiguration>
Type : WidgetConfig<DataListConfiguration>
Decorators : WidgetConfiguration
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:59
Public contentVisible
contentVisible: boolean
Type : boolean
Default value : true
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:409
Public contextIdentifierChannel
contextIdentifierChannel: ReplaySubject<any>
Type : ReplaySubject<any>
Default value : new ReplaySubject<any>( 1 )
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:163

Key to store context specific table configurations

Public countDescription
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:391
Public currentData
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:252

Emits the data-list's current data when it's loaded

Public data
Default value : new Subject<any[]>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:365

Sets data-list data

Public dataLoadedOutput
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:341

Emits after data is loaded in list

Public dataLocale
dataLocale: ReplaySubject<any>
Type : ReplaySubject<any>
Default value : new ReplaySubject<any>(1)
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:84

Sets data locale, and trigger emitting the changed locale through "dataLocale" output channel.

Public dataLocaleInputChannel
Default value : new ReplaySubject<any>(1)
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:108

Sets data locale

Public dataLocaleOutput
Default value : new ReplaySubject<any>(1)
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:183

Emits selected data locale

Public dataTypeInput
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:270

Sets data type

Public dataTypeMode
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:114

Sets dataType mode value, use "choose" to show dataType selection dropdown

Public dataTypeOutput
Default value : new ReplaySubject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:240

Emits selected data type

Public dynamicColumnsIn
Default value : new Subject<Column[]>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:96

Inputs the dynamic columns that are supposed to get rendered

Public dynamicColumnsOutput
dynamicColumnsOutput: Subject<Column[]>
Type : Subject<Column[]>
Default value : new ReplaySubject(1)
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:177

Emits dynamic columns

Public dynamicPrefixOutput
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:190

Emits the prefix that should be added before the data-list title when data type changes, only used when dynamicTitle property is set to true

Public eagerLimit
Default value : new ReplaySubject<number>(1)
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:276

Sets the limit for eager loading

Public editableCell
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:210

Emits edited cell data

Public editedRowOutput
Default value : new Subject<DataListEditedRow>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:323

Emits the last editedRow

Public editedRowsOutput
Default value : new Subject<DataListEditedRows>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:317

Emits all edited rows

Public endGridEditMode
endGridEditMode: ReplaySubject<any>
Type : ReplaySubject<any>
Default value : new ReplaySubject<any>(1)
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:145

Ends edit mode

Public export
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:404
Public filterColumns
Default value : new Subject<any[]>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:371

Shows only sepecified columns by column "field" value

Public focusFreeTextSearch
focusFreeTextSearch: boolean
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:407
Public grid
grid: IgxGridBaseDirective
Type : IgxGridBaseDirective
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:423
Public gridOutput
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:335

Emits grid instance on initialization

Public header
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:393
Public hide
hide: ReplaySubject<boolean>
Type : ReplaySubject<boolean>
Default value : new ReplaySubject<boolean>(1)
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:77

Hides/Shows the data-list

Public hideTable
hideTable: boolean
Type : boolean
Default value : false
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:412
Public infoText
infoText: string
Type : string
Default value : "list.results"
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:406
Public infoTitle
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:389
Public inputChannel
inputChannel: ReplaySubject<any>
Type : ReplaySubject<any>
Default value : new ReplaySubject<any>(1)
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:65

The uri that should be used to fetch the data

Public invertSelection
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:405
Public isCollapsible
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:395
Public isSideCollapsible
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:396
Private langSelectUrlObs
langSelectUrlObs: Observable<string>
Type : Observable<string>
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:416
Public languageSelectorValueProperty
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:413
Public locales
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:400
Public localstorageClientEntry
localstorageClientEntry: LocalStorageEntry
Type : LocalStorageEntry
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:421
Public localstorageLocaleEntry
localstorageLocaleEntry: LocalStorageEntry
Type : LocalStorageEntry
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:420
Public maintenanceLevel
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:398
Public maintenanceLevelChange
Default value : new ReplaySubject<number>(1)
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:329

Emits selected maintenance level

Public preselectAttributeProfile
Default value : new Subject<string>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:171

Inputs the profile pimRef to be selected when attributes dialog is opened

Public productsInput
Default value : new Subject<string[]>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:139

Sets the product numbers to be displayed in data-list, Needed for restricting attributes to category if other ways do not work

Public refreshButtonsChannel
Default value : new Subject()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:204

Deprecated: feature is now removed. Refresh the data-list footer buttons state

Public refreshButtonsTrigger
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:299
Public refreshRows
Default value : new Subject<string[]>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:282

Refreshes specified rows by primary key

Public reloadChannel
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:102

Reloads the data-list data

Public renderCount
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:394
Public reorderedRows
Default value : new Subject()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:384

Emits re-ordered rows.

Public resetChannel
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:90

Clears the data-list data

Public resetEditData
Default value : new Subject<void>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:120

Clears edited data

Public restoreGlobalFilter
Default value : new Subject<boolean>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:288

Sets the free text filter again

Public rowEditEnter
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:258

Emits when row enters edit mode

Public rowEditLeave
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:264

Emits when row editing is canceled

Public rowSelection
rowSelection: ReplaySubject<any>
Type : ReplaySubject<any>
Default value : new ReplaySubject<any>(1)
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:71

Selects specified rows by primary key

Public rowSelectionChannel
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:216

Selects specified rows by primary key

Public selectedCell
selectedCell: any
Type : any
Default value : null
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:417
Public selectedColumn
selectedColumn: any
Type : any
Default value : null
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:418
Public selectedItems
selectedItems: Subject<SelectionParams>
Type : Subject<SelectionParams>
Default value : new Subject<SelectionParams>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:305

Emits all selected items

Public selectedLocale
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:402
Public shownAttributesIn
Default value : new ReplaySubject<any>(1)
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:197

List of columns used to update the shown dynamic columns for the data-list. If dynamicColumnsFromData property is enabled, only changes from backend will be processed

Public shownAttributesOutput
Default value : new ReplaySubject<any[]>(1)
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:311

Emits all shown attributes

Private showTableOnLinkInput
showTableOnLinkInput: boolean
Type : boolean
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:415
Public statusOutput
Default value : new ReplaySubject<DataListStatus>(1)
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:297
Public subheader
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:390
Public tileClicked
Default value : new Subject<boolean>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:359

Emits row data when it is clicked in tile mode

Public title
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:388
Public titleInfo
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:157

Sets additional title information; shown in brackets next to title

Public toggleButtonChange
Default value : new Subject<boolean>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:353

Emits value of the mode toggle-slider when it changes

Public toggleSideCollapse
Default value : new Subject()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:378

Deprecated: feature is now removed. Toggle expanding/collapsing data-list panel horizontally

Public total
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:347

Emits number of entries (rows) in the data-list

Public unsubscribe
Default value : NgUnsubscribe.create()
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:386
Public updateTitle
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetInput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:151

Changes the data-list panel title dynamically

Public validationOutput
Default value : new Subject<any>()
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:246

Emits validation state for all rows in the data-list

Public viewModeOutput
Default value : new ReplaySubject<any>(1)
Decorators : WidgetOutput
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:234

Emits selected view mode

Public widgetId
widgetId: string
Type : string
Decorators : WidgetId
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:56
Public wikiLink
wikiLink: string
Type : string
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:408
Public withBorder
withBorder: boolean
Type : boolean
Default value : true
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:411
Public withHeader
withHeader: boolean
Type : boolean
Default value : true
Inherited from DataListComponentWidget
Defined in DataListComponentWidget:410
import { DataListComponentWidget } from "./data-list.component.widget";
import {
} from "../widget.metadata";
import {
} from "@angular/core";
import { IslandSelectionParams } from "../interfaces/list.interfaces";
import { ReplaySubject, Subject } from "rxjs";
import { DataListHierachicalComponent } from "./data-list-hierachical-component/data-list-hierachical.component";
import { WidgetConfig, getOrDefault } from "../widget.configuration";
import { DataListHierachicalConfiguration } from "../interfaces/list.interfaces";
  selector: "nm-data-hierarchical-list",
  templateUrl: "./data-hierarchical-list.component.html",
  styleUrls: ["./data-list.component.widget.scss"],
export class DataHierarchicalListComponentWidget extends DataListComponentWidget {
  @ViewChild(DataListHierachicalComponent, { static: true })
  component: DataListHierachicalComponent;

  public configuration: WidgetConfig<DataListHierachicalConfiguration>;

   * Input that takes a function, that takes the following parameter and defines how to handle dynamic columns, selected from the dialog:
   * dynamicColumns: The columns that got selected
   * columnUpdater: A function that takes one parameter (the columns that should be displayed for the root table) and updates the columns accordingly
   * islandColumnUpdater: A function that takes two parameters (islandName, the columns that should be displayed for the island) and updates the columns accordingly
  public dynamicColumnHandler = new ReplaySubject<any>(1);

   * Input that expands/collapses the children of the grid if given true/ false
  public expandChildren = new Subject<boolean>();

   * Emits children selected items
  public childSelectedItems = new Subject<IslandSelectionParams>();

   * Emits dynamic islands columns
  public dynamicIslandColumns = new Subject<any>();

   * Shows/Hides table
  public hide: ReplaySubject<boolean> = new ReplaySubject<boolean>();

  public hideTable: boolean = false;
  public withHeader: boolean = true;

  protected configureWidget(
    configuration: WidgetConfig<DataListHierachicalConfiguration>
  ) {
    this.hideTable = configuration.configuration.hideTable
      ? configuration.configuration.hideTable
      : this.hideTable;
    this.withHeader = getOrDefault(

    this.hide.asObservable().subscribe((hide) => {
      this.hideTable = hide;
  <ng-container slot="title">
    {{ title | translate }}
    <ng-container *ngIf="infoTitle">{{ infoTitle }} </ng-container>
        renderCount && !configuration.configuration.totalWithSubheader && total
          | async as totalValue
      >({{ totalValue }})

  <div slot="buttons" class="nm-widgetframe__buttons">
      [placeholder]="'table.head.maintenance-level' | translate"
    <mat-form-field *ngIf="locales">
        [filterPlaceholder]="'placeholder.search' | translate"
        [placeholder]="'table.head.language' | translate"

  <div slot="content" class="nm-widgetframe__content">

      [api]="apiOutput | async"
      [viewMode]="viewModeOutput | async"
      [dataType]="dataTypeOutput | async"
Html element
Html element with directive

results matching ""

    No results matching ""